The Function of Propertarian Grammar

by James Augustus

With out factoring in IQ, most humans cannot (or struggle to) separate/deflate intuited self-interest (the elephant) from their perception (solipsism) —which is to say that the average human struggles to launder imaginary content from cognition and so they approach truthfulness as a function of rationalizing intuition.

Those with masculinized, autistic brains benefit from the decreased cost of laundering imagination & emotional content from our perception, and reporting/testimony thereof. And (we) see the flaws (cognitive biases) in our thinking and especially in the testimony of others. And because of our ‘awareness’, we find it necessary to perform ‘test’/criticisms across multiple dimensions.

Propertarian grammar boils down to just that—it limits us to constructing arguments that are open to criticism across multiple dimensions: terms/categories, logic, existential possibility, parsimony, full accounting, empirical correspondence, & reciprocity (natural law/social science).

(Note: A person’s/group epistemological methodology [literary, hermeneutic, mythological, occultist, theological, rationalist, pseudo scientific, asymmetrical empiricism] is most often derivative of the lies they seek to tell.)


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