Las diferencias entre familias, clanes, razas y tribus
El Problema: La regresión constante de la calidad de los hombres por debajo de la media y las desviaciones estándar crean la necesidad para que existan presiones persistentes que mantengan una necesidad genética en los grupos humanos. Esto quiere decir que los grupos pueden perder calidad muy fácilmente en cualquier momento que permitan mezclarse entre…
Class Liberties
So, as far as I know, you are always a slave as long as you are dependent upon other people’s efforts to survive. 1 – Undomesticated animal 2 – Slave (no rights) 3 – Serf (rights to some of the proceeds of labor) 4 – Employee/Freeman (rights to property, rights to the proceeds of labor,…
Those who fight Those who judge Those who choose (risk) Those who discover (research) Those who organize ( manage ) Those who produce Those who reproduce Those who care Those who are unable Those who are criminal Those who betray.
Differences in Families, Clans, Tribes, Nations, Races
Working theory: PROBLEM Constant regression toward the mean creates the need for persistent pressures to maintain a genetic advantage in the group. Meaning that groups can regress easily at any point through admixture, or shifting of rates of reproduction within the group. VALUE Man can adapt to any circumstance without requiring evolutionary mutation, but due…