How Does P-Law Address Harm to Our People on Foreign Soil?

Nov 5, 2019, 10:37 PM

—“I know you rarely address specific events but how would P address what happened with the mormon family murdered in Mexico today, if at all? Thanks in advance.”—

(a) Under P-law all men in the polity are granted unlimited Letters of Marque for the Restitution, Punishment, and Prevention of Repetition of Crimes against our people “upon any land that admits them”, and may use any means at their disposal, and obtain any rewards (loot) they can obtain the process as compensation, and they are insured by the polity, court, and military for having done their service.

(b) Under P-law if crimes are committed against our people, “upon any land that admits them” and if restitution, punishment, and prevention is not delivered, with urgency, then the military shall use all means at its disposal to extract restitution, impose punishment, and prevention by collective punishment such that no repetition occurs. (that means kill everyone in 100m radius etc, or whatever it takes to get the enemy to turn in the criminals)

This means that:
1) countries will be careful admitting our people (good)
2) countries will pay us off if they have to.
3) locals will turn over people if they can.
4) families will turn in their own
5) ‘adventurers’ can punish such people for fun and profit.
6) “…and the world will once again tremble”

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