(draft) (learning propertarianism)
[T]he subtle differences in terms of comparison.
CALCULATIVE (HYPOTHETICAL) vs COMPUTATIONAL(DETERMINISTIC) – A process is CALCULATIVE if human beings are required to perform it, and COMPUTATIONAL if (current) computers can perform it.
CALCULATIVE INSTITUTIONS – The set of technologies that permit human beings to extend their perception and comparison ability, and therefore their ability to understand and forecast in complexity, particularly a division of knowledge and labor, as a means of assisting in planning, forecasting, production and decision making. Specifically: numbers, counting, arithmetic, accounting, algebra, calculus, statistics, combined with money, numeric time, banking, interest, contract, rule of law, combined with narrative, history, objective truth, combined with property, exchange, trade, markets.
CALCULATION / CALCULATIVE: A calculation is a deliberate process for transforming one or more inputs into one or more results, with variable change. The term is generally used to describe a spectrum of methods of reasoning, from the very definite arithmetical calculation of using an algorithm, to the vague heuristics of calculating a strategy in a competition or calculating the chance of a successful relationship between two people.
OPERATIONAL: A recipe for a description of a series of actions that produce a result within a limit of precision. (an existence proof)
COMPUTATIONAL: A sequence of mechanically producible and repeatable operations.
LOGICAL – A sequence of operations Not entirely a synonym for rational, since logical statements should be formally testable, while rational statements nearly need not be irrational.
RATIONAL – Reasonable. Reasoned. A conclusion achieved through the process of reason. Drawing hypotheses from juxtaposing facts against each other and determining their relations. Does not imply that the answer is correct. Only that logic was reasoning was properly applied.
IRRATIONAL – Not reasonable. Not correctly reasoned. In philosophical usage, means illogical, or poor reasoning. Specifically that the reasoning applied or decision made, does not result in the desired ends.
ARATIONAL – Having no rational characteristics; having no capacity to reason. In philosophy, not within the domain of what can be understood or analyzed by reason; outside the competence of the rules of reason.
ARATIONAL BLACK BOX – I use the terms “Black Box” and “Arational” to refer to non-logical content that produces beneficial ends. The problem with all religions other than perhaps stoicism and Buddhism, is that their resulting strategy differs from their claimed mythology. Christianity for example is a set of myths and ideals the purpose of which is to encourage if not force the extension of kinship love to non-kin, and by consequence, produce a high trust society.