Article II.IV: Enumerated Necessary Positive Rights, Obligations, and Inalienations


( … )

( If you want therefore you must… due diligence to pay for these ROIs)

( … )


( problem ) (some of the people must be sovereign)

Therefore (SOVEREIGNTY):


(The RIO of defense for self, private, and common)

And Whereas;

(the ROI to bear arms)

And Whereas;

(The ROI militia)

And Whereas;

(The ROI to Courts of Common Law)

And Whereas;

(due process)



And Whereas

And Whereas;

(excellence and beauty)

And Whereas
(duty .. esp to the above…)

And Inalienability;

(and prosecution for even proposing it)


Regarding Defense of Interests, Rights, Obligations, and Inalienabilities

1 – The Right and Obligation to Keep, Bear, and Use Arms

i – The right and obligation of all citizens to keep, bear, and use, any and all arms individually preferred, functionally sufficient, or strategically necessary for personal, familial, common, commercial, civil, and military defense, at all times, without exception, shall not be infringed.

ii – The inalienable right and obligation of all able male citizens between 16 and 65 to keep and bear necessary and sufficient arms and ammunition, and to remain disciplined in their use, and fit to use them in defense of the people and their interests, whether by personal initiative, civic request, posse, militial or military service shall not be infringed.

iii. The inalienable right and obligation of the citizen to keep arms, bear arms, and use arms, and obligation to remain fit for, perform service in, the citizen’s defense of the private and common, as an individual, as sherrif or deputy, as militia, or the Military shall not be infringed.

iiii. Any and all attempts by display word or deed to alienate a citizen or citizens, or attempt at alienation by a citizen or citizens from the right and obligation to keep and bear those arms, remain fit for and perform services in the citizen’s militia, shall constitute an act of sedition punishable by death.

2. The right to Stand One’s Ground shall not be infringed.  All men’s intentions shall be taken by their display word and deed, and all threats immediate and actionable. (CD: treat threats as a promise)

3. The right of citizens to Castle in one’s Home shall not be infringed with the exceptions of murder, kidnapping, hostage-taking, imminent physical harm, explosives large enough to damage neighboring property, and other weapons of mass destruction.

( Counsel: Every Sovereign man is his own legislature, but as such, bears the consequences of his own legislation. )

4. The right to Defend Marriage from interference, and  Self, Spouse, Children, Kin, and one’s Private Property from harm and loss shall not be infringed.

(Counsel: Crimes of passion in the face of present evidence are warranted in defense of self, mates, kin, and property. )

5. The right to Demand Apology and Restitution  (duel) in defense of reputation and honor, to self, mate, family, kin, and nation; to engage hand to hand fighting if unsatisfied; to delay the restitution, or appeal to the People or the Court for satisfaction shall not be infringed.  The obligation to cease upon submission, to refrain from striking when down, and prohibit kicking of the head, shall be preserved; and the violation of this obligation shall be a crime of attempted murder, which may be adjudicated by Seconds immediately or at any time thereafter.

(Counsel: A duel ends upon submission. )

(a) Action by any third party or parties that interferes with a duel, other than to cease it, by causing distraction or harm, shall be a crime of attempted murder which may be adjudicated by Seconds immediately or at any time thereafter.

6 – The right to be free of ir-reciprocity or escalation in matters of defense and duel; and the right o be free of retaliation against proxies (feud), and obligation not to retaliate by proxies (feud), shall not be infringed.

( Counsel:  —“The Sovereign’s ready answer to ridicule, shaming, rallying, gossiping, scolding, fictionalism and deceit, is violence: the duel.”— )

Regarding Duty to the Defense of the Commons

7 – The Obligation To Defend and Demand Defense of Private and Common.

The Inalienable Right and Obligation to enforce The Law by ( … self, vs others, vs institutions … an obligation to at least report a crime.)

(Counsel: (every man a sheriff) (crime)

( Counsel: —“By the Statute of Winchester of 1285, 13 Edw. I cc. 1 and 4, it was provided that anyone, either a constable or a private citizen, who witnessed a crime shall make hue and cry, and that the hue and cry must be kept up against the fleeing criminal from town to town and from county to county, until the felon is apprehended and delivered to the sheriff.

All able-bodied men, upon hearing the shouts, were obliged to assist in the pursuit of the criminal, which makes it comparable to the posse comitatus.

Men who failed to join the posse “the whole hundred … shall be answerable” for the theft or robbery committed, in effect a form of collective punishment for failing to uphold the law. Those who raised a hue and cry falsely were themselves guilty of a crime.”— ) 

8. Obligation to surrender (crime)

( … )

9 – Obligation to Discipline and Demand Discipline   …(manners ethics and morals)

( … escalation of discipline: expression-display, private word, public word, public cry, public strike, public restraint … )

(counsel: Shall be delivered calmly as advisor, and shall not be means by which private frustrations are escalated to public catharsis. )

10 – Obligation to Accept Discipline …

( cease, acknowledge, calm, apologize, cease discipline )

Whereas (Word)


1 – No right to Untruthful or Ir-reciprocal speech in public to the public in matters public shall exist for any reason either directly or indirectly.

( Counsel: While we may not violate an individual’s right to his or her thoughts, we have the obligation to prevent harm by display word and deed that produces evidence of those thoughts in the commons, where demand for desirable falsehoods spreads among those with the least agency to resist them. )

2. And all Speech to the Public, in Public in matters Public by display, word, and deed, shall be involuntarily warrantied, as are all other goods, services, and information, to be free of untruthful speech and irreciprocity, directly or indirectly, or by accumulated consequence of externality.

3 – The Right to be free of, the obligation to refrain from, and the obligation to defend against untruthful and irreciprocal speech in  public to the public in matters public in display word and deed shall not be infringed; and to Obligation stop, demand restitution for, punish, and prevent repetition of untruthful and irreciprocal speech shall not be infringed.

4 – The Right to be free of, the Obligation to refrain from, and the Obligation to defend against, suppression of truthful and reciprocal public speech in public to the public in matters public, and to Obligation stop, demand restitution for, punish, and prevent repetition of suppression of such truthful and reciprocal speech shall not be infringed.

(Counsel: the technique of suppressing truthful and reciprocal speech shall be prohibited.)

5 – Specific Prohibitions:

1 – The right to be free of Defamation in by libel and slander shall not be infringed; and the obligation that one speak truthfully, and that the person, group, or organization committed a crime punishable under law, shall not be limited.

(a) The offended party need not demonstrate damage. The offending party need demonstrate the statements are not false, either in expression or implication.

(b) The practice of “Trial by Gossip” and “Trial By Media” shall be prohibited.

(Counsel: Having opened the Court to standing in matters of the commons, all disputes public and private can have recourse of action and voice). 

2 – The Right to be free of Sedition in entertainment, arts, and letters, shall include;

(a) fiction shall be labeled and structured as a fiction, and obviously so;
(b) dramatization of public figures directly or implied shall be prohibited;
(c) Attempts at creation of a false history (historical fictionalism) shall be prohibited;
(d) Framing of the un-heroic as heroic, immoral as moral, and unethical as ethical, shall be prohibited;
(e) Any attempt to  ( …. )

(Counsel: The Abrahamic practice of using the permissiveness of the arts and letters to harm the informational commons by the diminution of our ancestors and heroes shall be prohibited.)

3 – The Right to be free of sedition by criticism of European people, their history, their achievements, ….. their religion…. traditions…. Culture … the obligation to…

4 – The Specific Right to be free of The First and Second Jewish wars against European people and the restoration of the Islamic war against the world peoples by:

i) The First Semitic War of sedition by Judaism revolt against truth, reason, science, market meritocracy, and the natural transcendence of man out of ignorance and poverty, by the false promises to bait peoples in to hazard by use of the deceits of supernatural religions.

ii) The Second Semitic War of Sedition by Judaism’s revolt against truth, reason, science, market meritocracy, and the natural transcendence of man by the false promises to of freedom from physical, natural, and evolutionary laws; specifically the pseudosciences of Boasian anthropology, Freudian psychology, Marxist Economics and Sociology, Marxist-socialism’s economics and politics, Gramsci, Adorno, and Fromm’s culture, values, and aesthetics; the sophistry of Derrida, Foucault and ____’s attack on truth – the foundation of our civilization. Friedan’s undermining of marriage and family. Mises’, Rand’s, And Rothbard’s undermining of our Morality and Law. Trotsky, Sch—-,  and Kristol’s undermining of our political institutions. And the 100M world dead by their hands, and the irreversible damage to our civilization by their sedition.

iii) The Restoration and Continuation of the Islamic war on human civilization, and their 1400 year attack on Western civilization, and their destruction of all the great civilizations of the ancient world: north African, Egyptian, Levantine, Mesopotamian, Anatolian, Byzantine-Greek, old Europe-Balkans, the great civilization of Persia, and the foundations of Hindu Civilization in the the Indus river valleys. The one billion dead, the loss of great cultures, their arts, their letters, their knowledge, and worst of all, their genetics.

5 – The Right to be free of Sedition by competition against, or argument against, or criticism of the natural law, the law of the European peoples, and this constitution, and the Obligation to refrain from sedition, and Obligation to defend and prosecute sedition shall not be infringed.

6 – Specific Licenses:

(Christianity) (compatible with natural law) (extension of natural law)


Regarding Symbols

( … )

Regarding Privacy

( … )

Regarding Attention

( … )

Regarding Interference

1 – The Right of Transit in commercial and public spaces shall not be infringed. Therefore, the obligation to refrain from impediment or obstruction of ways, including doors, aisles, paths, roads and their likenesses in land, water, air, space  shall not be diminished.

Regarding Several Property Interests

( … )

Regarding Artificial Property Interests


The purpose of copyrighttrademarkbrandpatent, and natural patent is to prevent profit without contribution to research, development, and production – it is a prohibition on free riding.


1 – The purpose of Trademark is the production of a weight and measure, and all such marks shall constitute a weight and measure. As such the right of the people to register trademarks, and prohibit violations of those trademarks shall not be infringed.The purpose of the practice of “branding” using the full range of visible properties available to man, shall constitute a weight and measure.

2 – The purpose of Copyright is to prevent profit from the productivity of an author in the market for goods, services, and information. Copyright shall be reduced to the Creative Commons that disallows profiting from the distribution of works by others but permits copying for personal and non-commercial use. (Defund Entertainment through elimination of market subsidy via copyright, yet preserve rights of creators from profiting from their efforts without compensation. This shall not be construed beyond the original intent of this clause which is the free distribution of all creative works but the requirement to negotiate compensation from the use of such works for commercial purposes. In other words, a radio station may play music for free and a civic festival show a video for free, but the use of any works in acts of marketing, advertising, or branding, or reproduction for sale require negotiation with the creator.

3 – The purpose of Patents is to subsidize BASIC technological research and investment such that the rewards for basic research are substantive.Patents are not a vehicle depriving the market of innovations, or depriving the market of goods services or information, or creating rents, but for providing compensation and reward for investment in basic research.As such, the scope of patents shall be limited to basic research in materials and processes of physical transformation and construction, and in particular neither logical nor aesthetic patents shall be issued. They shall be protected under copyright and trademark.

4 – The purpose of Natural Patents is to provide compensation to individuals for the production of innovation whether by design or accident. A natural patent shall apply to the use of an individual’s genome or any other biological product for commercial use.

5 – The durability of copyright, trademark, brand, patent, and natural patents:

    • The durability of Copyright shall be the lifetime of the creators and living offspring at the time of production.
    • The durability of trademark shall be the continued production of the good, service, or information plus three years.
    • The durability of a brand shall be the continued production of the good plus three years.
    • The durability of a patent shall be the direct cost of investment times five, the duration of the production, distribution, and sale plus eighteen months.Patents may be sold, but only for the purpose of production. Patents may not be held either to deny the market, nor to farm the patent for dividends, nor to pursue profit for patent infringement independent of production.
    • The durability of a natural patent shall be the lifetime of the individual, his offspring whether living or yet to be.

Regarding Common Property Interests

1 – The right of Transit, including driving, on existing routes, shall not be infringed for any reason other than for the past imposition on risk of others by means of recklessness, impairment driving, or interference in other’s driving, whether by display, word, or deed.

2 – All laws regarding the use of private and common spaces and all within them shall enumerate which rights are granted and if unenumerated shall be deemed ‘Sacred’; meaning that one has none of the rights listed below, whatsoever.

Those rights shall be:

    • Sacred: no rights.
    • Transit – passage by walking through 3d space, without mechanical or other aid, limited to what you can carry, on existing paths.
    • Transport – passage of other than body and what you can carry without aid through space, on existing paths.
    • Wander – movement over outside of existing paths.
    • Loiter – Enumerated as ‘Rest’, Sleep, ‘Stay’
    • Congregation – of more than one person.
    • Observation – may observe others, or merely watch whereyou ‘re walking – this is to limit both people observing, image capture, and drone activity.
    • Recording – by any means.
    • Display – including dress, appearance, and behavior
    • Sound – other that whispers from one person to another
    • Approach – right of approaching others
    • Greeting – Acknowledgement of one another’s presence.
    • Speech (Word), and shall enumerate to include
    • …. …. …. “Acknowledgement“,
    • …. …. …. “Introduction“,
    • …. …. …. “Conversation“,
    • …. …. …. “Solicitation“, “Begging
    • …. …. …. “Promotion“,
    • …. …. …. “Listed Topics, Listed Prohibited Topics
    • Action –‘Movement’, ‘Touch’, ‘Play’
    • Usus – Use: setting up a stall, holding meeting.
    • Fructus – Fruits: (blackberries, wood, profits)
    • Emancipation – Emancipation: (sale, transfer)
    • Homestead – Homesteading: Convert an opportunity into property through bearing a cost of transformation.
    • Abusus – Abuse: (Consumption, harm or Destruction)

Regarding Informal Institutions

( … )

Regarding The Construction, Maintenance,  Preservation, and Epansion of Trust



Obligation to perform, right to recieve,

The Natural European ethic

Beauty in mastery in craftsmanship, elegance in design, virtues in meaning
Excellence demonstrated by achievement in adversarial competition
Heroism – direction of dominance, and suffering of burdens to the production of commons,
Capitalization – in leaving the world improved in capital progressing to an eden for having lived in it
Truth – Truth Before Face, Personal, Familial, competence, dominance hierarchy
Respect – a reward to be earned not a presumption to be granted
??? – Public Compliment and Accolade and Private Criticism.
??? – The treatment of members of the polity as customers in all markets of cooperation

The Christian European Ethic

The eradication of hatred from the human heart
The oath of non aggression against others
The extension of kinship love to all in the polity
The exhaustion of forgiveness before abandonment, ostracization or punishment.
The demand for personal act of material charity, and the prohibition on unearned or symbolic virtue signaling
The reward in calm mind, virtous heart, and confident soul by surrender of responsibility and absolution from failure, criticism or blame for having done so.

The Heathen Ethic

The Celebration of Debt to Universe, Nature, Ancestors, and Heroes, whose inheritance we enjoy.
The Sacredness of the Family, The Faith, The Law, and the People, whose contributions we enjoy
The Public Celebration of Joy, Private Suffering of Complaint, whose happiness we all enjoy

Regarding Freedom from (normative etc) Competition (cost)

( … )

Regarding Language of Speech 


( … ) (Differences in language : high precision, low context, the relation to truth and operational speech, the metaphysical content of languages, and the costs of frictions from competing other speech.)


1 – The language shall be English and exclusively English in all public speech, including display word and deed, with no accommodation, tolerance or exception.

( Counsel: whereas English is a precise legal and scientific language suitable for operational speech; and whereas the commonality of language reinforces a commonality and subtlety of meaning, and the associated premiums therefrom, no one has the right to impose costs on that commons we call language by competition. )

Regarding Manners, Ethics and morals (is this here or a separate page?)

( … )

Regarding Norms

( … ) (integration)  (the spectrum of religions)

Regarding Traditions

( … )

Regarding Formal Institutions

( … )

(  … ) This constitution

( … ) (is all govt here?)

Regarding Standards of Weights and Measures

( … )

-Regarding Association, Disassociation, Exit, and Secession-

1 – The right of the people to exit from any political order and its territory without cost or penalty shall not be infringed.

(Counsel: The right of association is meaningless without rights of disassociation (exclusion).  The right of disassociation for any reason whatsoever shall be restored, and no forcible interactions shall be imposed upon people. This ends the forced association of peoples against their will)

2. The right of the people to freedom of association, disassociation, and exit, for any reason, in matters private, commercial, and political shall not be infringed.  The people shall have the right to form gatherings, organizations, enterprises, neighborhoods, regions or realms by any criteria they choose without exception.

3. All members of any organization, whether Religious, Intellectual, Political, Civic, Commercial, or Criminal; and whether formal or informal, shall insure the display, word, and deed of all other members, and shall be be accountable for the display word and deed of all other members in actions of common interests.

(Counsel: The practice of fringe members of any organization to take criminal, unethical, and immoral actions that advance common interests while preserving the activities of the group unchanged, shall end.)

4. The right to be free of harassment shall not be infringed.  Therefore the right of Transit of the Commons shall be granted reciprocally, but no other rights shall exist between one person and another without consent, and all possible rights are prohibited when expressly rejected.  Therefore Stalking, Paparazzi, Protesting, Activism, Journalism, Recruiting, Preaching, Selling, and Begging alike are prohibited.

(Counsel: The courts give us all necessary means of resolution and the tolerance for harassment, particularly of public figures shall be terminated.)

5. The Right of Preservation of Attention, and to be free of Interruption shall not be infringed  (obligation not to interrupt draw attention)

-Regarding Borders and Territory-

1. Any aliens who attempt to enter the territory by any means other than those prescribed to Visitors shall be subject to extra-judicial punishment or execution without trial or appeal, by any of the people, at any time, at their sole discretion.

2. Any people, government, religion, or other organization unable to contain their people from continuous flight such that they pose border risks to the Territory shall have implicitly declared war, and shall lose rights of sovereignty, reciprocity, rule and governance, and any actions necessary to prevent such continued warfare shall be used to restore borders and order, including conquest, subjugation, and rule.

Regarding Organization

(  family, clan, tribe, religious, commercial political )

Prohibition on sedition, treason, undermining, by intention, by

everyone in the chain of responsibility end of indemnity

Regarding Redress of Grievances 

( … )  (the failure, scale, necessity of actionabiity by actors), (access to courts of the commons – administrative courts)

Regarding Judicial (Juridical) Defense

1. Reciprocity of Juridical Defense under the law

2. Reciprocity of Due Process in Juridical Defense

3. Reciprocity of equality of application and treatment under the law

4. Reciprocity of equality of rights, obligations, defense(insurance), and inalienability under the law

5. Reciprocity of equality of freedom from the presumption of guilt, and all shall be presumed innocent.

6. Reciprocity of equality of freedom from retroactivity of acts of legislation, regulation, findings of the court, or command.

(Counsel: No Law, No Crime)

7. Reciprocity of equality of freedom from arbitrary accusation, arrest, detention, interrogation, prosecution, imposition, punishment harm or exile.

8. Reciprocity of freedom from torture and torturous display, word, and deed save for inescapable urgency of life and death in by hostage, treason, or war.

9. Reciprocity of sovereignty by adversarial trial before a Jury of peers of neutral disposition to the accused regarding all traits and aspects thereto; before a Judge of the Law; facing accusers; with urgency unbound by court resources, only by the preparedness of the defense for trial.

10. Reciprocity in right and obligation of Remedy by and restitution and the court obligated to provide the incentive to prevent repetition or imitation, by punishment, or other constraints within those limits provided by the legislature.

7. Reciprocity in Restitution, Punishment, and Prevention

( … )

Regarding Extra-Judicial Discipline, Cessation, Restitution, and Punishment

1. The right of Citizens to employ Extra Judicial Prevention, Cessation, Discipline, Punishment, Binding, and Detention when witness to Crimes of irreciprocal, and predatory violence against people, property, or commons.

(Counsel: Specifically restore ‘street justice’ when performed by that category Citizens (not the people), where our the purpose of the law is to prohibit abuses by the state, not limit the citizens, or the people via citizens, from their right and obligation of defense of persons and intersets private and common.)

2. The right of the people to Extra-judicial Capture, Detention, Binding, Prosecution and Punishment of perpetrators of repeated crimes of predation, with the presence and consent of no less than twenty five citizens, shall not be infringed.

(i) Whereas the court must prohibit itself and those before it from abuses of procedure and law, which leaves open the possibility of release of the guilty.  Therefore the right of the people to act when due process fails, shall not be infringed.

(Counsel: this produces the optimum incentives for all parties)

(ii) Whereas it is in the nature of the people to grant excessive sympathy, the right of the people to hanging of pedophiles and rapists, and to the whipping of scolds and shrills shall not be infringed.

2. (Sheriff, Deputy, and Militia)

Regarding Limitless Restitution, punishment, and prevention

( … ) our people shall be free of harm anywhere they tread.

If given entry into a domain, he shall be constrained under our laws, and no other, and he remains insured by our people, under our law,

Regarding Reformation (Judicial, Legislative, Political, Reform)

3 – Prohibition on Treason (in display word and deed)

(a) Whoever, owing allegiance to the people and this constitution thereof, assists in war by violence, immigration, conversion, information, or trade or any other means of harm against them or advances the interests of their competitors, giving them information, or aid or comfort within or without, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than one half of the median income; shall be reduced to Resident, shall be incapable of holding any office, or to engage in public speech.

(b) Whoever, owing allegiance to the people and this constitution thereof, and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to a officer of the military, or to a governor or to some judge or justice, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.

4 – Rights and Obligations of Sedition

Except in restitution of the terms of this constitution, if two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the political institutions of the people, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.   Conversely, it is the right and obligation of the people, the militia, and the military, to restore this constitution by any and all means possible, save none.

5 – Rights and Obligation of Revolt

Except in restitution of the terms of this constitution, whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the institutions of this constitution, or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. Conversely, it is the right and obligation of the people, the militia, and the military, to restore this constitution by any and all means possible, save none.

Reciprocity in Inalienation

( … )

Our People shall be Sovereign Individually and Collectively

Self Determination

Self Defense

Self Rule by Rule of Law

Self Government


Self Sufficiency

Self Development


(Treason to submit)

Rights and Obligations Under Legislative Contracts of The Commons

Rights and Obligations Under Military Command (catastrophe, emergency/catastrophe, and medical)

Rights and Obligations Under Monarchical Edict

. . .


Declaration of Intentions

Declaration of privileges


– ( … ) Media / movie inventory

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