Notes on “Why Men Are Walking Away From Modern Women”




1) Humor: I’ve had the first Russian thing played on me so many times by my Russian (Ukrainian) significant others. They don’t necessarily expect you to deliver. It’s just a game. They can blame their inability to pay on their men. lol So that when you really do deliver (in my case, I go for shoes and purses etc) then you get macro points. The russian game works because russan men are masculine. It doesn’t work in the west because western men are feminized. We used to love the game of men-vs-women and we have turned the joy of the sport into a war – because the feminists and postmodernist and identitarians did it on purpose. They wrote down what they would do. They moved to where they could do it. They funded it. They worked on it. They promoted it every moment of every day. they invaded the institutions. They made it happen.

2) Over the long term the only generational value of women is reproduction. Over the long term the only value of men is their distribution from the bottom to the top, provides competitive advantage and therefore relative condition of quality of life. Over the long term, following the universal power law, a tiny minority of men – a tiny, tiny minority – provides all the value of a society, polity, and civilization.

3) A woman does lose her value to more men as she ages. Just as a man gains value to more women as he ages. Eros grows equally, but female fertility expires while male competency increases.

4) Your body will recover from having a baby while young, but it will not recover from having a baby while older. The evidence suggests that pregnancy increases female lifespan and health.

5) Society doesn’t treat women as less valuable when older, it’s that WOMEN ARE LESS HYPERCONSUMPTIVE when they age, so they are less the target of baiting into the hazard of hyperconsumption. WOmen’s intuitions evolved for the care of children and the preservation of seduction in order to obtain resources. But in the absence of those burdens.

6) Historically, a woman cannot support herself and children without a man, so the division of labor gave a woman opportunity to exit taking care of parents and direction by parents into a home of her own, and siblings and fighting for priority and attention, her own children as workers, and her freedom, while a man could gain care and sons. Whether the present outrageious economic privilege is novel in history, so that women are in an asymmetric economic position in a service (consumptive) economy given the export of the labor and craftsman (productive) economy.

7) Most of these women are from the lower, laboring, working, and dregs of the lower middle class, so they are not taught by competent parents, because parenting – high investment parenting – is the principle non-genetic differnece between the classes.

8) A female will react aggressively against any and all demands for self regulation by other than her peer girls.

9) I always ask “Is there anything you have done that can hurt me?” Just asking the question produces the behavior. You don’t even have to get the truthful answer. You will get the truthful behavior.

10) Bonding necessary to preserve a relationship over time requires (a) incentive (b) potential to adapt (c) reciprocally putting the other person’s wants ahead of yours. This means that (d) durable relations will mirror classes (they do), (e) mating very early with extended family support is more durable (true), (f) religion (particularly christianity) or high quality high investment families will train you for responsibility and putting the other person first (it does). We have the highest incentive to self-sacrifice in exchange for sex and mating under the protection of both families when we are in high school to 20 or 21. After that we are literallly burning our ability to adapt to one another, by putting the other person ahead of our own interests, by delaying adulthood, and delaying the economic participation during youth enough to fund the dating market while young while we are still able and incentivized to put one another first, and when a woman’s body can recover, and she can gain the wisdom of motherhood and the man can gain the ‘protected’ responsibility of fatherhood and husbandry. Infantilization has a high cost.

11) You’re seen as less valuable ‘because of that age’ because the men cannot know you HAVEN”T been a woman that’s ridden the carousel and has burned her ability to reciprocally trade priority.

12) No more than three bodies and no more than 30 is as important a rule as his age divided by two plus seven vs her age. That said, a woman (or man) who has had a series of long term relationships is someone you can trust.

Thanks for the great video in a long line of great videos by a great couple that sets a great example. 😉

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