March, April, May Quotes

An empire with many nuclear weapons is economically, financially, diplomatically, and militarily vulnerable. Many small nation states aren’t vulnerable if armed with a few nuclear weapons, artillery, and militia.

( It certainly SEEMS like the entirety of the NATO/UN organizations are nothing more than welfare programs: desperate attempts for post-empire anglos to perpetuate by bureaucracy what they’d constructed with arms and finance. )

The Warriors must suppress parasitism creating order under which commerce and reproduction prosper. We call it law. But it is perpetual war

You might unknowingly lie on behalf of your genes. And they might lie to obtain your compliance. But they’re perfectly pragmatic in purpose.

Moral intuitions tell you nothing other than how to pursue your reproductive strategy in the current circumstance as you understand it.

If you think or feel a condition is moral it’s the product of indoctrination. Sure, objective morality exists. But few humans practice it.

History is only a guide if you (a) know enough of it, and (b) don’t cherry pick it. Man’s rational thru history. Immorality can be rational.

Promise of hereafter(priests tithes), (church indulgences). Promise of socialism(vote). Promise of prosperity(academy diploma). All lies.

1) The Apostles, the Council of Nicaea, The Pulpit. 2) Boaz/Freud/Marx, The Frankfurt School, the Academy. Two false promises to deny truth.

Monotheistic Religion requires submission and submission is incompatible with sovereignty. And the experience of Liberty requires existential sovereignty.

The western tradition consists is in sovereignty, heroism, empiricism, the oath (truth and non parasitism), the common judge discovered law, the jury.

Cultural Marxism and Postmodernism are nothing more than an attempt to use secular pseudoscientific language as ancients used the language of mysticism: for deceit.

Boaz/Freud/Marx, The Frankfurt School, the Media were used to defeat aristocracy, by using false promises to rally women and proles.

The Apostles, the Council of Nicaea, The Pulpit, were invented to defeat the aristocracy using false promises to rally women and proles.

What’s the difference between the Apostles, the Council of Nicaea, The Pulpit, and Boaz/Freud/Marx, The Frankfurt School, the Media? Nothing.




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