Category: P05-Institutions (Thou Shall)

  • Perfect Government

    NOT ONLY CAN WE HAVE A PERFECT GOVERNMENT – WE HAD IT. We had the perfect government: Monarchy, Multi-House Parliaments with one house per class, and the Common Law under Rule of law, under Nationalism (tribalism). The Monarch had only power of veto. The houses functioned as a market for trading commons between the different…

  • What’s Wrong With Contemporary Capitalism?

    WHAT’S WRONG WITH CONTEMPORARY CAPITALISM WHEN NOT PAYING PEOPLE TO DO GOOD (PRODUCTION), WE HAVE TO PAY PEOPLE FOR NOT DOING BAD. (From elsewhere) Competition is necessary for INVENTION, including the inventions in productivity that reduce prices – and competition is necessary to eliminate rent seeking (parasitism). Property, Contract, Money, Prices, Profit, are necessary for…

  • Religion: Accountability

    The Third Principle of Freedom of Religion is accountability. That is, that all members of any faith are responsible for the heresies within that faith. Ergo, if your faith has members that violate natural law, reciprocity, or accountability then, this religion is by definition not a right, and does not protect fundamental rights.

  • Religion: The Principle of Reciprocity

    The Second Principle of Freedom of Religion is Reciprocity. So if a religion violates the principle of reciprocity, then it cannot be claimed as a fundamental right, since reciprocity is a necessary fundamental right.

  • No More Books Of Lies

    [N]O MORE BOOKS OF LIES The Vedas were invented to control The Avesta invented to divide The Talmud invented to deceive. The Bible invented to enslave. The Koran invented to conquer. Das Capital to steal. The General Theory to Impoverish. The Truth to set us free. NO MORE LIES. ?#?NewRight?


    [F]OOD FOR THOUGHT: I usually position this question within intellectual history as the sequence: (a) anthropomorphism / narrative oral tradition / hunter gathering / Shamans vs Warriors / Tribalism (b) theism / writing / agrarianism / Temple and Church Bureaucracy vs Warriors / Tribal Unificationism (c) moralism (rationalism) and modernism / printing / capitalism /…

  • As Far As I know, This Is The Definitive Analysis of the Church

    [A]s far as I know: 1) The church served as a wealthy but weak professional administrative branch of government. 2) The church could grant moral authority to nobility and monarchy, or revoke it. Meaning that if revoked, your lands were marked for conquest by others. 3) The central tenet of christianity is the extension of…

  • Will We See A Post-Religious Future?

    [G]iven that we see a decline in religiosity. 1) ON ARATIONAL VS RATIONAL VS EMPIRICAL ETHICS – Rationalism (rational ethics) increases as IQ increases – Religiosity (arational ethics) increases as IQ decreases. – Impulsivity and crime increase as IQ decreases. – There is a positive correlation between non-criminality and religion as IQ decreases. (The whole…

  • Against The Boomer-Academy’s Sale of Indulgences – A Charter for The New Reformation

    (good arguments for your use.) Myths About Attending College Debunked [C]hristopher, This self-serving post is disingenuous at best. As far as we know, right now, students learn almost nothing in university that is used in life. University largely performs a filtering and indoctrination service. So students are filtered out of the workforce by extremely expensive…

  • The Cure for Propaganda – And Western Civilization

    (second draft)(important piece) [P]ropaganda is intentionally defective product, produced for the purpose of obtaining power, delivered with intent to persuade by deception, using rhetorical devices including: conflation, loading, framing, overloading, obscurantism, straw-men, outright lying, and dependent upon repetition as a means of creating confirmatory “evidence”, to produce an intuitive rather than rational response. The traditional,…