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( Thinking about how the universe, and the structure of the universe isn’t something ‘out there’ bigger than we are and imperceptible to us, or here, in our solids, liquids, gasses, plasmas and spaces that is perceptible to us. And that it’s just a vast web of these very small geometric phenomenon that through attraction and resistance create spaces of different sizes with different fields, and that its all winking and twinking and twirling and spinning and that …. and I’t just. I just dont’ wanna go there. I mean, although, the fact that everything is connected by fields within fields, is sort of beautiful and in some way I feel the universe is less alien, that does not make me feel any better given how hostile the universe is to us, and how hard we must work to make spaces for ourselves, that we can survive within. And our rather short experience as creatures of reason, capable of transforming this world, is amounts to nothing in the tempo of the universe.)

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