Article I.II: Man

( ??? subheading )



( … )

Whereas Man Demonstrates:

Agency (self determination)(will to power)(positive and negative  freedom)


—“Agency consists in the capacity of individuals to act independently and to make their own choices subject to both personal and external limitations.”—

( Counsel:
—“Agency refers to the absence of impediment, the same way that truth refers to the absence of falsehood. We do not know what the unknown impediments and falsehoods consists of, we only know that they are removable by science, technology, time, effort and resources.”—- )

Perfect agency would consist in perfect knowledge (omniscience), perfect reason, perfect emotions, perfect mental and emotional discipline (mindfulness), perfect ability to act (omnipotence), unlimited resources, and no competition, no need to cooperate, and therefore no need for conventions, laws, institutions, or infrastructure.

As humans we have imperfect knowledge, imperfect reason, imperfect mindfulness, imperfect emotions, limited range of actions, limited resources, and we live in a world where we must compete, must cooperate to compete, and to do so require conventions, laws, institutions, and infrastructure.

A host of factors that increase or limit an individual and his or her Agency, such as age,  gender, social class, ethnicity, religion, customs, education, economic institutions, government, propaganda, ability, knowledge, ignorance, error, bias, wishful thinking, and deceit. Meaning that one’s agency is determined by the combination of beneficial institutions, abilities, and knowledge and inhibiting institutions, abilities, and knowledge.

Therefore Agency consists in the degree to which one approaches perfect ability to act, when not limited by knowledge, reason, emotions, mindfulness, range of action, available instrumentation, available resources, competition, cooperation, conventions, laws, institutions and infrastructure.

Given we can never have unlimited knowledge, unlimited resources, and we have limited ability to be free of competition, need for cooperation, conventions, laws, institutions, and infrastructure, we can seek largely to improve our knowledge, reason, mindfulness, and assets so that we maximize our agency within the available limits.

We are ignorant of the future limitations we might encounter, but we are impeded (limited) in mental capacity, mindfulness, knowledge, physical ability, resources, time, social, political, our physical world, and the laws of nature.

So we face limits to imagination, thought, independence from emotions, impulses and biases, knowledge, models of knowledge, the rate of knowledge accumulated, physical size, strength, speed, perception, health, cellular degeneration, biological composition, energy, physical resources, time, limits of imposed upon us by others, and the limits of controlling of others, and the limited abilities of others, and the limitations of the environment and the physical universe.

Individuals and groups have evolved a distribution of biological potential for agency, and a distribution of habits, manners, ethics, morals, laws, traditions, and institutions (Culture) suitable to their agency. And the cumulative result of both biological and cultural is the their rate of development and means of group competition, survival, and evolution.

Action (Display, Word, and Deed)

( … )

( … Action is possible because of memory …  Memory permits forecasting …. )

Subjectively testable sequence of actions

Observable sequence of actions



Man acts to acquire. Life is an expensive means of defeating entropy. Acting improves acquisition – at additional cost. Memory improves acquisition – at additional cost. Reason improves acquisition – at additional cost. Cooperation improves acquisition – at additional cost.

  • Life: Man is an expensive life form.
  • Time:  (time here) ( … )
  • Action: Man has three sets of faculties: physical, intuitionistic, and rational; with them he can Sense (physical), Memorize (knowledge), Intuit (emotional), Reason (cognitive, calculative), Communicate (display, word, and deed), and Act (move).
  • Acquisition: Man must act to defeat the continuous cost of existence in time, by continuous acquisition of information, opportunities, associations, resources, goods, and services to survive, prosper, and reproduce.

—‘the social object of skilled investment should be to defeat the dark forces of time and ignorance which envelope our future,’—

  • Incentive: It is in man’s interest to seek:
    1. The greatest return;
    2. With the least effort;
    3. In the least time;
    4. Using the least resources;
    5. With the least uncertainty;
    6. With the least risk;
    7. With the least negative externalities;
  • Discounts …  Premiums  ( … )
  • Cost: Man pays costs consisting of the difference between the one choice and the next best choice – the next best choice including inaction. All costs are costs of opportunity.



1. Interest: Having born a cost, by action, or forgone action (inaction), in order to obtain Advantage (utility), in an asset (anything providing an advantage (utility)), until consumed (destroyed), converted (into something else), exchanged, or discarded.

2. Demonstrated Interests, (Demonstrated Property, “Property-In-Toto”):  The set of that which man acts, or forgoes opportunities for action, (satisfaction) to acquire, preserve, accumulate, use and consume.


One bears costs of existing and persisting (Natural Interest).
One bears costs of acting (Demonstrated Action).
One bears costs of acquiring goods, services, information, opportunity by action or forgone opportunity for action.(Demonstrated Cost)
One demonstrates an interest by bearing a cost on that which no other has born a cost to demonstrate an interest (Demonstrated Interest).
One consents to a portfolio of reciprocally insured property (normative property interest) with others.
One consents or is forced to comply with an institutional means of reciprocally insuring property with others (title interest).


Demonstrated interest without imposing upon others demonstrated interests is a fact.
Possession is a fact.
Property requires an an agreement.
Property rights require an institutional means of enforcement.

2. Capital, “Capital-in-Toto”: The Scope of Possible Demonstrated Interests (Capital-in-Toto), and Portfolio of accumulated Demonstrated Interests (Capital).


Demonstrated Interests include the Existential (Natural), Obtained, and Common

1. Existential (or Natural) Interests:


( … )


Existential (Or Natural) Interests Include:

1. Self: 
Life, Body, Genes,
Memories, Mind, Attention
Time, and Action
Stimulation, Experience

2. Kin and Interpersonal (Relationship) Interests
Mates (access to sex/reproduction), and Marriage
Children (genetic reproduction)
Consanguineous Relations (family, kin, clan, tribal and national relations)

3. Reputation, Status and Class (reputation, honor)
Self-Image, Status, Reputation
Social, Sexual, Economic, Political, and Military Market Value

4. Sustainable Patterns of Association, Cooperation, Insurance, Reproduction,  Production, Distribution and Trade
Friends, Acquaintances, Neighbors,
Cooperative Relations, Commercial Relations,
Political Relations, and Military Relations.

2. Obtained Interests include:


Obtained Interest:  Interests that are obtained by bearing a cost of opportunity, time, effort, resources, to obtain that interest without imposing upon the previously born costs of others.


Obtained Interests Include:

6. Several (Personal, Monopoly) Interests
Several Property: Those things we claim a monopoly of control over.

7. Shareholder (Fractional) Interests
Shares in property: Recorded And Quantified Shareholder Property (claims for partial ownership).

8. Title Interests (Weights and Measures)
Trademarks and Brands (prohibitions on fraudulent transfers within a geography).

9. Artificial Interests (Privileges)
Letters of Marque, Patents, Copyrights, Grants of License.

Common (Fractional) Interests, or “Commons” (Common Property).


An Interest, in which all members of an organization, whether familial, social, commercial, or political, share an equal interest, by virtue of paying costs of membership in the organization.


Common interests include:

1. Common Physical (Fractional) Interests

(1) Formal (Physical) Commons:  Territorial, Resources: natural resources. It’s waterways, improvements and infrastructure.

(2) Buildings, Halls, Markets, Squares, Parks

(3) Monuments (art and artifacts).
Monuments claim territory, demonstrate wealth, and provide one of the longest most invariable normative and economic returns that any culture can construct as a demonstration of conspicuous production (wealth), and as such, conspicuous excellence. (Hence why competing monuments represent an invasion. Temples, Churches, Museums, Sculptures being the most obvious examples of cultural claim or conquest.)

2. Common Institutional (Fractional) Interests
“Those interests into which we have invested our forgone opportunities, our efforts, or our material assets, in order to aggregate capital from multiple individuals for mutual gain.”

(1) Formal (Procedural) Institutions: Our institutions: Religion, Education, Banking, Treasury, Government, Laws, Courts.

(2) Calculative (Strategic) Institutions: Strategy, Myths, Traditions, Grammars, Arguments, Face vs Truth

(3) Informal (Normative) Institutions: Norms, morals, ethics, manners, and habits.

(4) Informational Institutions: Knowledge. Information.

3. Common Human Capital (Fractional) Interests

(1) Indoctrination (Tacit knowledge)
(2) Skills (Explicit Knowledge)
(3) Cooperative Commons: Trust
(4) Population and Distribution: The distribution of our classes
(5) Genetic Interests: Our Genome

4. Common Opportunity (Fractional) Interests


Opportunities to homestead (convert by cost) an Advantage into a Demonstrated Interest.


When people come together in proximity, and suppress impositions of costs upon the interests of others through the incremental evolution of the law of reciprocity, they decrease the time and effort required to produce voluntary association, cooperation and exchange. As such polities decrease opportunity costs, and in doing so generate accessible opportunities. These opportunities are un-homsesteaded (opportunities), lacking demonstrated interest, until invested in by individuals either by expenditure of time effort and resources, or by forgoing opportunities for consumption. As such the proximity of people and the institution of reciprocity under law produce a commons of opportunities that we seize (homestead) by competition. As such no one may claim interest in an opportunity without conducting an competitive exchange by which to seize it.


As such no one may claim interest in an opportunity without conducting a voluntary market exchange by which to seize it.


personality and intelligence


THREE INSTINCTS (Haidt, biology)
Reciprocate, Contract, Disgust, and Familial Priority, and Kin Selection.



  • Emotions: Emotions are a reflection of change in state of our anticipated, existing, and past inventory of the spectrum of our demonstrated interests.

Reason, Calculation, and Computation;

( … )

Cognitive Bias;


Cognitive biases arise from too much information, the limits of memory, insufficient meaning, the need to act quickly, and the need to preserve confidence sufficient to act in continuous uncertainty.  These biases vary between individuals, and some can be trained, but all humans are affected by them.

They include:

    • Memory biases that either enhance or impair the recall of a memory (either the chances that the memory will be recalled at all, or the amount of time it takes for it to be recalled, or both), or that alters the content of a reported memory.
    • Attributional biases in effect perceptions of relations between the self and others;
    • Decision Making biases effect Decidability, belief, and behavior;


( … )

(do neural economy here)

Gender Bias;

(herd vs pack)


1 – Males mature rather slowly, and may not speak for two years after females, and in the absence of dominance play, even more slowly – maturing from late childhood to fourteen, and then from fourteen to their early twenties. Females mature rather quickly, and increasingly quickly, and are generally mature by 16-18, although cognitive maturity (agency) seems to appear in mid thirties, where cognitive agency in males appears in late teens to early twenties.

2 – Females bear a higher cost of reproduction and are more dependent for others, during long years of child caring and defense.  Males have a near zero cost of reproduction. However, in general, females and males favor female choice of mate – but after mating males appear to exhibit some form of ownership over females for a number of years.

3 – Male aggression is frequent and short term, seeking negotiation for position in the hierarchy of antagonists.

Males use dominance expression, threats and violence.

In general, male aggressors are given status by males as long as they are creating order rather than threat.

Female aggression is infrequent and never ending, seeking total destruction of antagonists.

Women use disapproval, shaming, ridicule, rallying, gossip, and reputation destruction to cause panic and vulnerability in other females.

Female aggressors are granted social status by females less aggressive.

4 – Female cognitive bias is equalitarian, and male cognitive bias hierarchical.  This is evident in our moral biases, where females tend to more exclusively favor harm,care, and proportionality, and males tend to also favor reciprocity, sacredness, and hierarchy.   These biases correspond to property rights today, and property rights correspond to political preferences.

Liberals/Females favor individual property rights (Consumption):

(a) Care/harm for others, protecting them from harm. (The asset of life and body.)
(b) Proportionality/cheating, Justice, treating others in proportion to their actions. (The asset of goods.)
(c) Liberty/Oppression, characterizes judgments in terms of whether subjects are tyrannized. (The asset of time, opportunity.)

Conservatives/Males ALSO Favor Community property rights (Saving, Denying Consumption to others):

(d) In-Group Loyalty/In-Group Betrayal to/of your group, family, nation, polity.
(e) Respect/Authority/Subversion for tradition and legitimate authority.
(f) Purity/Sanctity/Degradation/Disgust, avoiding disgusting things, foods, actions.

The male reproductive strategy among chimpanzees as well as humans evolved to kill off males in opposing groups and collect females and territory. And that females evolved to place greater emphasis on children and females than the (fungible) tribe – precisely because they could be captured and then reduced to lower status and possibly death under the females of another tribe – this is the origin of female behavior. Female attachment may exist but throughout history females have exposed more children to the elements than men have killed in war.

Hierarchy (A Pack) requires only that you seek your position. There is no fear of exclusion, only change in position. Equality (A Herd) has no position so one is either in and conforming our out for not.

Packs survive by fighting together and protecting each other, regardless of position in the hierarchy. Herds survive by fleeing and leaving the weak behind.

This is the origin of differences in male (conservative), female (progressive) minds, and their cognitive, moral, and political biases.

In other words, females evolved the herd cognitive and moral biases, and males evolved the pack cognitive and moral biases, and through evolutionary history we have unevenly distributed these intuitions along with the brain, endocrine, and developmental processes between the genders.

This gradual division of perception, cognition, memory, labor, advocacy, coercion, and demand for satisfaction of such, along with our ability to voluntarily cooperate when we can and involuntarily be coerced when we must, has evolved a specialization of the feminine psychotic to solipsistic to compassionate to considerate to the rational to the analytical, to the mildly autistic, to the entirely autistic masculine on one axis, the agency we call intelligence and industriousness on the other axis.

This division has resulted not only in a division of labor across the reproductive biases, but across the physical, cooperative, and cognitive spectrum of our abilities, and across the short term, medium term, and long term spectrum of time.

Using these divisions of perception, cognition, labor, advocacy, and coercion; physical, social, and cognitive labor; and short term, medium term, and long term focus, we can adapt to nearly any long term environment by little more than the combined utility of those traits. This requires no substantial genetic mutation, only voluntary reproductive bias for traits that produce social, economic, and political status in that environment.

We gradually ameliorated our sex differences in strategy, cognition, and moral intuition, by pairing-off, and then controlling alphas. This compromise was generally in favor of females since the majority of females reproduced, and the minority of males reproduced.  This persisted until (it appears) agrarianism where we developed marriage out of pairing off in order to preserve the advantage of scarce property (capital) within an intergenerational family, and improve our division of labor between the genders.

Some groups evolved to specialize more in the male biases, and some more so in the female biases.


( … )

Moral Bias;


Moral (Proper) (Universal):
Moral Norm (Group):
Moral Intuition (Personal):


There exist three moral, and political biases that constitute our different moral intuitions, each which reflects our reproductive strategy (our terms; our criteria of demand for cooperation):

1 – the dysgenic, proportional, immediate, sentimental (socialist, liberal, female and underclass), herd strategy.

2 – the eugenic, reciprocal, temporal (libertarian, ascendant male), inclusive pack strategy, and;

3 – the eugenic, reciprocal, intertemporal (aristocratic, conservative, established male) exclusive pack strategy.

Which constitutes a spectrum of consumption and redistribution to concentration in quality. In other words the debate between EQUALITY and QUALITY is an expression of dysgenic proportionality and equality, and eugenic reciprocity and quality, which is the difference between the male GROUP strategy of their collective offspring vs the individual female strategy of their individual offspring – counter intuitive but many fundamental truths are – which is why we need to understand them.

Faculties, Abilities; (ranges)

( … )  physical, intuitionistic, rational, speech

Man has four sets of faculties:

1. intuitionistic (intuitable),
2. reasonable (justifiable, explicable), and;
3. physical-material 
(action, decidable, true).
4. speech

Speech (Communication);

(Display word deed)

Public Speech ( … )

Private Speech ( … )



Language consists of justificationary negotiation in furtherance of our acquisition by these three means (LIST THE THREE AGAIN). ergo: All ‘belief’ is justification to the self and others in furtherance of acquisition. It is meaningless. Statements of justification only provide us with information necessary to deduce what it is that we wish to acquire.

Truthfulness and Deceit

( … )

( … Grammars etc here … )

( … Fictionalisms here …. )

Divisions of Perception, Cognition, Memory, Labor, Advocacy, and Negotiation;

( … )



    • Man has only three choices in how to act in relation to others:
      1. Avoidance (Boycott, Deprivation of cooperation)
      2. Cooperation (Productive Exchange), or;
      3. Conflict (Parasitism, Predation, or War)
    • Man can voluntarily cooperate because he can sympathize with the intentions of others, communicate, and negotiate terms of cooperation, and determine the returns on cooperation, and choose whether and which actions to take with his limited time, effort, resources, and will.
    • Man has only one incentive to cooperate: the value of doing so is greater than the alternatives of avoidance and conflict.
    • Cooperation is a disproportionately more productive means of acquisition than individual production.
    • Continuous cooperation in a division of perception, cognition, knowledge, labor, advocacy, negotiation, and trade informed by prices is ….

Rational, Reciprocal, Ethical, Moral, and Good Action;


We seek discounts in our acquisitions. Some of these discounts are productive and moral and encourage cooperation, and some of them are unproductive and immoral, discourage cooperation, and encourage retaliation.

    • Only voluntary transfer is rational and non-coercive without creating demand for retaliation and decline of future opportunity for returns on cooperation.
    • Only productive voluntary exchange is reciprocally rational.
    • Only fully informed and warrantied productive voluntary exchange is ethical.
    • Only fully informed and warrantied productive voluntary exchange free of imposition of costs upon the interests of other members of the group by externality is moral.

The only ethical and moral acquisition is one in which one either homesteads an interest by act of transformation (investment), or obtains that interest by productive, fully informed, warrantied, voluntary exchange, where any external, involuntary transfers (externalities) are not unproductive (losses).

Rational, Irreciprocal, Unethical, Immoral, and Evil Action;


  • Man must act to preserve and extend cooperation to preserve the disproportionate rewards of acquisition through cooperation.
  • Man acts to preserve and extend cooperation by the suppression of parasitism that creates the disincentive to cooperate, and therefore decreases the disproportionate rewards of acquisition through cooperation.
  • Man conducts free riding, parasitism, and predation by:

Suppression of Free Riding, Parasitism, and Predation;


Man suppresses Free Riding, Parasitism, and Predation by:

1 – Violence: threats of interpersonal violence, and interpersonal violence, and organized violence;
2 – Boycott: threats of interpersonal ostracization from cooperation, interpersonal ostracization, organized ostracization from cooperation;
3 –Remuneration: Promises of individual remuneration, or deprivation from remuneration, organized remuneration, or deprivation from remuneration,

(list institutions of suppression of free riding, parasitism, and predation)

Common Law: Incremental, Evolutionary, Suppression:

( … )



Man competes for status because status provides discounts on opportunities to acquire interests – especially mates,  insurance, cooperation, and allies.

    1. social (status desirability),
    2. economic (wealth desirability),
    3. reproductive (genetic desirability),
    4. political and military (competitive desirability) – as well as their undesirable opposites.

Reproductive Competition;


    • Man acts in furtherance of his reproductive strategy.
    • Male and Female reproductive strategies are in conflict.
    • The Female seeks to breed where it benefits her lineage; to force the cost of her offspring on the tribe through moral hazard; to further her offspring regardless of merit; to generalize to preserve adaptability to changing group dynamics; to preserve soft her soft-power by seeking safety in consensus, non conflict, and numbers, at the expense of Male interests. To limit accumulated cellular damage on behalf of the herd; To ostracize (kill) competitors through endless  reputation destruction; As such Females act to produce sufficient equality to reduce conflict. This consists in the Herd strategy and Instincts.
    • The Male seeks to breed impulsively wherever it does not harm his lineage; to use violence most frequently in defense of access to a female; to preserve hard power by creating a tribe capable of resisting dominance by other Males at the expense of Female interests; to specialize in the group at the cost of adaptability to changes in group dynamics; to seek safety in the company of a hierarchy of men capable of coordinating (hunting) by similar interests; to demonstrate hierarchy and loyalty; to absorb accumulated cellular damage on behalf of the females and children. As such Males act meritocratically;  This consists in the Pack strategy and Instincts.
    • Males and Females overlap in their uses of each other’s reproductive strategies, due to variations in dimorphism and reverse dimorphism present under evolutionary neoteny.
    • Without limits to both Male and Female behavior in favor of their strategies, the compromise between the strategies fails, and the extremes of each force costs upon the other.
    • Men evolved degrees of pairing-off in multiple relations, serial relations, and monogamy;  and degrees of ‘cheating’ from frequent to infrequent, as is in their ability and interest.
    • The institution of marriage of increasing length in response to the increase in productive capital under control of the family, produced an Equilibrium under which all do the best they can without imposing harm upon others, at the expense of  producing an optimum for any.


( … )


( … ) Signal Fraud.

( … ) Signal Spirals



Specialization in a division of knowledge, labor, …..

Physical, Organizational, Intellectual


( …. ) social econ… etc


Hierarchies must form to produce decidability, and always and everywhere form because the Pareto law (power law) is required to organize the voluntary organization of the suite of markets we call society: association, cooperation, production, reproduction, commons, and polities.  The costs of organizing people involuntarily rise rapidly with the number, and availability of choices; can only be applied to relatively simple projects; and requires continuous monitoring of the people for defection, escape, corruption, and black markets.  The costs of producing markets using voluntary cooperation requires only the suppression of defectors, which in turn causes the polity to self police defectors.



There exist only three means of coercing other humans to cooperate with on one means or end vs cooperate with others on different means or ends.

    • Man has only three means of coercion (influence):
      1. Remuneration (payment, trade)
      2. Force, Loss of Life, Experience, Liberty, …..
      3. Undermining, Ostracization, Reputation Destruction, Loss of Status and Opportunity.

These three means of coercion can be used to construct three vertical axis of class specialization: coercion by force (conservatism/masculine), coercion by gossip (progressivism/feminine), coercion by remuneration (libertarianism/neutral masculine).

Human elites are formed by those who specialize in one or more of these means of coercion: gossip: public intellectuals and priests. force: military and political. exchange: voluntary organizations, including the voluntary organization of production.

    • Man Specializes in three means of coercion:
      1. Remuneration: Finance, Commerce, Caretaking (or Bribery)
      2. Force: Military, Police, Law (or murder, violence, theft)
      3. Undermining: Ostracization, Gossip, Religion, Education, Propaganda (reputation destruction, deprivation of opportunity, information, deception)
    • Man Evolves classes we call ‘elites’ to specialize in each of these means of coercion.
    • The dominance of one group of specialists over another is historical and demographic.
    • Elites are necessary for decidability in coordination.
    • Man follows elites …..


( … )

Organization into Groups;

( … ) Esp discounts from proximity

Organization by Kin Group (Bias; (at all scales));

( … )

many discounts on everything from ingoup especially from signals

Organization into Generations (shared experiences, predictable cycles)

(cycles of generations, credit and debt, seeking opportunity by subsequent generations)

Organization into Institutions
 (family, clan, tribe etc and nation vs corporation vs cult)

( … )

Kin (Genetics)






Cult (religion)

Corporation (Economy)

Possession (Military)

Organization into Markets
 (of all kinds) and counter markets (of all kinds)

The Market as A Means of Survival

    1. (1) One gains Dividends from the construction and maintenance of the voluntary organization of production, distribution, and trade paid for by forgoing opportunities for parasitic consumption (acting ethically and morally).
    2. (2) One gains access to opportunity for cooperation and consumption in the market.
    3. (3) One gains earnings from the personal production of goods and services in the market for goods and services. (income from profits)
    4. (4) Dividends for maintenance of the commons in all its forms.
    5. (5) Dividends for the policing (defense) of the commons in all its forms.

Markets into Cycles

The Inability of Some To Participate in the Market

(creating defense of the order of cooperation)

Demand for Organization into Monopolies;

( … )

Organization into Political Orders (Markets for Commons)

Communist —- Socialist — Kin —- Capitalist —- Anarchist

Bias to Outgroup Trade;

Organization to engage in Outgroup free riding, parasitism and predation

Organization to engage in Productive Trade.

( … )

Domestication and Eugenic Evolution, or Failures of Domestication and Dysgenic Evolution

( …  )

Organization by Group Evolutionary Strategy

— Differences in Group Evolutionary Strategies —

( … ) parasitic and productive etc

Organizing by use of grammar in support of group evolutionary strategy

There is only one strategy that does not force others to bear the cost: reciprocity (trade) between kin groups.

Dysgenia and Eugenia;

( … )

Demand for Orders Suiting Group Strategy

( … )

Speciation – Organization into Species;


|Differences|Human Species (Macro Races) >  Major Races (subspecies) > Races > Tribes > Clans > Classes > Families > Sexes > Individuals >  Stage of Development (age) > Traits >   Knowledge > Skills 


The influential differences between races are due to (a) degree of neoteny due to climate, (b) size of the underclass due to both climate and means of production, (c) distribution of male and female biases (traits) between the genders in the group; and (d) the norms, traditions, customs, formal and informal institutions that were necessary for those traits in that distribution in that region.


Meaningful Variation in the Human Species is limited to the following Traits:

1 – Degree of Neoteny (Asian, white, Indian, Iranic, Semitic, Pacific, African – testosterone levels, in that order)

2 – Rate and Depth of Maturity. (Same as above)

3 – Size of the Underclass through reproductive suppression and upward redistribution. (IQ levels and beneficial personality traits.)

4 – Distribution of Gender Traits (emphasis vs reversal) both morphological, intuitive, cognitive, and behavioral.


1 – Distribution of Moral Intuition between female herd and male pack, because of distribution of Gender Traits.

2 – Distribution of Personality Traits in the group of which Intelligence and Industriousness matters for both genders, and negative-agreeableness (decisiveness) matters for males.

3 – Distribution of Cognitive Bias between female herd and male pack.

(Note: AFAIK personality traits correspond to both stages of the prey drive, the modification of the prey drive for sex role, and our reward systems that produce the effects.)

5 – Distribution of Age and Generations. (And cyclical bias of generations)

6 – Group evolutionary Strategy using Gender Traits (Semitic maternal, Asian paternal, Western compromise). Including the manners, ethics, morals, norms, traditions, institutions public and private, and especially method of decidability, consequential logic, grammar, and vocabulary by which all such habits are expressed.


Human groups differ substantially in their distributions on these axis.

Human variation produces different demands from the markets for association, cooperation, production, reproduction, and the production of commons.

Political orders can favor kin or corporation, equality or meritocracy, with the optimum order being kin meritocracy, which will produce equality by externality of kin selection.

The only reason to refrain from conquest, decimation, genocide is reciprocity under nation states.  And the justification of conquest, rule, decimation and genocide is the export of costs of domestication or failures of domestication upon others.


Heterogeneity – Settled – Diversity is a bad


( … )

(Pay your own costs of domestication)

Ethnocentrism – Settled

1 – Ethnocentrism is the optimum group evolutionary strategy if for no other reason than reciprocal trust,  investment and insurance without sacrifice to kin selection. There is no competitor to it, whatsoever. People are more gregarious to their own, and more redistributive, with less fear of political competition, because all competition is internal and by class or faction rather than kin group. The problem has traditionally been that many ethic groups were not able to concentrate sufficient capital to create self governance, or had to be captured to prevent capture by others, or were of sufficient hazard to neighbors they were ruled.  (The exception is people lower on the ladder who look for allies against their betters, and to have ‘someone below them’ which appears very important to humans.)

2 – Ethnocentrism eliminates race and tribe conflict in the suppression of expansion of underclasses through soft eugenics (paying the unproductive not to have children). There is no value in internal competitors. none.

( … )

The result of these conditions, is that man seeks Agency, within the limits of his abilities, frustrations and comforts, with only so much reciprocity as he can get away with paying the costs of.

—“The Will To Power”—

(Self determination)

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