The End of The Need for The Federal Government


Well, my broader point is that (a) american prosperity is due to the combination of english law and selling off a continent and putting it to productive work. (b) american technology is largely english and german in origin, (c) and like Rome vs Athens, superior military organization and subsequent administration. (d) and subject to the same failure: that majority middle class (productive) civilizations over extend commerce (profits) beyond the reach of the military and cultural discipline that made that prosperity possible.

The unity of the USA was only possible because of the competition between the extraordinary value of continental expansion, and the extraordinary risk that the european powers would either claim those territories, bring the states into more wars, or reconquer the continent.

The industrial revolution allowed the use of cheap american defense (a huge island), its vast coastline, extraordinary rivers, cheap land, resources, and labor, to do to Europe what china has economically done to the USA.

So, in the absence of external forces, given the loss of competitive economic advantage, given the over-expansion of imperial government that resulted from the world wars, and the false promise that European domestic policy was possible in the USA, and the j-war on culture, there exists no reason for a federal government that has any responsibility other than (a) military (b) foreign policy (c) facilitating physical trade between states, (d) resolution of disputes between states. And that otherwise there is negative value to the federal govt.

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