Category: 7.01-Introduction


    0) The End of the conquest of the continent 1) The only value of scale is war at the cost of innovation 2) Self-determination and innovation 3) Devolution or secession or ghettos, or civil war. 4) Preservation of federal insurer of last resort 5) Defense of the informational commons from falsehood and fraud.

  • We Have No Recourse But Civil War

    Democrats own responsibility for the 1965 immigration bill designed to flood the country with underclasses – reversing two centuries of the Puritan’s American eugenic experimentation. Why? Because socialism is undesirable to the productive people, and the people would not have it. The democrats are responsible for the destruction of the family. And the destruction of…

  • Fragility: It’s Easier Than Ever to Revolt

    (from elsewhere)(archival) [F]ree Northerner, Our opponents attacked us with better leadership, better organization, outright lies, obscurant rationalism, pseudoscience, and propaganda: repeated over and over again. Most effectively by achieving by judicial activism and immigration, what could not be achieved by persuasion. And of those who could be persuaded, it was predominantly women who, like they…