Lies of Abrahamic Methods

“You cannot testify to any of those statements. In order to state them you must lie. You lie to pretend you have knowledge you do not have. You like to pretend you have intellectual, social, and political merit and status you do not have.

These are the pretenses of the female mind – that lies to itself, and others, becuase the female mind cannot bear reality, because it is weak, emotional, and neurotic -so requires sedation.

These lies, and the social construction of lies, so that women can be socially sedated by an alternate reality of fellow liars, is sedation of the inferior mind, inferior personality, and inferior genetics, from those of us with superior, mind, personality, and genetics who discover and use truth to alter the material world to suit man, rather than those of you who use lies and social construction to escape the material world, into one of delusion.

You are children. Nothing more. And our ancestors have used this religion for infantilized female and childlike minds, to manipulate you so that you do not interfere with the superior mind, personal, and genetics of masculine meritocratic, truth seeking, materilist, aryans.

Abrahamic religons are a drug that allows the weak to get away with lying to themselves, rather than adapting and evoving like adult human beings.”

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