The Operational Revolution

(important piece)

[O]ne can describe events subjectively (how we feel about them); 
one can describe them objectively (how we observe others), and;
one can describe them operationally (by the actions taken).

One of the most useful methods of overloading, framing, and loading is to describe a process subjectively. Hence why physical scientists write operationally, why mathematics requires the test of intuitionism, and why psychology requires the test of Operationism; and why in economics (cooperation), we write in human actions.

The chief innovation of the left was to legitimize the pseudoscience of psychology for the purpose of loading, framing, and overloading. Postmodernism and propaganda are the ultimate achievement of the technology of ‘lying’.

– If we see myth as an attempt to convey truths. We can see monotheism as the organized development of lying by loading, framing and overloading.

– if we see reason as an attempt to convey truths. We can see philosophy as the organized development of lying by loading, framing and overloading.

– If we see empiricism as an attempt to convey truths, we can see rational philosophy as an organized development of lying by loading, framing and overloading.

– If we see the darwinian scientific revolution as an attempt to convey truths, we can see the psueudoscientific revolution as an organized development of lying by loading, framing, and overloading.

– If we see the logical revolution (analytic philosophY) as an attempt to convey truths, we can see the postmodern revolution as an organized development of lying by loading, framing and overloading.

– If we see the (Failed) operational revolution:
– intuitionism in mathematics 
– operationalism in physics
– strict construction in law.
– operationism in psychology.
– praxeology in economics.
– e-prime in language
– performative truth in philosophy
we can also see the the development of the academy since its seizure by the left, public intellectuals prior to the conservative 1980 movement, the media prior to the fox news and drudgereport movement, as a means of preventing the completion of the operational revolution.

We are defending truth but liars compete with us. They compete with us because we tolerate their competition. Lying and parasitism and immorality in all its forms are just thefts from the commons.

I can fix all of this even if I cannot alone, distribute the technology for defeating liars. The only means of defeat is the common law, the informational commons, universal standing, and the mandate for warranty of all public speech.

They will simply invent a new method of lying. However, we will have the tools to constrain them for centuries I suspect.

Curt Doolittle 
The Propertarian Institute 
Kiev, Ukraine