Andy Curzon, intellectual, friend and hero, has organized a PFS Conference next month in London at the Hilton.
Yours truly will speak twice. First on the origins and causes of morality and the moral bias toward liberty, and second on the reformation of libertarian ethics to support liberty in the high trust society.
These two presentations will briefly address the first two thirds of Propertarianism: the reasons for the failure of libertarianism to reach mainstream appeal, and the reduction of all morals and rights to statements of property.
I do not know the current state of registration but I believe there are still some spaces available.
Peter Brimelow, ‘Electing a New People in America and England’
Gerard Casey, ‘Law in Disorder’
Curt Doolittle, ‘The Causes of Morality and Western Liberty’ and ‘The Ethics of Property in the High Trust Society’
Craig Drake, ‘Why Insider Trading Can Be Good for Market Outcomes’
Andy Duncan, ‘The Necessary Evolution and the Evangelistic Importance of the Anti-Intellectual Intellectuals’
Sean Gabb , ‘Europe and the New British Constitution’
Jan Lester, ‘Intellectual Property: ‘Non-Aggressive’ Meme-Propertarianism’
Richard Lynn, ‘The Dysgenic Problem of the European Peoples’
Sebastian Ortiz : ‘The Anti-Science of Moral Scepticism’
Mateusz Machaj, ‘The Missing Heroes of Economics’
James G. Rickards , ‘Culture, Complexity and Capital Markets’
Roman Skaskiw, ‘Introduction to Bitcoins’
Martin van Creveld, ‘The Rise and Decline of the State’
If you want more information see the PFS London Agenda v2