(Short Version: Races are in fact better or worse so to speak, (more adaptive or less adaptive, more evolved or less evolved) but there are good and bad people in each race. And it has more to do with the size of the underclass than the race. Because the size of the lower classes determined the necessary behavior of the people, their norms, traditions, values, and institutions.)
You cannot judge a person by the properties of his class (race, religion, culture, class ), but you can judge a class (race, religion, culture, class) by the properties of its people. In other words. there are good people in every race, and bad people in every race. That said,
1) all people are biased toward their race, with that bias increasing with stress, and decreasing with lack of social, economic, political stress, and increasing with the ability to virtue signal at other race member’s expense.
2) All but a small percentage of people marry, reproduce, work with, live in neighborhoods with, and associate with members of their race, class, religion etc.
3) Human Sexual, social, economic, and political market value is determined by not only symmetry and health but the degree of neotenic evolution.
4) Differences in neotenic evolution cause races to mature at different rates, and reach different depts of maturity. This manifests as higher aggression and lower executive function and lower accomplishment, to just the opposite. And these behavioral differences that only mediate in relatively old age.
5) And the genetic distribution (size of the underclass) in each race varies by the latitude of its history, and this genetic distribution causes demand for behavior, norms, culture, institutions, and most importantly status. These factors combine to create demand for different norms, traditions, values, institutions. This is the underlying issue. People who would be compatible in separate states because they could cooperate by trade are not compatible in polities, social orders, neighborhoods because their biological interests require different socio-economic-political conditions. Mostly, this is due to the fact that some groups can afford high investment parenting (East Asians), other high investment parenting in the commons (Europeans), and others pay high costs of parenting in the first place due to the rate of maturity of their offspring (islam, africa). So PROXIMITY CAUSES FRICTION AND ENVY which creates HOSTILITY.
6) there are at least four to six generations of mankind, that we call races, that progressively isolated, adapted, and as they moved north produced neoteny so that the East Asians are the most neotenic, the Europeans next, the south Eurasians (north Africa to India) next, and the various Africans least. So the Africans have the most rapid maturity and aggression, followed by the middle east, followed by various others, followed by Europeans, with east Asians far out ahead in neoteny such that they live longer too. Let’s note that there is a limit to the return on neotenic development.
7) the most taboo topic is the difference in IQ between the races that’s due to neotenic evolution and increased cranial volume because of longer development cycles. This does not mean that races determine intelligence. It means that the size of the underclass determines the racial average of intelligence, so a lower racial intelligence only means that they were unsuccessful at reducing the size of the underclass in warmer climates – and people in cold climates, and cold climates under agrarianism more so. The primary difference in IQ between the races has to do with male-spatial, female-verbal biases, and the number of outliers they produce over 140 because of a slightly wider standard deviation. (Ashkenazim).
8) All of these (six) factors produce a problem for members of every race other than the upper-middle class of that race. This is because humans value status and self-image more than anything other than life.
9) so while the upper-middle class can travel the world successfully, the upper and lower classes organize in defense of one another, as elites gain status prestige and wealth seeking political-economic and demographic advantage for the lower and middle classes that can’t compete with other races – within the same polity.
10) so the painful truth is that globalization and race-mixing favors the upper-middle class, at the cost of the middle, working, laboring, and dependent classes.
11) and that America has a foreign, hostile, upper-middle-class that is conducting war on the anglo and germanic and scots Irish middle, working, and laboring classes as well as the anglo upper classes.
12) we know that this was done on purpose and it’s well documented – this is an act of war just like the bolshevik revolution in Russia and the Marxist revolution in Germany were acts of war against the host people – offering false and impossible promises to the underclasses by claiming they were oppressed rather than uncompetitive in the new industrial and technological world that made their relative prosperity possible.