I specialize in sex, class, cultural, and civilizational differences in strategy, institutions, argument and lying. The bit about lying in particular is an even more taboo subject that sex, class, and race differences in phenotype, personality and intelligence. And no I didn’t choose this specialization. I chose logic, economics, and law. And in pursuit of law I ended, as many in history do, with these fundamental questions.
The authors of the paper are correct. Here’s a brief summary of why.
(a) The female brain (feminine mind) is biased laterally (prey) for empathizing(more, slower, in-time – people), and the male brain (masculine mind) is biased longitudinally (predator) for systematizing (less, faster, and over time – space). This results in a cognitive division of labor in population over time, that mirrors the sex differences in reproductive responsibility between the female (offspring, consumption, short term resources) and male (brothers/cousins, territory, production, long term resources) because of differences in resource fragility in the short(offspring) vs long term (pack, tribe)
(b) Feminine minds rely on storytelling (classically “feels”) that allow loading, framing, and obscuring (value) , and masculine minds rely on testifying (classically “facts” or “reals”) that limit loading, framing, and obscuring (value) to facilitate systematizing (prediction over time at scale) to calculate internally and communicate externally.
(c) All humans ‘grow’ these neural pathways and biases producing brain organizatino in utero, and these biases continue throughout life. We find very little malleability in the bias even if we may mediate its influence with training. We have succeeded in mediating some biases through repetition. We call these mediations skills. We have not developed the science of truth, deceit, and sex class and culture differences in applying these biases until now, so we have not mediated these instincts, with training despite scaling our population, cooperation (economies, polities), communication, and institutions.
(d) For complex reasons I can’t reduce to a paragraph here, there exist only three axis (means) of human influence (influence persuasion coercion war): 1. Feminine socal superpredation by seduction(care) to ostracization (canceling), 2. Neutral Reciprocity (cooperation-trade to evasion-boycott), and 3. Masculine political superpredation by force by defense to offense. All influence exists somewhere on that triangle. (Oddly, only european males use trifunctionalism (three institutions of independent feminine religion, neutral judiciary, and masculine state), and women and all other surviving civilizations strive toward producing decision making by monopoly instead. This is why europeans invented what we call democracy, which is the antithesis (prohibition on) discretionary (positive) authority, leaving only decidable (negative) authority.) Trufunctioanlism is the only means of preventing authority(command) while preserving decidability(dispute resolution).
(e) The left, progressive(consumption), maternal, infantilizing, limiting responsibility and accountability, and via-positiva authority (do, act together) is an expression of the female instinctual bias. The right (capitalizing), paternal, ‘adulting’, maximizing responsibility and accountability, and via-negativa authority (dont, act with agency) is an expression of the male bias.
(f) My understanding is that the economic and political influence of the feminine mind has been facilitated by the false promise of infinite growth due to the industrial revolution, the marxist sequence’s repetition of the abrahamic religion’s undermining of the ancient world, the capture of the academy by this the reduction of the requirement for responsibiilty and accountability, and our failure to maintain the equal prohibition on the female means of warfare that we evolved to suppress the male means of warfare. And this is the origin of the present conflict, that can only be satisfied by conquest, restoration of reciprocity and responsibility, or separation. And separation will lead to restoration of pre-agrarian trends toward speciation.
(g) The existence of the authors of the paper are a evidence of the emergence of awareness of this set of problems as the cause of present frictions: the ability to use female warfare (social) at scale made possible by mass media, repeating the success of the axial age religions to control the emergent military aristocracies, which in turn repeated the success of females rallying betas to suppress alphas, so that they could control their consumption and reproduction.
(H) The criticism of the author’s method does not indicate that the findings are false.Instead that he inadequately explained the causal mechanism between the loading framing and overloading of feminine and liberal speech signaling vs conservative testimonial speech signaling. And the F/K technique is adequate if not sufficient for contributing to the discourse.