On Convincing Others


0 – We are unequally desirable mates – this is necessary for evolutionary adaptation.
1 – We evolved a reproductive division of labor – the genders.
2 – We evolved an inter-temporal division of reproductive labor:
4 – We demonstrate short, medium, and long term preferences; 
5 – We demonstrate short, medium, and long term moral biases;
6 – We evolved, quite naturally, lower(<95), middle(<125) and upper(>125) classes;
7 – We need virtue(imitative), rule (rational), and outcome (scientific) ethics;
8 – We need sacred(religious), moral(normative), and calculative (legal) rules;
9 – We rely upon intuitive(experiential), conscious(rational), and instrumental(calculative) tools to made decisions.
10 – Our moral biases reflect our reproductive strategies.
11 – Our normative biases reflect our reproductive strategies.
12 – Our formal and informal institutions reflect our group-competitive strategies.
13 – All universalist strategy is to extend group-competitive strategies to dominate other group competitive strategies.

Short term strategy is in the interest of the lower classes (socialism – labor)
Medium term strategy is in the interest of the middle classes (classical liberty – trade)
Long term strategy is in the interests of the upper classes (aristocracy – order)

Some people are only CAPABLE of sentimental talk and argument.
Some people are only CAPABLE of rational talk and argument.
Some people are CAPABLE of scientific talk and argument.

So what does all of this tell us about persuading others? It tells us that we cannot (and should not) try. It tells us to create institutions that allow cooperation across moral codes and reproductive strategies. It tells us that the majority cannot understand these matters except experientially – once implemented.

Curt Doolittle 
The Propertarian Institute 
Kiev, Ukraine.