Category: Thoughts

  • Responsibility Is a White Supremacist Thing?

    — “It’s happened: Freedom is white supremacist.” — Twitteridiot Freedom > Liberty > Sovereignty > Self Determination = “Whiteness”: What’s the white group strategy (whiteness)? “Reciprocal insurance, by force of arms, of self-determination, by self-determined means, by sovereignty in demonstrated interest, reciprocity in display, word, and deed, and markets in everything = Responsibility. More importantly, Responsibility is the…

  • Race Matters….

    THE ORIGIN OF LIES IN THE EVASION OF NECESSARY COSTS OF PRESERVING CIVILIZATION: Race Matters “Race Doesn’t Matter” is an attempt to evade the costs of policing the commons: the informational, normative, traditional, institutional, and physical commons. It’s virtue signaling as a means of evading the cost of defense. So, just as we saw people evade…

  • The One Purpose of Democracy Is Insurance of Natural Law

    — “Democracy is commonly described as having an inherent superiority over every other form of government. It is supposed to advance with an irresistible and preordained movement. It is thought to be full of the promise of blessings to mankind; yet if it fails to bring with it these blessings, or even proves to be…

  • When debate, voting, courts fail…

    Q: “So where does that leave us?” When debate fails, when voting fails, when courts fail, there is but one means of resolution: show in numbers, petition the state for redress of grievances, and promise heads will roll in terrifying numbers if they are not addressed. This is the purpose of the 2nd amendment.

  • Disambiguating the Spectrum of Means of Thought

    DISAMBIGUATING THE SPECTRUM OF MEANS OF THOUGHT A mathematician seeks measurement, a scientist testimony, a jurist decidability, a philosopher choice, and a theologian to remove responsiblity for testimony, decidability, and choice as well as the status and self image consequences of failure to take that responsibility. This is one of those extremely dense sentences that…

  • Adulthood: Learn To Offend Imbeciles whenever necessary.

  • “I am loyal to christians”

    When I say “I am loyal to christians” for the same reason I am loyal to children, women, and men of low ability: because they are my kin. Loyalty between the feminine childish theological, the practical male traditional, the rational male philosophical, and the martial male empirical, is sufficient for group success. Though we must…

  • It’s because I’m an a—hole.

    — “Curt, you don’t get enough appreciation for your work, because people recognize you’re an a—hole more so than they recognize the quality of your work.” — ouch… lol True. 😉

  • Giving up on the Right…

    I’m having another one of those “I need to give up on the right” days. My ability to tolerate stupid, low information, boisterous, superstitious, sophomoric, ideological, overconfident, lazy, intellectually dishonest males is exhausted. And all efforts are pointless, and rather than continue frustration, I should just leave them to the fate they deserve: extermination. It…

  • False Presumptions in Psychology

    Unfortunately more than a century of presumptions in psychology have been false. Traits (a) disagreeableness at the expense of agreeableness, and (b) systematizing at the expense of empathy, turn out to be as necessary as (c) conscientiousness and (d) intelligence. The more direct explanation is that no matter your intelligence and conscientiousness if you rely on agreeableness over disagreeableness and empathy over systematizing then…

  • The Utility of Faith: Confidence.

    LeDiableBlanc@LeDiableBlanc Feb 28· @curtd Church and state both mean government. The utility of faith is that it allows you to gain confidence without having confidence. That is to say, you can’t lie to the subconscious. If you haven’t programmed it to know that you can do a thing, it will know that you can’t do a…

  • Learning Not to Be a Bot

    LEARNING NOT TO BE A BOT The reason people who follow my work can speak about all behavior from the neutral point of view and not be misled by emotion intuition and bias, is becaue we reducde all human behavior to very simple cuases, and recognize that we’re all just talking bots flailing in the…

  • The Coming Political Reorganization

    Being cautious about what I say: “If irreconcilable differences emerge, we must resort to moral argument. If moral argument fails we must resort to exchange. If exchange fails we must resort to separation. And if separation fails, we must resort to war.” The only solution is war. I predicted civil war. However, all we can…

  • France Russia and The Jews: Death by Ghost Dreams of Empire

    FRANCE RUSSIA AND THE JEWS: DEATH BY GHOST DREAMS OF EMPIRE #Ukraine. I think I’ll work a bit on explaining the similarity between the french and Russian dreams of restoration of past empires, and the eastern European, German, Scandinavian, and Anglo expectations of limited power and influence under federations. #Ukraine. You see, both France(Socialism) and…

  • Exasperated.

    EXASPERATED Well, the right is politically dead – fully cut off from political influence. The right is socially dead – ostracized from all meaningful normative influence. As far as I can tell the right is intellectually dead – if it ever had any intellectuals after the second world war. It’s impossible to form any coalitions…

  • Duty to Respond?

    — “interesting, you have no incentive in educating me but you do have one in pointing out my ignorance in less than 5 minutes.” — I’ll explain I don’t have a moral (public) obligation to invest in someone demonstrating immorality by pretense of knowledge – just the opposite. I do have a moral (public) obligation to invest…

  • Sexual Equilibrium:

    SEXUAL EQUILIBRIUM: Men are less empathic than women, and therefore less socially adaptive than women. Many of the things that need to be done raising children and socializing with neighbors on the homestead, men are not capable of doing. Men are also not as capable of managing details and multitasking as women, and if they…

  • force (threat) is the masculine version of female undermining.

    “Assuming the that the context is the evasion of truth, then yes, force (threat) is the masculine version of female undermining. Male female differences are easy to identify with just a little practice. Masculine anti-social behavior, and feminine anti-social behavior are well documented in the behavioral sciences.”

  • High Trust Loyalty vs Low Trust Submission:

    HIGH TRUST LOYALTY VS LOW TRUST SUBMISSION: “Insurance of Self Determination, Sovereignty in Demonstrated Interests, Reciprocity in Deed, Word, and Display, Rule of Law, Democracy in Investment in Commons, Federalism, and Federations are just points along the scale of Loyalty.” It has taken me far too long to figure this out, and put it into a form…

  • Restoration of The European Prohibition on Authority.

    — “There were three ingredients in the scientific outlook of the eighteenth century that were specially important:(1) Statements of fact should be based on observation, not on unsupported authority.(2) The inanimate world is a self-acting, self-perpetuating system, in which all changes conform to natural laws.(3) The earth is not the center of the universe, and…

  • Defining the Classes

    –“Curt: Can you clarify the difference between labor class and middle class please? Labor meaning manual labor and middle class meaning managerial class?”– The terms vary in the English Speaking world. Example: Middle Class in UK = Upper Middle Class in USA. So I use Paul Fussell’s (American) as a general rule: Class=What capital do…

  • Reconciliation: The Underlying (unnecessary) Division Between Europe and European Russia

    RECONCILIATION: THE UNDERLYING (UNNECESSARY) DIVISION BETWEEN EUROPE AND EUROPEAN RUSSIA 1)Europe is a multiethnic christian voluntary rule of law federation. Russia is a multiethnic multireligious involuntary arbitrary rule empire. Civilizational development migrated from the Atlantic across Europe, into european Russia, and Russia domesticated the rest of Eurasia. 2)Given that Russia is still domesticating conquered eurasian…

  • Disambiguation of Sayings

    DISAMBIGUATION: PROVERB (religious wisdom) – a short, pithy saying in general use, stating a general truth or piece of advice. ADAGE (folk wisdom) – a proverb or short statement expressing a general truth. MAXIM (tradition, philosophy) – a short, pithy statement expressing a general truth or rule of conduct. APHORISM (scientific wisdom) – a pithy…

  • Whiteness Is a Technology for The Production of Responsibilty

    WHITENESS IS A TECHNOLOGY FOR THE PRODUCTION OF RESPONSIBILTY All peoples can have what the west has but this is the only way to do it: responsibility. And the responsibility of military duty. and the use of the military and duty and responsibility to create rule of law. Only such men create rule of law.…

  • “There Is Going to Be a Revolution – I Know. Because, To Save The Constitution, The Country, and Our People – I’m One of The Many Who Will Start It.”

    THERE IS GOING TO BE A REVOLUTION – I KNOW. BECAUSE I’M ONE OF THE PEOPLE WHO WILL START IT. Moral men need a reason for rebellion. (they have it: rule by credit, familicide, genocide, culturecide, civilization. ) They need an institutional solution implementable as law, to demand that resolves their issues, (we have it)…