Promo Text for NLI Conference

The Natural Law Institute Conference

Boston Area, 10-12th, of November 2023

  • Title: “From Theory to Practice
    • Changing our Mission from Theory to Activism
    • Working with everyone to produce Actions.
    • Especially by legal activism and where necessary lawfare.
  • Pitch: The Full Spectrum of Solutions:
    • Restoring families, education, duty to civil society, economy, and the law and our government: enabling and producing the responsibilities necessary for the preservation of a free and prosperous people.
      • Families: Restoring the Family and its stability as the focus of all policy, and the family as the first institution all others build upon, as the smallest unit of liberty, freedom, and political action.
      • Education: Restoring education to the production of competency and responsibility, while updating it to take advantage of future technology.
      • Economy: Restoring the economy, financial sector, consumer credit, educational costs, and taxation, for the benefit of the intergenerational family.
      • Law: Restoring our constitution, law, and courts as the decider & adjudicator of all disputes and the indicator of conflict (unsettlement), and ending the age of undermining canceling and reputation destruction, as well as restoring truthful speech in public to the public in matters public.
      • Militia: Restoring the militia – public responsibility to one another for defense, policing, disaster, care, and recovery – as the primary unit of sovereignty and polity – restoring the civil society. And the Inalienable duties of Training > Fitness > Cooperation > Education > Skills > and Civil Service as the foundation for expanding rights.
  • Promise:
    • We offer cognitive clarity, a means of understanding ourselves, the world, and even the universe, and how to prioritize your attention and and you agency with confidence, so that individually and a group we can reverse our decline.
    • There isn’t a problem at human scale that we don’t know how solve. There isn’t a principled conflict in existence that we can’t address. All that remains is working together to solve those problems by bringing those solutions into existence.
    • Once you know the solution, victory is just the work to bring it about.
  • Call To Action:
    • Please join us and together, a bit at a time, we’ll bring about the change we all want and need, for ourselves and the generations to come.

By Brandon Hayes, Lord High Comissioner.

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