“The New Testament Was A Copy Paste Operation”

—“I’ve been writing scripture since I was 6. I’ve read the Bible 50 times. Ive broken the books down in its Greek and Hebrew format. I’ve cross referenced every verse and I’ve come up with a story that’s so believable, the most well informed Christian or Jew wouldn’t be able to argue against it.

The New Testament was a copy paste operation. They moved the verses around like magnets on a refrigerator to make a new book. That’s why it appears the entire book was written by one person. They didn’t even do that good of a job. Take all of the prophecies and show them being performed. Easy.

They used Greek instead of Hebrew to cover up any mistakes a very well informed rabbi would catch. It’s hard to catch an issues when two different languages are used. It also makes fulfillment of prophecy difficult to perform.

I want to perform all of the left over prophecies and complete part of the Third Testament in Hebrew/Greek. The other half I would write in your preferred operational language.”— A Friend

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