Article II.?: The Natural Law


The Natural Law of Choice, Cooperation, and Organization

As conscious beings possessed of different degrees of agency, we consciously grasp, unconsciously presume, or biologically intuit, these choices upon which all others depend:

  1. The first question is: “Why not commit suicide?” This question is that of Personal philosophy.
  2. The second question is: “Why engage in cooperation rather than free-riding, parasitism, and predation?” This question is that of Ethics.
  3. The third question – and one that a group must answer – is: “Why engage in cooperation with others, rather than free-riding, parasitism, and predation?” This question is that of Politics.
  4. The Fourth Question a group must answer is: “How shall we organize our people with myths, arguments, and rules to survive and prosper in competition from nature and man?” That the question of Group Evolutionary Strategy, 
  5. The Fifth Question a group must answer is “What are the limits of tolerance for life, for ethics, for politics, and for group evolutionary strategy, before we resort to suicide, separation, free riding, parasitism, predation, and the condition of victimhood?” That is the Question of Limits.

The answer to all five questions is that persistence of the opportunities of existence, of the returns on cooperation, and of the returns on the production of commons, are preferable to suicide, separation, free-riding, parasitism, predation, and the condition of victimhood. Conversely, resistance, violence, feud, insurrection, revolution, civil war, warfare, and genocide are preferable to submission to undermining of cooperation, hindering of cooperation, parasitism, and predation.

For these reasons we organize into alliances of various kinds, including families, clans, tribes, nations; and territories, villages, cities, and polities; to cooperate in the defense, preservation, persistence, reproduction, satisfaction, and advancement of all.

And in doing so we produce and preserve the returns on cooperation, where those returns result from increasing proximity and number, and dividing our labors, whereby we produce habits and rules of order, consisting of norms, traditions, processes, rights, and obligations, and institutions of preservation and enforcement, by accident of circumstance, dictate, or Choice, resulting in the incremental suppression of free riding, parasitism, and predation, both internal and external to the alliance, thereby defending and advancing demonstrated interests of those within, by creating the requirement for survival and reproduction by the voluntary service of others in the resulting market for goods, services, and information.

AFTER (darwin)

( … ) Evolutionary consequences, evolutionary computation.

(CD: continue thread explaining the consequences of cooperation, the consequence of demographic composition in cooperation, the consequences of composition in evolutionary innovatino and adapttoin. So that

The Terms of Cooperation


Definitions: ( … )

  • Self Determination by Self Determined Means: ( … )
  • Demonstrated Interests ( … )
  • Sovereignty ( … )
  • Reciprocity in Display Word and Deed ( … )
  • Reciprocal Duty to Insure that Reciprocity ( … )

And Given;



(Therefore self determination by self determined means by sovereignty in demonstrated interests and reciprocity in display word and deed, with duty to insure all of the above constitutes the natural law of cooperation.)

As Such;

For the purpose of brevity we summarize the natural law of cooperation using the term Reciprocity.


( … ) (only incentive)


The Natural Law consists in Sovereignty (via-positiva) and Reciprocity (via-negativa), in display, word and deed, including Reciprocity in Speech (truthful speech) regardless of cost to the Status (dominance, competence hierarchy), within the limits of Proportionality (in-group defection) within the limits of the utility of cooperation (out groups).

And Where;

Reciprocity requires limiting our display, word, and deed to:
Productive and;
Fully informed (truthful and complete);
– – and Regardless of cost;
Voluntary Transfer (or exchange);
– – of Demonstrated Interests
– – – Free of Imposition of costs
– – – – Upon the Demonstrated Interests of Others;
– – – – – Either Directly or indirectly by Externality
– Within the limit of possible due diligence;
– Within the limit of incentive for in-group defection (proportionality);
– Within The Limit of the Utility of Future Cooperation with outgroups;
– And liable and warrantied,
– – within the limits of restitutability;
– Eliminating the incentive of retaliation and retaliation cycles,
– And imposition of costs upon the commons of trust by which all ingroup cooperate;
– Leaving only the knowledge and incentive to cooperate, and gain the continous benefits of continued cooperation.
– (Velocity of cooperation, prosperity from velocity)

And Where;

Fully Informed, Complete, Truthful Speech Consists In:


Truth: “Testimony that Satisfies Demand for Infallibility”

“Decidability is a criterion used to evaluate whether a statement can be tested and resolved as true or false, while truth is a property of statements that accurately correspond with objective reality.”

Where Truth consists of the series:

    1. Tautological Truth: That testimony you give when promising the equality of two statements using different terms: A circular definition, a statement of equality or a statement of identity.
    2. Analytic Truth: The testimony you give promising the internal consistency of one or more statements used in the construction of a proof in an axiomatic(declarative) system. (a Logical Truth).
    3. Ideal Truth: That testimony (description) you would give, if your knowledge (information) was complete, your language was sufficient, stated without error, cleansed of bias, and absent deceit, within the scope of precision limited to the context of the question you wish to answer; and the promise that another possessed of the same knowledge (information), performing the same due diligence, having the same experiences, would provide the same testimony. (Ideal Truth = Perfect Parsimony.  The Completely disambiguated description constructed exclusively from first prinicples. We tend only to know reductio ideal truths.)
    4. Decidable Truth: Truthtfulness that satisfies the demand for infallibility in the context inquestion. (See Decidability below.)
    5. Truthfulness: High Due Diligence: A Performative Truth: that testimony (description) you give if your knowledge (information) is incomplete, your language is insufficient, you have performed due diligence in the elimination of error, imaginary content, wishful thinking, bias, fictionalism, and deceit; within the scope of precision limited to the question you wish to answer; and which you warranty to be so; and the promise that another possessed of the knowledge, performing the same due diligence, having the same experiences, would provide the same testimony.
      1. Hypothesis (reasoning)
      2. Theory (empirical testing)
      3. Survival (surviveld empirical testing in the market)
    6. Reasonableness: Medium Due Diligence: that testimony (description) you give, as justification for your reporting of your belief, justification, preference, coice, or actions with full knowledge that knowledge is incomplete, your language is insufficient, but you have not performed due diligence in the elimination of error and bias, but which you warranty is free of deceit; within the scope of precision limited to the question you wish to answer; and the promise that another possess of the same knowledge (information), performing the same due diligence, having the same experiences, would provide the same testimony.
    7. Honesty: Low Due Diligence: that testimony (description) you give with full knowledge that knowledge is incomplete, your language is insufficient, but you have not performed due diligence in the elimination of error and bias, but which you warranty is free of deceit; within the scope of precision limited to the question you wish to answer; and the promise that another possess of the same knowledge (information), performing the same due diligence, having the same experiences, would provide the same testimony.
    8. Demonstrated Preference:
      ( … )


“We are trying to produce a market competition for maximization of infallibility in Display, Word, and Deed.”

    1. Truthful Speech Satisfies the Demand for Increasing Infallibility of Decidability for the context in question.


Demand for Decidability Consists In:

    1. In the REVERSE: a question (statement) is DECIDABLE if an algorithm (set of operations) exists within the limits of the system (rules, axioms, theories) that can produce a decision (choice). In other words, if information sufficient for the decision is present (ie: is decidable) within the system(ie: grammar) in the absence of appeal (default to) intuition.
    2. In the OBVERSE: Instead, we should determine if there is a means of choosing without the need for additional information supplied from outside the system (ie: not discretionary).

If DISCRETION, by appeal to (default to) intuition or preference, is necessary then the question is undecidable, and if discretion is unnecessary, a proposition is decidable. This separates reasoning (in the narrow sense) from calculation (in the wider sense) from computation (algorithm).

Given the Spectrum of Demand for Infallibility of Decidability (Who Context):


    1. Intelligible: (Observe) Decidable enough to imagine a conceptual relationship
    2. Reasonable: (Orient) Decidable enough for me to feel confident that my decision will satisfy my needs, and is not a waste of time, energy, resources.
    3. Actionable: (Decide)Decidable enough for me to take actions given time, effort, knowledge, resources.
  1. DURING (Action)
    1. Ethical and Moral: Decidable enough for me to not impose risk or costs upon the interests of others, or cause others to retaliate against me, if they have knowledge of and transparency into my actions.
    2. Normative: Decidable enough to resolve a conflict without subjective opinion among my fellow people with similar values.
    3. Judicial: Decidable enough to resolve a conflict without subjective opinion across different peoples with different knowledge, comprehension and values.
  2. AFTER (Next ‘Before’ condition)
    Informational (Public Speech)
    1. Scientific: Decidable regardless of all opinions or perspectives (True)
    2. Logical: Decidable out of physical or logical necessity
    3. Tautological: Decidedly identical in properties (referents) if not references (terms). So to borrow the one of many terms from Economics, we can see in this series (list) a market demand for increasingly infallible decidability.

Given the Human Faculties:

    1. Sense (stimuli)
      … … Perception (composition)
      … … … Association
    2. Logic Facility (constant relations)
      … … Imagination Facility (prediction)
      … … … Reason Facility (comparison, permutation)
    3. Grammar facility (statements)
      … … Paradigms (‘metaphysics’, ‘dimensions’, ‘episodes’)
      … … Vocabulary
      … … … Sounds
      … … … Signs (acts, actions)
      … … … Marks (records)
      … … … … accidental
      … … … … intentional
      … … … … … Mark
      … … … … … Symbol
      … … … … … … Glyph
      … … … … … Pictogram
      … … … … … Picture
      … … … … … Picture Series
      … … … … … Animation
    4. Communication Facility (“Language”)
      … Truths
      … … .Formal Science
      … … … Logics (deflationary Grammars)
      … … … Mathematics
      … … … Algorithms
      … … Physical Sciences
      … … … Physics
      … … … Chemistry
      … … … Biology
      … … … Sentience (Consciousness)
      … … Behavioral Sciences
      … … … Metaphysics (Language)
      … … … Psychology
      … … … Sociology
      … Disciplines (Applied)
      … … … Medicine (Repair and Maintenance)
      … … … Engineering (Transformation)
      … … … Accounting, Finance, Economics (Measurement)
      … … … Economics (Cooperation)
      … … … History (Categorization and Summation)
      … … … Law (Dispute Resolution)
      … Communication
      … … Testimony (warrantied by due diligence
      … … Rhetorics (argumentative, persuasive Grammars)
      … … Written (Formal) Language
      … … ORDINARY LANGUAGE (Informal, colloquial, and Idiomatic)
      … … Narrative (description)
      … Education
      … … Narrations (inflationary Grammars)
      … … Storytelling (loading, framing)
      … Deceits
      … … Fictionalism
      … … … Pseudoscience -> Magic
      … … … Idealism-> Surrealism, and
      … … … Supernaturalism->Occult
      … … Obscurantism (Obscuring, Overloading)
      … … … Misdirection (Deceit)
      … … … Propaganda
      … … … Disinformation
      … … … Social Construction
      … … Fraud (for gain)
      … … Undermining
      … … Harm (Evil, for harm regardless of gain)

Where Truthful Speech Consists of:

    1. Complete Sentences
    2. In promissory form
    3. In testimonial form
    4. In operational vocabulary (as actions)
    5. absent the verb to-be (is, are, was, were…)
    6. including all changes in state
    7. including all consequences of change in state
    8. from an observer’s point of view
    9. producing a series of testable transactions.

Where the Criteria for Truthful Speech Consists in:

Coherence Across the Dimensions Testifiable by Man, in The Series:

    1. Existential > The Physical Laws of the Universe
      … 1. Realism >
      … 2. Naturalism >
    2. Possible > The Formal Laws of the Universe
      … 7. Operational – Demonstrable Sequence >
      … 8. Empirical – Externally Correspondent >
      … 9. Logical – Internally Consistent >
      … 10. Unambiguous – categorical identity >
    3. Rational > Behavioral (Natural) Laws of the Universe
      … 10. Rational Choice – Demonstrated Preference >
      … … 11. Incentives – Demonstrated Interest >
      … … … 12. Body, Mind, Memory, Effort, Time
      … … … 13. Mates, Offspring, Kin
      … … … 14. Status, Reputation, Kith
      … … … 15. Several Interests (in many forms)
      … … … 16. Common Interests (in many forms)
      … 17. Reciprocal >
      … … 18. Productive (reciprocal increase in capital)
      … … 19. Exhaustively Informed (due diligence gainst deceit)
      … … 20. Voluntary Transfer >
      … … 20. Free of Negative Externality >
      … 21. Organizable >
      … … 22. Power Distribution of Law >
      … … 23. Pareto Distribution of Assets >
      … … 24. Nash Distribution of Rewards >
    4. Survivable > Evolutionary Laws of the Universe 
      … 25. Prevents Regression to the Mean (loss of biological capital)
      … 25. Preserves Natural Selection (selection by merit)
      … 27. Increases Adaptivity (biological capital)
    5. Complete >
      … 26. Limits, Completeness, Full Accounting,
      … 27. Consistency, Coherence, Parsimony
    6. Competitive – in the market for theories
      … 29. Sufficient – Satisfies the Demand For Infallibility
      … 30. Parsimony – In competition with other testimonies
    7. Warrantable >
      … 32. (i)as having performed due diligence in the above dimensions;
      … 33. (ii)where due diligence is sufficient to satisfy the demand for infallibility;
      … 34. (iii)and where one entertains no risk that one cannot perform restitution for.

As a Defense Against the Series of Irreciprocities:

    1. Ignorance and Willful Ignorance;
    2. Error and failure of Due Diligence;
    3. Bias and Wishful Thinking;
    4. And the many Deceits of:
      … (a) Loading and Framing;
      … (b) Suggestion, Obscurantism, and
      … (c) Overloading, Propaganda and Social Construction
      … (d) Fictionalisms of
      … … i) Idealism -> Pseudorationalism, and
      … … ii) Magic -> Pseudoscience, and
      … … iii) Occult -> Supernaturalism;
      … (e) Sophistry
      … (f) and outright Fabrications (fictions).

In Defense or Advocacy of: any transfer of demonstrated interests that is irreciprocal, as measured by requirements of reciprocity consisting of the tests of:

… (a) productive
… (b) exhaustively informed and exhaustively accounted
… (c) voluntary transfer of demonstrated interests
… (d) free of externality of the same criteria
… (e) within the limits of possible due diligence;
… (f) warrantied and within the limits of liability and restitutability.

Including but Not Limited To the Spectrum Of Irreciprocities:

… (a) murder,
… (b) harm, damage, theft,
… (c) fraud, fraud by omission, fraud by indirection, baiting into hazard
… (d) free riding, socialization of losses, privatization of commons,
… (e) rent seeking, monopoly seeking, conspiracy, statism/corporatism,
… (f) conversion(religion/pseudoscience),
… (g) displacement(immigration/overbreeding),
… (h) conquest (war).

Where Demonstrated Interest Includes:

1. Existential (or Natural) Interests:


Existential (or Natural) Interests: Interests inherent in physical existence, self-determination, mindfulness, reproduction, and exit of and insulation from the commons.

Existential (or Natural) Interests include:

1. Self: 
Life, Body, Genes,
Mind, Attention, Memories,
Time, and Action, Stimulation,  Experience, Knowledge,

2. Privacy:
Sexual Preference and Activity
Letters and Records
Home (nest, rest)

3. Kin and Interpersonal (Relationship) Interests
Mates (access to sex/reproduction), and Marriage
Children (genetic reproduction)
Consanguineous Relations (family, kin, clan, tribal and national relations)

2. Cooperative Interests


( … )

 Interests Include:

4. Status and Class (reputation, honor)
Self-Image, Status, Reputation
Social, Sexual, Economic, Political, and Military Market Value

5. Sustainable Patterns of Association, Cooperation, Insurance, Reproduction,  Production, Distribution and Trade
Friends, Acquaintances, Neighbors,
Cooperative Relations, Commercial Relations,
Political Relations, and Military Relations.


Right, Obligation, Defense, and Inalienabiilty of participation in the markets for cooperation:

1. Association,

( … )

2. Cooperation,

( … )

3. Insurance,?????

( … )

4. Reproduction,

( … )

5. Investment, Entrepreneurship, Invention, Production, Distribution and Trade

( … )

6.  Commons

( … )

7. Polities

( … )

Obtained Interests


Obtained Interest: Interests that are obtained by bearing a cost of opportunity, time, effort, resources, to obtain that interest without imposing upon the previously born costs of others.

Obtained Interests Include:

6. Several (Personal) Interests
Personal property: “Things an individual has a Monopoly Of Control over the use of.”

7. Shareholder (Fractional) Interests
Shares in property: Recorded And Quantified Shareholder Property (claims for partial ownership)

8. Title Interests (Weights and Measures)
Trademarks and Brands (prohibitions on fraudulent transfers within a geography).

9. Artificial Interests (Privileges)
Letters of Marque, Patents, Copyrights, Grants of License.

10. Common Interests, or “Commons” (Community Property)

(i) Institutional Property: “Those objects into which we have invested our forgone opportunities, our efforts, or our material assets, in order to aggregate capital from multiple individuals for mutual gain.”

(ii) Informational commons: knowledge. Information.

(iii) Informal (Normative) Institutions: Our norms: habits, manners, ethics and morals. Informal institutional property is nearly impossible to quantify and price.  The costs are subjective and consist of forgone opportunities.

(iv) Formal (Physical) Commons: the territory, it’s waterways, parks, buildings, improvements and infrastructure.

(v) Formal (Procedural) Institutions: Our institutions: Religion, Education, Banking, Treasury, Government, Laws, Courts.

(vi) Monuments (art and artifacts).
Monuments claim territory, demonstrate wealth, and provide one of the longest most invariable normative and economic returns that any culture can construct as a demonstration of conspicuous production (wealth), and as such, conspicuous excellence. (hence why competing monuments represent an invasion. Temples, Churches, Museums, Sculptures being the most obvious examples of cultural claim or conquest. )

(vii) Common Opportunity Interests
When people come together in proximity, and suppress impositions of costs upon the interests of others through the incremental evolution of the law of reciprocity, they decrease the time and effort required to produce voluntary association, cooperation and exchange. As such polities decrease opportunity costs, and generate opportunities. These opportunities are un-homesteaded (opportunities) until invested in by individuals either by expenditure of time effort and resources, or by forgoing opportunities for consumption. As such the proximity of people and the institution of reciprocity under law produce a commons of opportunities that we seize (homestead) by competition. As such no one may claim interest in an opportunity without conducting and exchange by which to seize it.

(viii) (human capital)

11.  Common Future Interests

( .. ) (Self Determination within the limits of reciprocity, …)


The ( …. knowledge, epistemology … ) life cycle:
(a) observation (Experience)
(b) *Free association*
(c) test of reasonability
(d) *Hypothesis*
(e) Perform Due Diligence.
(f) *Theory*
(g) Survival in the market for application
(h) *Law*
(i) Survival in the market for refutation
(j) *Habituation into metaphysical assumptions*
(k) Falsification and reformation


Facts (theories of observations) vs Theories vs Laws ( … )

The Natural Law of Cooperation


There exists only one Natural Law of Cooperation and that is Reciprocity, where reciprocity preserves sovereignty, and sovereignty preserves self determination, and self determination preserves individual and group evolutionary computation, and evolutionary computation defeats the dark forces of time, ignorance, and the risks of flora, fauna, mankind, geology, climate, sun, solar system, galactic, and universal disgregard for our condition, survival, persistence or existence.


Natural Law:

The Natural Law of self-determination by self-determined means, by the reciprocal grant, obligation, insurance, and inalienability of, sovereignty in all demonstrated interests, and reciprocity in all display, word, and deed, to all members of the polity able, willing and sworn to exchange them, producing, and limiting all, to survival, reproduction, and prosperity in adversarial markets in all aspects of life: association, cooperation, reproduction, production, commons, and polities, and as a consequence, the fastest innovation and adaptation of knowledge, behavior, economy, institutions, polity, war, and man, by the continuous evolution of human agency, producing the greatest transcendence of man, in the shortest time, with the greatest certainty, under the greatest prosperity – and the continuation of natural selection by suppression of the reproduction of those demonstrating unfitness for those markets by their display word and deed.”


The One Natural Law of Reciprocity requires we limit our display, word, and deed to productive, exhaustively informed, exhaustively warrantied, voluntary transfer of demonstrated interests, free of imposition of costs upon the demonstrated interests of others either directly or indirectly by externality, whether those demonstrated interests consist in the natural, the personal, the private, the common, and whether they consist of resources, goods, services, institutions, behaviors, or information.

Reciprocal Insurance of Self Determination By Sovereignty, Reciprocity, And Insurance thereof:  

Thou shalt not, by display, word, or deed, or absence of display, word or deed, impose or allow the imposition of costs upon the demonstrated Interests of others, either directly or indirectly, where those Interests were obtained by Settlement (conversion, or first use) or productive, fully informed, warrantied, voluntary exchange in the absence of such imposition of costs upon the demonstrated interests of others exchanging the same.

Therefore thou shalt limit thy display, words and deeds, and the display, words and deeds of others exchanging the same, to the productive, fully informed, warrantied, voluntary exchange of demonstrated Interests, free of imposition of costs upon the demonstrated Interests of  those others, either directly or indirectly, or thou shalt be subject to restitution, punishment and prevention; where punishment shall consist of contritions, constraints, restitutions, fines, deprivations, imprisonment or imprisonment at hard labor if reformable or, ostracization, outlawing, or death if not.

Insurance of reciprocity requires we reciprocally defend ourselves and others against irreciprocity, and provide restitution punishment and prevention for those acts of irreciprocity, and that failure to do so violates reciprocity, and that such insurance may not be alienated by others and or by our own choice. All conflicts are decidable by tests of reciprocity. All attempts at avoiding ir-reciprocity constitute attempts at ethical, and moral, goods. All attempts to circumvent reciprocity constitute an attempt at free riding, parasitism, or predation – whether by accident, error, bias, or intent – are irreciprocal, and criminal, unethical, immoral, or evil. Reciprocity is a necessity while Proportionality is a luxury; and the Luxury of Proportionality may only be achieved through cumulative use of Reciprocity.

The Natural Law Of The European People

( … )

The Function of Law (incremental suppression, market, commons, trust, harmony) to protect the true, good, and productive, from the false, bad, and harmful.)

( … )

Customary Law


—“That which is set or established: Customary rules.”—

law (n.)
Old English lagu (plural laga, combining form lah-) “ordinance, rule prescribed by authority, regulation; a district or region governed by the same laws;” also sometimes “right, legal privilege,” from Old Norse *lagu “law,” collective plural of lag “layer, measure, stroke,” literally “something laid down, that which is fixed or set” from Proto-Germanic *lagam “put, lay,” from PIE root *legh- “to lie, lay” (from PIE root *legh- “to lie down, lay”). Identical with lay (n.2) as “that which is set or established.” 

The Law Consists of those prohibitions on behavior, the limits on behavior, demands for behavior, that together preserve incentives for peaceful cooperation within in a community of common interests; that limit our display word deed and survival to peaceful voluntary cooperation in markets for association, cooperation, reproduction, goods, services, information, commons, and polities; that are not dependent upon the arbitrary discretion of men (authority),  that are the record of the results of resolution of prior disputes, and that have survived the test of time, such that the people may plan and pursue their interests free of permission or encumbrance within the limits of behavior that would harm others’ pursuit of their interests.

The Enforcement of Law Requires Insurers

The Adjudication of Conflicts Requires Militia, Sheriffs, Juries, Formal Courts, and Judges

Europeans, of necessity, developed their customary law before they developed either religion or state institutions because the law was the only means of organizing a militia across families and tribes that could guard large herds, hold large territories, control resources, and fight by entrepreneurial warfare. They brought this law across Europe with them during the indo european expansion. Since that time family, clan, class, state, and church have tried to usurp that law, with the British and Germans succeeding until the second world war, and the Americans of European descent the remaining reservoir.

The Natural Law As The Group Strategy of The European People

The European Group Evolutionary Strategy consists of maximizing speed, maneuver, innovation, adaptation, by the continuous evolution (farming) of human agency, through reciprocal insurance of self-determination by self determined means, sovereignty and reciprocity regardless of cost, oath regardless of cost and duty and truth-before-face regardless of cost, thereby limiting man to meritocracy, prohibiting authority, leaving only adversarialism as a means of decidability, by means of rule of law for dispute resolution, voting for production of commons, and markets for the production of goods, services, and information; the necessity governing those with less agency, and continuing natural selection by limiting the reproduction of those who lack agency and productivity, producing the civilization with the greatest discovery of, maximization of, adaptation to, and application of the formal, physical, natural, and evolutionary laws of the universe; thereby producing the minimum variation from those laws, and the greatest rate of evolution humanly possible, in the brief window of ecological, climatological, geological, solar, galactic, window of opportunity, transforming the rare occurrence of advanced life in the form of mankind from domesticated animals into the gods we imagined.

European civilization, in three brief periods: the Indo-European (Aryan) expansion of institutionalizing the evolution of human agency and responsibility, the Mediterranean expansion institutionalizing the evolution of reason, and the Atlantic expansion institutionalizing the evolution of technology. And despite the Bronze Age Collapse, The Semitic Supernatural Dark Ages, and the mid 19th and 20th to mid-21st century pseudoscientific attempt to repeat the Semitic Dark age, dragged mankind against its will, out of ignorance, superstition, hard labor, poverty, starvation, disease, suffering, the victimization by the vicissitudes of nature, and the tyranny of men – while they fight desperately to ignore the laws of the universe, and seek, knowingly or unknowingly, to prohibit mankind from passing through the great filter by the advocacy of and expansion of devolution and dysgenia by sophistry and supernatural, philosophical, or pseudoscientific deceit.

The European group strategy is only possible by a militia of every able-bodied individual having demonstrated agency in self, truth, duty, reciprocity, and insurance of others’ self-determination by self-determined means, by exchange of sovereignty and reciprocity, who together seek to expand their numbers through the production of agency in generations to come; wherein all members who do their duty regardless of rank receive respect and those who do not receive the opposite. Creating a market for status that limits consumption and maximizes the production of commons. A market for a natural leadership in the market for capitalizing commons that limit the need for income by the many; a market for consumption of goods, services, and information; a market for marriage and families that in turn produce subsequent generations that continue our rapid evolution. And a market for limiting the harms of those unfit for those markets, whether by accident of birth, circumstance, or choice.

The European Strategy is the most biologically, psychologically, and cognitively costly group strategy. It clearly demarcates classes by granting rights and responsibilities to those who demonstrate that they can wield them reciprocally, thereby demonstrating costly loyalty to one another and the strategy. But as civilizations mature, trade increases, the division of labor increases, institutions emerge, and hierarchies and classes emerge that eliminate the material, emotional, psychological, and cognitive insurance provided by family, clan, tribe, and Tradition.

Our ancient ancestors were slow to adapt their natural religion to newly conquered peoples, new trading partners, and to immigrants into the empire. And the rapid economic freedom for social migration made possible by the resulting wealth left open the door for Semitic religions of disloyalty, undermining, and rebellion: ethnic Judaism and the new poly ethnic Judaism called Christianity of Saul of Tarsus, that provided a loyalty to one another in rebellion against the costly European group strategy and the meritocratic classes that practiced it, its institutions, and its institutions and traditions which had treated them as another domesticated animal that were certain to be ‘left behind’ by the progress of civilization.

But while Jewish Christianity succeeded in displacing loyalty to the martial aristocracy in Rome, and their group strategy and traditions, it failed to achieve the replacement of the Secular State as did the Islamic revolution, and the european nobility captured it as a holding company under primogeniture. But Christianity was Germanized over the course of a thousand years, into a religion of ignorance and superstition that made the domestication and rule of the peasantry possible in exchange for relieving them of the psychological and cognitive costs of european strategy. A strategy that still persisted – as manors replaced tribes, especially in the nobility, military, and law, outside clerical cities – and that strategy was revived in force once again by the restoration of Aristotle, the restoration of trade, the printing press, and the Muslim blockade of the east that gave motive to the age of sail, with which Europeans united the world, and ended the middle east’s monopoly on taxing intercontinental trade and their wealth as a result. Without that trade, without parasitism upon it, the inability to produce complex organizations, including complex bureaucratic states, resulted in the collapse of middle eastern civilizations to its lowest common denominator: fundamentalism in rebellion against the meritocratic, rational, scientific and technological civilizations with which they could not compete. Europe’s escape from superstition, theology, and political Christianity transformed it into a folk religion and during the German Romantic period and Prussian ascent nearly succeeded in a full restoration of our ancestral natural religion, social, and political order as a universal militia.

But european civilization’s strategy contains a vulnerability that law among ourselves was never exploited, but others have learned to exploit: ……. ( … )    ( also: permissiveness )

European civilization evolved for the continuous production of agency – we were all brought up to be princes and princesses – to rule. In our myths, our fairy tales, our religion, our philosophy, our laws, our sciences, our education. We taught generations to rule. To rule ourselves, our families, our polities, our nations and the world. An aristocracy of everyone capable of joining the aristocracy, and the paternal rule of those who are not.

This is the greatest, most ambitious, most costly, most heroic strategy of the civilizations of mankind. All other civilizations failed the test of adaptation. All others sought harmony by resignation (India), stagnation( china ) decline ( Islam ), or were unable to produce the choice (Africa, Australia). For the sake of mankind. Europeans must never fail, and European rule of law must prevail.

As such while reciprocity requires we leave others to self-determination by self-determining means in exchange for reciprocal insurance of that choice, any statement of, advocacy of, strategy or plan to, or action to deprive Europeans of self-determination by the natural laws of nature and nature’s god, are acts of war against our people and the benefits our people bring to mankind, and Europeans can, must, and shall war against those peoples for their crimes against us, nature and nature’s god.

The Natural Law of Group Evolutionary Strategies

All peoples rely on a group survival, competitive, an evolutionary strategy. Civilizations are demarcated by differences in geography, economic resources, competitors, genetics, group strategy, institutions, and median population distribution.

They consist of a Group evolutionary (competitive) strategy, a Mythology to explain, justify, and lionize it in Emotions, Wisdom literature to communicate it in Stories, a System of Argument to persuade and defend it by reasoning; and; a set of Institutions to persist it across generations with limited modification. There exist only three possible means of human coercion: Defense/force, remuneration/deprivation, and insurance/ostracization, and elites that master these means of coercion. Therefore human groups develop a primary institution of either religion, state, or law, that anchors their group strategy forever, and the order of the institutions permanently enforces each that came before it, with the last institution the weakest.

Europeans developed Reciprocity in law, then the authority of the state, then harmony in loyalty and philosophy, later replaced by Semitic religion. No others did. China evolved the state and philosophy maintaining natural religion, and never developing law. India evolved Harmonious Religion and little else. Semitia evolved solidarity only in militaristic religion and religious law, and failed at producing states. And Africa had just begun its civilization and demographic domestication phase when colonialism arrived and interrupted it.

Consequently, each civilization produced demographic distributions as a result of their strategy. Europe outpaced the rest in both the Aryan expansion, the Mediterranean expansion, and the Atlantic expansion, but lost 1400 years to the Semitic Dark Ages of Superstition and Ignorance. China avoided the dark ages and still works to keep out the Semitic influences, but stagnated because she failed to produce law and the science and technology and self-organization that results – a lesson she has learned. India was militarily and culturally unconquerable precisely because of her lack of institutions, her size, and her population – but still lost her homeland in the Indus river to Islam. Islam created the dark ages, and while it consumed for a time the sum total of knowledge of the more advanced civilizations it destroyed, it rapidly exhausted its ability to profit from predation on more advanced peoples, returned to its first institution of supernatural fundamentalism, and destroyed itself as it had destroyed every other great civilization of the ancient world, and reduced them to dysgenia, ignorance, poverty, and ashes. Africa cannot be blamed for it is the most challenging disease gradient, territory, climate, and most heterogeneous population, impossible to isolate and speciate, and is almost as insulated from trade as Austronesia and Australia, and therefore deprived of the gains of Eurasian transport, trade, and communication. The Amerindians were one of the most brutal and bloodthirsty people in history – at least the Mesoamericans – and despite their influence South American civilization, while young in itself, remains a Mediterranean Catholic diaspora of mixed Indian, African, North African, and southern european people that while demographically and institutionally challenged are not encumbered by Islam, or Judaism.

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