The Beautiful Feminine Vision of Christians – and How to Restore It to The Masculine

Apr 9, 2020, 10:58 AM

—“Hi Curt… I haven’t done the deep dive into Propertarianism yet, but have watched a number of video’s through John Mark’s Youtube. I am more of a Theocracy based, Freedom to do good, Republic oriented person. But from what I have seen thus far… The proposed expression of Propertarianism can run in harmony with these ideals. Thanks for thinking outside the traditional boxes, and inside a practical and diverse people filled world!”— George Reninger

Thanks. And thanks for being one of the few people that understands the difference between the freedom to do good (faith), and the constraint on doing bad (law). -hugs.

—“Thank you for the Affirmation Curt… I have a vision in me, to see the establishment of an Alliance, Like NATO, but among Individuals, Communities & Nations globally (Including Armies) that Covenantally affirm their alignment with the ONE God, His TWO Values of loving God & Neighbor, as well as His TEN governing Commandments regarding ownership affirmations, boundaries & related reciprocities. This could form a “Life, Liberty & Property Grounded” Commonwealth of Nations!”—George Reninger

This is a beautiful vision.

It’s a beautiful vision until you travel the world and meet people with influence, wealth, political, and military power, who have very different visions that are completely hostile to yours. The faithful like women, by design, live in an echo chamber – even when they travel the world.

I never, ever, ever, make the mistake that ‘community of faith’ scales beyond those who know one another personally. Just as female cognition fails beyond those who know one another personally, just as male cognition succeeds largely beyond those who know one another personally.

This goal of harmony is the same reason women fail in politics. It is why the church always failed as a political system, and why neither jews nor islam can produce a political system but why the jews remain dependent upon host populations just as females upon males. And why the muslims cannot organize anything beyond a family, or family business, a government other than tribal despots, or a military capable of other than small group acts of terrorism. The family, neighborhood, local church community, and village does not scale. Gods, evolution of us, divided the female and male cognition for reasons.

Because for every man like you that seeks consensus, peace and harmony – there are men like me who seek power, to bend man, beast, animal, plant, world and universe to our will.

And the moment people like you are marginally successful with your vision, the men like me in competing cultures, states, empires, and civilizations will conquer you for your folly. This ever has been and every will be.

Because God left us with these rules: the laws of nature, the natural law of man, the christian law of love, and the evolutionary law of transcendence.

There is no steady state. No condition of eternal peace. The faithful like the woman, seeks steady state free of competition. And steady state means you are just a human herd – food for the Red Queen of evolution, because you have forgotten, and denied, that God gave us the evolutionary law of transcendence, and set us in competition with one another, so that those of use who defied that law would be eradicated by those that obey that law.

In fact, I would make the rather obvious argument that the abrahamic faiths exist for the sole purpose of denying God’s laws of transcendence – which is why jews accomplished noting until integrated into Aristotelian Empiricism of Europeans, and the muslims consumed and destroyed every civilization of the ancient world – and are now threatening to destroy ours.

Because christians like the female, share this violation of God’s Law of Evolutionary Transcendence.

This denial of one of the four sets of god’s laws is why christianity is failing among the educated classes and is devolving into a folk religion and has lost its chances – possibly forever – as a political religion.

Christianity will either adapt to the necessity of Trifunctionalism: the competitive compatibility between the military, the judicial, and the faith, or it will continue to be the cause of its decline, because it is too selfish to obey one of god’s laws: the organized use of violence by the militia, to defend the faith, it’s people, and the law that together are the only people on this earth who have transcended man out of superstition, ignorance, hard labor, poverty, starvation, disease, suffering, and the chaos of a natural world that has given us but twelve thousand years of respite, but otherwise has sought to exterminate us with regularity.

Love does not conquer all. Love serves only integrate the conquered into loving one another in conformity of god’s laws revealed by god’s hand – not scripture written by men. The unconquered are the enemy of our people, of our god, of god’s law of transcendence, and as a consequence of mankind, and our destiny to sit at the hand of the father of us all.

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