The Majority-Female Inability to Adapt to Evolutionary Civilization
THE MAJORITY-FEMALE INABILITY TO ADAPT TO EVOLUTIONARY CIVILIZATION Sovereignty, Markets for Polities, Federation, Loyalty, reconciliation, truth before face, duty before self(responsibility) are all interdependent requirements for maximum adaptive velocity. Note that these are all opposites of female instinct, intuition, and behavior. Europeanism is costly. Females can’t practice loyalty necessary for a distributed federation because they…
The Great Replacment Is Just the Most Recent War of Masculine European vs Feminine Middle Eastern
THE GREAT REPLACMENT IS JUST THE MOST RECENT WAR OF MASCULINE EUROPEAN VS FEMININE MIDDLE EASTERN Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (occultists) are counter-revolutions against the anatolian, greco, roman (naturalists) invention of reason and the conquest of the primitive peoples of the middle east by both European and Persian branches of the Indo European Genetic and…
Loyalty Between Christian Peasantry(weak) and Aryan Aristocracy(strong) Is Enough.
LOYALTY BETWEEN CHRISTIAN PEASANTRY(Weak) AND ARYAN ARISTOCRACY(Strong) IS ENOUGH. For the sake of loyalty to our ‘misguided kin’, we can in fact legislate special dispensation for Christians for the simple reason that while Christianity does persuade and indoctrinate using the Abrahamic method of fraud, the five first principles of the Christian religion are in fact…
“The God of the Aryans is Wotan and not the christian god.” -Jung
The God of the Aryans is Wotan and not the christian god. The alien doctrines of christianin were forced upon pagan Europe by point of sword with strong political posturing. Had Christianity not incorporated much of the old Euro-pagan traditions it could scarce have lasted into these present times. Without exception the most singular deleterious…
the war is total
Conflict with our competitors, even if violent, is subject to rules whether unwritten (honor) or written (Westphalia, Geneva) and reconciliation follows resolution. With the enemy, the war is total, limited only by laws of nature, and ends only with the destruction of one side.
Methods of Elites are Genetic
White People Testify. Jewish People Storytell.Men Systematize…….Women empathizeReals……………………..FeelsTruth …………………….DesirabilityAdaptation……………..Evasion of AdaptationConsistency …………..InconsistencyEmpirical Thinking…..Magical Thinking
Public Goods Are Always an Externality Produced by Eliminating Bads
PUBLIC GOODS ARE ALWAYS AN EXTERNALITY PRODUCED BY ELIMINATING BADSby Luke Weinhagen “Education will provide salvation!” Via Positiva: Investing in the “Public Good” will produce a good public.Via Negativa: Investing in a good public will produce the “Public Good”. The former attempts to compel order by pretending entropy does not exist. The latter supports the…
A VIKING CHRISTMAS STORY( I repost every year on christmas eve. ; ) ) Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the villageThe men sharpened knives and the boys dreamt of pillage.The skulls were all hung by the chimney with careIn hopes on the morrow, more would be there. The girls were nestled…
Edward Bernays: Propaganda
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits andopinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.” Propagandaby Edward Bernays, 1928Wikipedia: “Propaganda” incorporated the literature from social science and psychological manipulation…
“Hate speech” is when you use the gift of pattern recognition to state the obvious and say the things that others are all thinking, but are too afraid to say out loud.
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Intellectual curiosity combined with intellectual honesty isn’t pestering – it’s reprieve. 😉 (My response to an apology for pestering me. It’s not pestering. 😉 )
It’s my responsibility to render evolutionary computation accessible
My goal is to articulate the laws of nature, including the Natural Law as a formal logic and science of decidability. However, the result is to facilitate the formation of any political, economic, and social order people desire – as long as they bear the consequences of it. 😉 So what we are trying to…
Federation not Federalism
United States of Europe? Idiocy. The wrong direction. The USA is falling apart while Europe is trying to recreate the problem. Why? The only value in federation is trade dispute resolution, compatible infrastructure, defense, and foreigh policy. The value of Several States is custom culture, commons, policy.
a state wthin a state
TFAANG are producing a state within a state the way the church (all abrahamic religions) produced a state wthin a state for exactly the same purposes using exactly the same means: social construction of hostile narratives using foreigners, and over time, producing same collapse.
Inverse Crypto Strategy
RE: CRYPTOThe opposite strategy for achieving the same ends is to say ‘We must produce a technological basis for the organization, operation, and perpetuation of good government.’ Govt was made possible by evolutionary progress in record keeping, measurements, and rules
Sex and Political Differences in Oppression Narrative
SEX AND POLITICAL DIFFERENCES IN OPPRESSION NARRATIVE The oppression narrative of the cognitive feminine left envisions a hostile dominant opposition. The conspiracy narrative of the cognitively male right, envisions hostile peers. They’re expressions of differences in sex cognitive bias, where we anthropomorphize natural processes.
The Burden of Liberty: Responsibility
QUEEN SENDS NAVY TO STOP ILLEGAL MIGRATION: The monarchy is the court of appeal of last resort. This is why the monarchy+military+courts are necessary: to compensate for the natural incompetence of political systems at the extremes. Americans were cursed when Washington refused the role of monarch. Why? Because the natural law of reciprocity, the common…
Philosophy is dead.
PHILOSOPHY IS DEADPainful truth: philosophy as other than the study of intellectual history – meaning the evolution of the sciences – is (empirically) dead. So ‘interesting’ is a useful means of evading that fact, where ‘best’ would have in the past. Now: Truth=Science, Preference=Philosophy.
The Most Intolerant Minority Wins. but Why?
THE MOST INTOLERANT MINORITY WINS. BUT WHY? Yes. Correct. Why? Because intolerance is costly – and so the minority willing to pay the highest costs of intolerance are those that win the market for intolerance, by superior production distribution and application of intolerance. P-Law maximizes intolerance for violations of the natural law and the European…
Europeans Differ only In Priority Under Our Unique Trifuctional Civilization
EUROPEANS DIFFER ONLY IN PRIORITY UNDER OUR UNIQUE TRIFUCTIONAL CIVILIZATION Trifunctionalism:Europeans all demonstrate behavior somewhere on this Triangle differing only in priority. …………(Male)Martial ………… EmpiricalAryan ———– Aristotelian……\ ……………./……….Christian……….Empathic……….(Female)
How Do We Increase Intolerance?
“Q: IF THE MOST INTOLERANT WINS, THEN HOW DO WE INCREASE INTOLERANCE?” – @EthicalNeuromancer ANSWER: We increase our law – a law evolved to suppress the irreciprocity among males and the male strategy of force – to also suppress the irreciprocity among females, and the female strategy of denial, deceit, seduction, false promise, baiting into hazard,…
The North Sea Peoples
Religions Produce Mindfulness Not Salvation – and Christianity Doesn”t Even Produce Safety
RELIGIONS PRODUCE MINDFULNESS NOT SALVATION – AND CHRISTIANITY DOESN”T EVEN PRODUCE SAFETY Mindfulness is required for humans to organize in large numbers. Religion is the cheapest method of producing mindfulness. The purpose of most religions is to train the individual into mindfulness by training non-aggression that overrides our desire for selfishness and petty retaliation cycles.…
The Pessimism of Economists Explained
THE PESSIMISM OF ECONOMISTS EXPLAINED The purpose of legal, financial, and economic advice, is to temper animal spirits by exposing risks so that those risks can be mitigated. By and large economists lawyers, financial professionals, and economists do not identify creative opportunities – only failures: poor laws, poor financial arrangments or utilizations, and unserved markets.…
The Synthesis of Master-Slave Monopoly Into Male-Female-Reciprocity
THE SYNTHESIS OF MASTER-SLAVE MONOPOLY INTO MALE-FEMALE-RECIPROCITY My work differs from both Christianity (semitic priestly peasantry) and Nietzche (european aryan arsitocracy) in that both Christianity and Nietzche are proposing either-or propositions, while I propose continuing the Thomist synthesis of the masculine-feminine by natural law.