The Intellectual Catastrophe Of Specialization And The Cure For It In Education

Outside of the top 5% in all disciplines:

Physicists are often ridiculous because either they don’t understand their own subject, or because they lack the philosophical training to know the difference between general rules of the discipline (dogma) and the epistemological necessity that these general rules provide a shortcut for.

Economists are often ridiculous because either they don’t understand the limits of mathematics, the limits of statistics, and the limits of human cognitive bias, but most importantly, the epistemology that places that their models, methods, explanatory and predictive power that seems to evade them – and is now being supplied by experimental psychology and cognitive science.

Philosophers are almost universally ridiculous becasue either they ignore what we have learned about epistemology from physics, economics, and cognitive science, or they do not understand the difference between meaning(map) and existence(territory), or because they are subject of dogmas (sets, internal consistency without external correspondence), but most importantly because they do not account for costs on the one hand and rely on a false intuitionistic definition of the good on the other.

Mathematicians are only slightly ridiculous since their field is the easiest to test, but they seem to ignore the fact that mathematics functions by removing properties from reality, but that all mathematics in application is bound by reality that it ignores. As such we see them confuse the reductio logic of mathematics with mathematical platonism. They confuse the determinism of all axiomatic declarations with mystery rather than the limits of human comprehension that mathematics assists us in extending through symbols and constant relations. They confuse the rate at which operations will produce members of a collection in any period of time, or over so many operations, with the size of the set itself which must always be bound by some limit. They confuse the name of a positional number with the name of a function upon positional numbers that produces a ratio. They seem to have lost sight of the fact that their discipline can either be treated as a science of measurement, or a logic disconnected from reality, or ideal fantasy no different from philosophical and literary adventurism. I could go on at length here with ease.

What differs is the instruments we require to inspect. We have invented both methods of inspection (and they’re reductio in almost all cases), and methods of measurement, and methods of decidability.

1 – Reason, Logic, Mathematics, (Reason)
2 – Physics, Chemistry, Biology, (Existence)
3 – Psychology, Sociology, Politics, History, Economy, Law (Cooperation)

1 – Categories, properties, and relations
2 – Logic of comparisons and transformations
3 – Empirical measurements of existential reality
4 – Moral measurements of cooperation
– WITH –
5 – Operational language to articulate all of the above free of error, bias, wishful thinking, suggestion, obscurantism, pseudoscience, and deceit.
– AND –
6 – Full Accounting, Limits, and Parsimony To protect Against Our cherry picking by error, bias, wishful thinking, suggestion, obscurantism, pseudoscience, and deceit.

1 – Strength, Fitness, Sport, Defense, War, Strategy
2 – Mythology, Story, Biography, History, Essay, Diary, Criticism
3 – Self, Friendship, Employment, Partnership, Marriage, Parenting, Managing, Commanding, Ruling
4 – Property, Manners, Ethics, Morals, Natural Law, Evolutionary Strategies
5 – Psychology, Sociology, Economics, Politics, Conflict(War/Crime)
6 – Vocabulary, Grammar, Logic,Testimony(Truth), Rhetoric, Judgement
7 – Reading, Writing, Programming, Strictly Constructed Law
8 – Arithmetic, Accounting, Algebra, Geometry, Statistics, Calculus, (Mathematics of Mind/Cognition <–Note!)
9 – Empiricism(observation and measurement), Physics, Chemistry, Biology, (Sentience <–Note!)
10 – Monuments, Architecture, Arts, Decoration, Music, Plays, (the discipline of creativity: knowledge and free association.)

This curriculum produces skills in all areas of life. If a student can make it through the first half of each, he or she will be adequately prepared for life in modernity.

Rolling three years in each class
Boys and Girls In separate classes
Children start by maturity level, not age, with delay preferable to early entry.
Emphasis should be given to rate of maturity and individual needs so that boys with high testosterone and rapid maturity are given more exercise and those with less and lower more drills.
IMHO Pass Fail, or % is all that is needed, since they will be exposed to the same information repeatedly. I don’t like ‘grades’. As far as I can tell most grades are a reflection of the relationship between the intelligence and maturity of an individual and the artificial standard of the industrial classroom.

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