Constitution: Threats, Charges, and Duties

(“The Black Pages”)

( … ) This page is from the era of BLM/ANTIFA/DNC terrorization of the population. It is both incomplete and in need of restatement given the change in domestic and world order since then.

“Violence is neither good nor bad – it is a resource put to ends good or bad. Violence to obtain self determination by sovereignty, reciprocity, and testimony, in concert with physical natural and evolutionary laws, against a tide of civilizationcide, culturecide, ethnocide, and genocide, is a necessary, virtuous and heroic end.”


While our demands are just, such demands lack weight unless accompanied by threats, promises, and the conviction to follow, keep, and act upon them.

Therefore we promise the following:

Our Goal

We have only one goal.  That is to demand the military:

  1. Prevent a Civil War
  2. Declare martial law
  3. Vacate the House, and Senate
  4. Vacate the Governments of the Rebellious cities
  5. Seize assets of hostile parties
  6. Install this constitution
  7. Enact its articles and policies.
  8. Return control of the government to the states.
  9. Maintain order until the states elect new representatives and senators.
  10. ( … )

( Counsel: The military will have no option, since the alternative will be incapacity to act in either foreign or domestic theatres, resulting in fighting wars on all fronts in an era under which it cannot possibly do so. In other words, we will force a controlled contraction under military guidance in furtherance of this constitution or an uncontrolled contraction in resistance to it. )


( … )
Our traditional way of war
our traditional demand for reformation

( … )


“Never has an empire been more fragile”

( … )


“Silence, Darkness, Immobility, Hunger, and Cold”

( … )


“Attrition Warfare Within a Polity, Once Started, Gains Momentum”

( … )


( … )

Means and Methods of War


Charges and Duties

Our Direction to Our People

1 – Restoration of Free Truthful Speech.

  1. 1 – Use Zero Tolerance: Free Speech Is Restored:
    … Political Speech shall constitute Protected Speech.
    … Liability for suppression of political speech is enacted.
    … No one may PreventCensorDenyProtest,  Criticize the use of, ShameRallyPsychologizeMoralizeDemonizeShout Down Political Speech, or “Doxx” (search for and publish private or identifying information), Threaten or Terminate employment, contract or agreement.
    … Heads of organizations, employees, vendors shareholders, are equally responsible for defense of political speech and offense or insult has no bearing.
  2. Liability for the Suppression of Truthful speech is enacted.
  3. Liability for Defamation by Falsehood is restored.
  4. Liability for harm by falsehood or irreciprocity to the informational commons is enacted.
  5. All citizens have the obligation to use law enforcement, violence, or extrajudicial punishment to enforce these liabilities under the Restoration of Free Truthful Speech.

2 – Revocation of Tolerance for Separatism

  1. Use Zero Tolerance: All symbols of non-integration to and separatism from European culture or Natural Law, Constitution and Institutions, including competition to Christian and Pagan religions, are prohibited, including religious, cultural, and political dress, symbols, signs, displays, language.
  2. Use Zero Tolerance: All public gatherings in celebration or reinforcement of any separatist display, word, or deed are prohibited.
  3. Use Zero Tolerance: All evangelism of or argumentative defense of any separatist display, word, or deed, is prohibited.
  4. And all citizens have the obligation and right to use law enforcement, violence, or extrajudicial punishment to enforce intolerance for separatism, and non-integration.

3 – Restoration of Citizen’s Defense of Private and Commons.

  1. Use Zero Tolerance: Carry arms if you have them, at all times, and be prepared to use them at all times.
  2. Use Zero Tolerance: “Shoot First, and Shoot To Kill” in the cases of Intentionally Blocking Roads or Walkways, Stalking, Aggression, Threatening, Violence, Trespass, Porch Pirating, Robbery, Looting and Rioting.
  3. Use Zero Tolerance: Threaten, Confront. Arrest, Bind, and Contain or Kill if necessary, anyone in your neighborhood, not living in your neighborhood, or without documented commercial requirement to service a customer in your neighborhood.

4 – Reward for fighting to install this constitution

  1. The family of anyone who fights shall receive no less than $8,000 per month, within the first seven days of the month, from their current bank, direct from the central bank, from the treasury, for the duration of the fight.
  2. Anyone who joins and fights in the first thirty days lives tax-free for life.
  3. Anyone who joins and fights in the first thirty days receives a $250,000 one time payment from the Treasury at the end of the fight.
  4. Anyone who fights keeps whatever loot obtained from any opposition during the fighting.
  5. Anyone in the treasury and banking system that fails this duty, or abandons his post, office or job shall be summarily expelled from the nation. Anyone who resists the fulfillment of this demand shall be summarily executed.
  6. ( … ) (behavior toward police, fire, emergency, politicians, celebrities)

Our Direction to Our Officers Soldiers, Sheriffs, and Police

( … )

  • Borders shall be closed
  • Immigration and naturalization halted.

Our Direction to First Responders

( … )

Our Direction to Politicians, Bureaucrats and Dependents

( … )

  1. You keep as long as you do not interfere.
  2. Otherwise, you lose, and you lose your life.

Regarding Willing Accomplices

A Threat to Employers of Conspirators

(subsidy for automation) Only in case of immediate reporting and termination: If you cannot automate, and cannot find employees, then you may declare bankruptcy, the State will absorb your debts, and you may receive 60% of your salary for 10 years in compensation, in addition to the constitutional redistributions. If we discover even one post 1964 immigrants in your employment, your assets and your life are forfeit, and you will be subject to summary execution.

Whereas (remember for 10000 years), end the dark age of Semitism for eternity.


Regarding Agents of The Enemies

(21 days to exit with anything you can carry, or execution on sight )


The positioning of white men

Anti White Speech, display or deed.

( … ) Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc… deplatforming.


Southern Poverty Law Center

New York Times

Regarding Enemies

Given that Men of moral mind must possess direct instruction free of interpretation when engaged in acts of prosecution, restitution, and punishment by violence; we charge the Men among our People with the following Duties during the process of transition:

Whereas there exists no possible claim under the Natural Law by which to resist the Declaration, Constitution, and this Warranty;


Regarding Compliance:

Questions for assistance in compliance are necessary. And all possible assistance shall be given to those willing to comply, and those who engage in the methods of our enemies by baiting, entrapment, or fraud of honest people shall be punished as traitors.

Regarding Exit:

( … ) Must be provided exit.  Forcible repatriation. ( … )

Regarding Resistance:

Whereas questions for assistance in compliance are necessary, resistance is not. Therefore any and all counter-signaling, counter-argument, resistance, and anything other than immediate obedience shall require summary execution by strangling or hanging; or in the case of physical resistance, any means at the posse’s disposal. Any organized resistance shall require summary execution of three generations of the relations of that individual in every direction.

(Counsel: The purpose of familial punishment is to force the families to take responsibility for the actions of their members, thus reducing the burden on the Men. Under The Law, everyone is forever responsible for defending the People against one’s kin for three generations in every direction.  The history of man is one of some family members taking unnatural actions on the behalf of their relations without punishment of the relations for benefiting from the crime. As such, every family member is responsible for the actions of every other. )

Regarding Defection:

Defectors and Traitors shall be shot, beheaded, hung, crucified, burned, or impaled. Leaders shall be killed. Followers may convert, lose their franchise, forfeit their property, and pay the taxation, or leave, or die. Having claimed conversion and recanted to any degree, they shall be prosecuted as defectors and traitors.  All who interfere shall be prosecuted as defectors and traitors and shot, beheaded, hung, crucified, burned, or impaled.

Regarding Enemy Shareholder Property

( … )

Regarding Financial Institutions

( … )

Regarding The Fine Arts

Any fine furniture, arts and artifacts of any other than Muslim or Jewish origin must be preserved and delivered to museums, libraries, or post offices, under penalty of Death by Treason.

Regarding Others

Our Appeals to Enemies of Our Mutual Enemy

( … )

Our Promise to Others

( … )


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World Reaction

—“if Your Goals Are Realized in The Us, What (do You Believe) Would Be the Effect on Global Hegemony? Is This Speculation Worthwhile?”—

Yes, Speculation Is Worthwhile Because External Effect Is Part of The Desired Outcome.

Let’s Assume One of Four Initial Reactions:

  1. External Actors Will Become More Confident in World Affairs and More Critical of Our Activity in The World.
  2. External Actors Will Support the Activity of Activists
  3. External Actors Will Seize Opportunities for Political Expansion of Influence.
  4. External Actors Will Seize Opportunities for Military Expansion of Influence.
  5. ( … )

The Degree of Change in The World Will Be Dependent upon Those Actions and The Outcome of A Revolutionary Change:

  1. Acquiescence by The State and Restoration of The Powers of The States.
  2. Continuing Declining Low-Level Civil Warfare and Related Economic Decline
  3. A Significant Uprising that Forces the Military to Enact Martial Law .
  4. A Significant Uprising that Forces the Military to Call Troops from Abroad to American Soil.

By and large the balance of powers will be restored, and either way, America will return to a domestic rather than imperial power.

Since everyone knows this, particularly the upper levels of the military, the objective (my objective) is to make a revolutionary outcome so certain that the government merely meets our demands for devolution to the states.

It is hard to object to my proposal other than out of job defense or collusion with the world’s globalist movement.

We will own the blue water navy for a long time to come. We will lose and want to lose our responsibility for defending Europe. That will force Germany and Russia to work together and end our conflict.

China much like Russia operates entirely for its domestic market. The USA operates for its globalist market. We just need to restore the balance of powers and then we can all focus on the only remaining enemy to the world: Judaism-Islam.

What Will the Rest of The World Do?

  • African states will resist the forcible repatriation of Africans.
  • India will resist the forcible Repatriation of Indians.
  • Mexico, Central, and South America will resist the forcible repatriation of South Americans.
  • The Muslim States will resist the forcible repatriation of Muslims
  • Israel may or may not resist the forcible repatriation of Jews.

The world will seek historical equilibrium in their spheres of influence, and the military will have to return to the continent rather than protecting Europe, thereby forcing Europe and Russia and eastern Europe into their historical alliance (Christendom).

The outlier is the UK and if at all possible, it would be preferable to restore the British empire as the alliance of English speaking peoples.

Incentives are relatively obvious at this point. We are the pin that holds the world together. But nuclear arms are what they are.

The expected result is acceleration of what everyone in every think tank in the world suggests:

The return to historical normal across the world – and the end of globalization as an instrument of power over people worldwide.

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