Las diferencias entre familias, clanes, razas y tribus
El Problema: La regresión constante de la calidad de los hombres por debajo de la media y las desviaciones estándar crean la necesidad para que existan presiones persistentes que mantengan una necesidad genética en los grupos humanos. Esto quiere decir que los grupos pueden perder calidad muy fácilmente en cualquier momento que permitan mezclarse entre…
The Reformation of Education
Roughly speaking we spend 10K per student per year, which varies from a low of 7k in Utah to a high of 20k in NY, plus an additional 2k per student at the federal level’s department of education. I don’t know the state overhead numbers. As far as I can tell there is zero value…
Religion may be necessary, but not lies.
Nov 15, 2016 10:40am Religion is a NECESSARY institution for the provision of decidability by narrative, which is the loosest theoretical structure we currently know how to construct. The question is whether we claim religious narratives are true(history), are myths(parables), or are supernatural(falsehoods). History and Myths are enough without resorting to lies.
Markets Preserve Asymmetry of Merit, and Remove Asymmetries of Non.
Markets are simply the only means of preserving asymmetry and removing asymmetry of power and information. Courts are the only means of preserving asymmetry of warranty of performance. I don’t think markets are subordinate to hierarchy in any sense other than I think that they themselves prohibit hierarchy by permitting the meritocratic rise and fall…
Religion Has No Need Of Lies
There is a difference between a cost of entry into a religion and the content of the falsehoods in the religion. Many cults do not ask us to pay physical costs, but to deny reality as the cost of entry. In fact, is that not the entire premise of the monotheistic religions? The price of…
Is Male Bonding The Source Of Civilization?
(hmmm… well, lets do a propertarian analysis of that question) —“How do you feel about mannerbunds?”—Harrison Baker Well you know, I tend to stay away from silly terminology and instead make operationally testable statements. men evolved to work in groups of brothers to herd women, hold territory, and kill competitors and take their stuff. this…
Christianity, Judaism, And Islam: Moral Or Immoral?
Nov 17, 2016 5:58pm Assuming you teach Christianity as myth rather than history, by and large it’s compatible with natural law. But not Judaism. And not Islam. QUESTION… —“I’d enjoy it if you’d elaborate on that.”—Rex May Well, if by Christianity we are talking about the content of the bible, and in particular of the…
In Praise of Taxes
Nov 19, 2016 12:29pm IN PRAISE OF TAXES 😉 (rulership is a profession, and one we must return to) Assuming that taxes are used for the purpose of the creation and defense of the full spectrum of markets. And assuming we have juridical defense against taxes not used in creation and defense of those markets.…
Repealing the 19th
We have to be honest with ourselves, just as were the Spartans, and accept that if we let the Helots or the women participate in the franchise they will revert to barbarism.
The Destruction of the Craft of Motherhood
THE DESTRUCTION OF MOTHERHOOD —“Curt you said something a long time ago….”— Yes… that western women are losing the art of motherhood and parenting which was transferred intergenerationally through direct experience, just like the military responsibility of men. Women may no longer have either the knowledge or the confidence to mother children. So not only…
More on Market Fascism
What’s the difference between MARKET FASCISM and the Status Quo? There are two differences: 1) Since markets regulated by natural law are the only POSSIBLE means of preserving sovereignty, and voluntary cooperation free of parasitism, then any attempt to perpetuate an alternative is an act of attempted fraud. So the difference is that under Market…
Different Economies
As far as I can tell, pretty much anyone with christian ethics, with an IQ over 85, can contribute to society if we assist them by providing an economy that allocates work to them. But the idea that we need a MONOPOLY form of economy, instead of different ECONOMIES for each class, is rather stupid…
Different Economies for Different Classes
Q&A: CURT: DIFFERENT ECONOMIES FOR DIFFERENT CLASSES? —“Could you elaborate on the concept of different economies for different classes? Does this mean laws can be enforced differently on different classes?”—John Zebley No it just means that the working and middle class and upper middle class market of voluntarily organized production does not account for the…
The Future of Religion
JOSLIN AND DOOLITTLE ON THE FUTURE OF RELIGION Curt: I think that the notion of religion in the archaic sense, is probably done forever except for the ‘stupid people’. And just as the current state religion is democratic pseudoscientific, secular, humanism, any replacement religion will require a narrative and inspirational (transcendent or accommodating) that is…
Gods and Prayers as Unit of Measure
God and prayer as a unit of measure. Just as we can use each other’s cooperation as a test, we can use prayer to an all knowing god to force ourselves to be honest with ourselves. If god is similar enough across a population, we can use it as a unit of measure: a method…
Holding Status Issuers Liable
HOLD THE NOBEL PRIZE COMMITTEE LIABLE FOR THEIR RATING SERVICE? Do you suppose we could make the Nobel Prize committee liable for the certification of pseudoscience? I think we could. Why not? I mean, for all intents and purposes, how is the Nobel Committee any different from the Mortgage Rating Services? Privatizing commons while socializing…
There Is Nothing To Find In The Lies of the Conflationary Prophets
THERE IS NOTHING TO FIND IN THE LIES OF THE CONFLATIONARY PROPHETS BUT INFANTILISM. —“It seems that, in Genesis, God has legs, and doesn’t know the answers to the questions he asks. It confirms my inclination to the Marcionite Heresy.”— There is nothing there to find. We have our fairy tales, and myths. We have…
Teach Children Spectra, not nouns or verbs.
THOUGHT OF THE DAY Just as we teach our children nouns, and asians teach their children verbs, what if we all taught our children spectra? In Propertarianism I have guarded against conflation and substitution and enforced causal relations by reliance upon iterating (over and over again) spectra. three points test a line. a spectrum tests…
The Church Of Tomorrow?
“ANSWER A FEW QUESTIONS ABOUT THE CHURCH OF TOMORROW? If you went to the same church, and had similar rituals, but they drew from all of our history, not just Biblical, and tried to apply the lessons of history to (apolitical) current life and family affairs would that make you more interested in it? If…
Education. Curriculum Aristocratia
SUBJECTS (still working on an integrated curriculum) RULE – LIMITS / THE FATHER / ARISTOCRACY – SOVEREIGNTY Athletics and Aesthetics, Epistemology and Testimony, Psychology and Sociology Ethics and Law Politics and Rhetoric Economics and Finance Group Evolutionary Strategy and War PRODUCTION / THE BROTHER / LIBERTY – FREEDOM Accounting and Arithmetic Logic and Mathematics Materials…
Math is Taught as Fiction
YES, MATHEMATICS IS TAUGHT AS FICTION: “LET US TEACH EVERYONE A VERY INTERESTING AND IMPORTANT LESSON VIA MR JOHN BLACK.” —“Mathematical fictionalism is more tenable than mathematical platonism.”—Melvin Davila Martinez “There are no such things as abstract objects? Prove it.” — John Black The verb ‘to-be’ = ‘exists’. (is, are, was, were, be, being, been)…
An Information Approach To Ritual & Religion
(by James Augustus Berens) Position Along Spectrum of Information: (-)<–(-2)-(-1)-(0)-(1)-(2)-(*)–>(+) |<——————————->| (+) Truth Empiricism Individualism Markets Sovereignty Eugenic (-) Lies Mysticism Collectivism Discretion Submission Dysgenic Religion and Ritual: (*) Ratio-empirical Consequentialism: human action under complete, operational information produces deterministic consequences. (2) Stoicism: partial but actionable information. Action and cognition directed towards the immediately calculable, operational,…
Mindfulness In Different Religious Traditions
shinto achieves mindfulness through precise repetition of ritual in a respectful manner. stoicism achieves mindfulness through small daily task completion in a virtuous manner. buddhism achieves mindfulness through meditation and escape from reality. Islam achieves mindfulness by many memorizations and ritual prayers during every single day. christianity achieves mindfulness by personal and collective prayer (and…
Lets Give Everyone A Precise Language And For The Discussion Of Religion.
We have been misled into thinking that ‘religion’ requires superstition. But that idea is a product of the authoritarian dogma created by the church under Christianity. It’s simply not true. DECONFLATED, RELIGION CONSISTS OF: 1) Narrative: historical, mythical, supernatural 2) Metaphysical Judgments: (in many forms) 3) Group Evolutionary Strategy: (in many forms ) 4) Normative…
An Objective Analysis Of Cultural Philosophies
Ill give you the objective model instead: 1-utopians(plato)(hindus), The Utopian strategy is train men to be good, so that no conflict need occur. 2-truth tellers (aristotle), The Aryan strategy is to resolve conflicts early and quickly so that they cannot be seized in a moment of weakness. 3-truth avoiders (sun tsu), Sun Tzu is the…