(A) European civilization uses Self Determination by individual Sovereignty under common rule of law – not individualism. In fact, Europan civilization relies on ‘Commons-ism’ and the direction of dominance expression to the production of commons.
(B) European civilization has a 5000-year record of military reporting, testimonial truth, and truth before face in the commons; meritocratic aristocratic egalitarianism; and the resulting markets in everything including trifunctional elites (military, judicial, and religious).
(C) Groups do act together, it’s called cooperation: association, cooperation, production, reproduction, commons production, polity production, state production, and most importantly the production of war. So yes, people do act in concert. “Man Must Act” is a meaningless trope with no inferential or deductive value. (As many others have argued before me). Why? Man must act to do what? (Acquire, preserve, defend). It is the same as non-aggression … against what? Against imposition of costs. Against imposition of costs against demonstrated interests. What does man demonstrate an interest in? The natural (life), the private; that of family, kin, and kith; interest in commons, in institutions, in norms, traditions, and values that capitalize the commons at the cost of suppression of impulse and at the cost of the reproduction of the unfit for those markets. And, Rothbard, seeking an authoritarian middle-class monopoly, is no different from Marx, seeking a working-class authoritarian monopoly. That’s no different from the Jewish (Trotsky) Neoconservatism seeking an authoritarian upper and upper-middle-class monopoly. Everything they do is in search of a universalist, authoritarian monopoly. And Europe only survived the catholic church’s success at authoritarianism and ‘mythicism’ (lying) using the Abrahamic method of false promise baiting into hazard. It seems never to occur to anyone that European civ is eugenic and meritocratic market and hierarchical and European institutions (participatory) with European rule of law (contractualism) maintaining natural selection causing the common people to adapt to the incremental discovery, adaptation to, and application of the laws of the universe. The jews practice the antithesis, in mythicism, parasitism, baiting into hazard, and authoritarianism necessary to continue ‘not producing, adapting, or evolving’.
(D) Regarding Marx vs Locke and man as needing a society: This is again, more mythologizing justifying universalism. Jews live in a ‘society’ – one that has only recently in history converted to monogamy vs serial relationships. That society is dependent upon a host polity providing state, defense, and labor (commons), while simultaneously profiting from the undermining of those commons. Europeans instead lived in families and clans, and through rule of law, commons-ism, and individual sovereignty, suppressed sufficient parasitism that the only high trust civ in the world (at least north of the Hajnal Line) evolved, and repeated the greek and roman aristocratic models of a ‘middle-class rule’.
(E) The conservatives understand that the intentional organized, Jewish undermining of western civilization by the oft and openly stated “destruction of the means of cultural production”, and the rapid expansion of parasitic industries: gambling, pornography, entertainment, media, insurance, consumer finance, undermining of rule of law, undermining of eugenic and evolutionary government – destroying the informational, cultural, and institutional commons, that made western commons-ism possible.
(F) We have born the cost of the French secular catholic authoritarian counter-revolution against anglo-germanic empirical self-determination, rule of law, sovereignty, and common-ism that destroyed the greater German civilization. We have born the cost of the German Kantian secular-religious counter-revolution against empiricism and self-determination, and we and the Russians have born the cost of Jewish counter-revolution against empiricism. And we are still paying the cost of the Jewish pseudoscientific revolution across the entire intellectual spectrum” Freud, Boaz, Lewontin, Gould, Marx, Adorno-Fromm, Krugman, Stiglitz, Samuelson, Picketty, Goolsbee, Sayer, Rez, Kelsey, Hart, Wittgenstein, Kripke, cantor, Bohr, and hundreds of others – all of the Jewish counter-revolution is to deny the laws of the universe: The formal (logical, truthful) physical (scarcity), natural (amorality, reciprocity, kin preference, sex, class, race, differences), evolutionary (mutation, load, natural selection, defeat of the red queen). They hate Western civilization because our success was dependent on continuing natural selection determined by productivity and suppression of imposition of costs on the commons because the jews exist by parasitism upon the commons. The jews created Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and the art of Abrahamic lying, which is as advanced a system of deceit as Aristotelian empiricism is of truth. The simple version is that the Jewish counter-revolution against darwin spencer Nietzsche et all, was a threat to their parasitic economy, society, and culture, and they have by design invaded, failed at selling their ideas, undermined our institutions, and immigrated by circumvention of our laws and our traditions, bringing about the second Bolshevik revolution and the second fall of Europe(Rome) to their lies.
Do they know what they are doing? DO women know what they are doing? Some do and the rest follow.
Conservatism (European traditional reciprocal grant of and insurance of self-determination by self-determined means, limiting reproduction those who do not export the costs of their reproduction onto the commons. Conservatives can’t win by selling we can only win by defense. We can defend by force directly as our ancestors have, or defend by improving our law to making the strategy tactics and methods Jewish undermining of civilization illegal, and teaching how to identify the Jewish means of Abrahamic baiting into hazard, by suggestion, deceit, and fraud, using false promise of evasion of the laws of the universe, advanced by sophistry (pilpul) and defended by undermining (critique), canceling, and denial. And this is relatively easy.
Paul is one of the best of the Jewish revolt against western civilization, but he is in the end an enemy of our civilization. The idea of ‘minding your own business, and producing, and contributing to the commons, under via-negativa rule of law, rather than engaging in political persuasion is a genetic disposition of his tribe.
TRUTH TEST: If you can’t write a constitution that can function as an operating system for your civilization, federation, state, and locality that is an improvement on the federal constitution and the federal code then you don’t know what the F—k you’re talking about. It’s extremely difficult. It exposes the failings of your thinking. It demonstrates the exclusivity of the thought of the founders. And with Scalia dead, I’m pretty sure there are maybe three to five of us living that can do that.