Regarding Primary, Secondary, and Higher Education

1 – Explanation: The Cause of Western Decline

Reversing The Cause of Western Decline: The false primises of The Nature of Man, The Malleability of Man, The false promise of infinite growth, and the institutionalization of “The Embedded Growth Obligation”.

In order to deny the false promises of man under the presumption of unlimited growth, the education system at all levels, converted into a pseudoscientific religion, as all religions do, required demonstrated belief in falsehood regardless of consequences, and they denied the findings of genetics, cognitive science, psychology, sociology, demographics, behavioral and social and political economics, with the false promise of blank slate, equality of ability, equality of potential, the myth of oppression, and blaming Western European man’s truth, reciprocity, markets and eugenic suppression of the underclass through limiting the income necessary to reproduce, as his oppression of others, rather than the discovery and adaptation to physical, natural, and evolutionary laws; the conversion of the tragedy of those laws to heroism and tolerance for those laws; a the invention of adversarialism in all walks of life to continuously calculate how to exploit those laws for man’s benefit; the mastery of competition to apply those exploitations of those laws; the disproportionately rapid evolution of Western man, his civilization, and hist technology relative to other peoples, and the application of those laws that allowed Western man to drag mankind out of tyranny, stagnation, decay, superstition, ignorance, hard labor, poverty, starvation, disease, child mortality, early death and victimization by man, beast, nature, the Solar system and the galaxy – in a few hundred years of the Indo-European expansion, a few hundred years in the Mediterranean, and a few hundred years in the modern world, using our domestication of the horse, its combination with bronze and wheel, our adaptation to consumption of dairy, our subsequent laws, and our rational, mathematical, legal, political, mathematical, empirical, agrarian, financial, transportation, industrial, scientific, technological, and informational revolutions. And the explanation for that evolution and success in the Darwinian revolution.

The result was the deliberate formation of a pseudo-intellectual intellectual class and a pseudo-education system that from top to bottom, sought to use Darwin’s discovery and explanation of evolution to seize power from the church and its role in social formation as the government had from the aristocracy previously in commercial formation, by prosecuting the Church’s allegorical mythology; that did not deny the necessity of the consequences of evolution while creating a pseudo-scientific religion to replace the church’s mythology that DID deny the consequences of evolution. While the church may have limited the progress of human knowledge, it did not crate behaviors or institutions that denied physical, natural, and evolutionary laws. The intellectual, academy, and schooling system did, however, create a pseudoscience that denied those laws, and behaviors that were incompatible with those laws – and the result of that pseudoscience, religion, intellectual propaganda, academic and educational falsehood is the broken civilization we live in today – blaming Western civilization as a proxy for God. When it is European civilization that discovered the laws of the universe and the universe’s God: by the means of producing testimonial truth before our law, and the application of that testimony tall public speech, and by extension into those extensions of our law we call the sciences.

As such, as has happened many times before, the present fall of our civilization is due to the hubris of mankind, the blaming of the European peoples for the laws of Nature and Nature’s God. And rebelling against European civilization rather than face the tragedy of those laws incompatible with man’s fantasies, man’s heroism in transcending that tragedy by discovering, adapting to, applying, and transcending man out of victimization of those laws at the cost of suppression of the reproduction of those unfit for those laws of the universe and universe’s God.

To make matters worse, female intuition, the Jewish civilization in religious philosophical and pseudoscientific disciplines, the Muslim religion in religious, military, and social discipline and organization, are all little more than rebellions of false promise against those laws at the expense of mankind – and it is Western civilization alone that tolerates that war against mankind – despite being the only people who have discovered and implemented the salvation of mankind from those laws. That is why everywhere those religions go, the world reverses, stagnates, and eventually declines. With women under the yoke of their men who built civilization, the Jews cast out from civilizations over a hundred times, and the Muslims Resisted, barred from entry into civilizations, or eventually cast out. The greatest destruction in human history is plague and disease. But Islam is the second at over a billion dead, and five dead civilizations, reduced to dust, and Judaism the third with the undermining of Rome, a hundred million dead by Communism by the same technique, and now the Neo-Marxism, postmodernism, anti-male feminism, political correctness, and intentional undermining of our borders and an as yet unknown number of dead. The European expansion into the Americas trivial by comparison, and less damaging than the second wave of Siberians who all but killed off the first wave of Siberians into the Americas. And the loss of the Aztecs one of the great contributions to world history – for they were the most evil peoples we have been discovered in all of human history.

The Group Strategy of European Man is the application of what he learned from the domestication of stone, wood, clay, metal, plant, animal, and himself – was the primacy of man was possible – that we would no longer be a victim of Nature or Nature’s God, if we applied the lessons of Nature or Nature’s God, and domesticated ALL MANKIND as we had domesticated all and ourselves before. Domestication requires nothing more than the production of a militia of owners of the polity, rule of law, judge and jury, markets in aspects of life, and to limit the reproduction of the unproductive, and to hang or worse those who violate those laws and the markets that result from nature; and over time to produce a purely middle-class polity that is ALSO able to discover, adapt to and apply the laws of Nature or Nature’s God at the cost of the suppression of the reproduction of the unfit for those laws, and the culling of the socially unfit from the polity.

2 – The Mission of Western Civilization

This was, and remains, the mission of European civilization: To avoid the failures of all other civilizations to discover and adapt to those laws, to fail by stagnation and decline, to ensure neither we nor others limit man to “The Great Filter” of our own extinction, to maintain the primacy of man, and to drag ourselves, and mankind through a condition of continuous prosperity; to bring about, and to ensure the transcendence of man into the gods we imagine, in this brief period of natural, geological, astrological, and galactic peace. To seize our one opportunity to turn this Earth, this system this universe into heavens. And to brook not tolerance, and deliver just punishments, to all that would impede, frustrate or end it. If there is a devil among mankind, it is the false promise of freedom from physical, natural and evolutionary laws. So for those who say European man has no identity, no culture, no civilization, and no mission – it is those who seek to repeat the dark ages, and once again destroy mankind, to turn civilizations to dust, to run down the sands of the hourglass of our opportunity for transcendence, to return man to poverty and hardship, by false promise of freedom from the laws of Nature or Nature’s God that only European people have discovered, adapted to, applied, and with them dragged mankind with them into godhood.

This is the mission for which education must prepare our people – or it is a conspiracy against our people, our laws, our nation, our civilization, and mankind. And we will treat it as the crime that it is. No More Lies. And no more lies will go unpunished.

(relocate this paragraph above) – The consequence of those lies was the “Social Construction” of a new pseudoscientific religion with which to undermine the modern world as they had done in the ancient world – repeating the destruction of Western civilization as they had the Levantine, Mesopotamian, Egyptian, North African, Anatolian, Byzantine Greek, European Roman, European Continental, Persian, and northwest Indo-Iranian.

3 – Defining a Science: Science is Testimony. Teach Testimony

A science must satisfy the demands of Testimony because that is the demarcation between science and non-science. And must result in descriptions in formal mathematical or computational models for measurement and simulation by falsification. To satisfy testability that one does not engage in ignorance, error, or deceit, it must conform to realism, naturalism, operational possibility, empiricism, identity, internal consistency, rational choice by rational incentives, reciprocity if in cooperation or transfer, and full accounting within stated limits, and warrantied by due diligence and liability for restitution or punishment if one errs by failing to perform due diligence sufficient to satisfy the demand for infallibility in the context of subsequent causality.

Our Work in Natural Law has produced formal and computational logic of language, psychology, and social science. One of our objectives is to end the production, distribution, and sale of pseudoscience, sophistry, occult, false promise that seeks (again) the destruction of civilization, European scientific sense-making, European normative testimony, and the gains therefrom.

If a physical science cannot be constructed from mathematics or computation, if a cognitive science not from mathematics and computation, and if a statement of language, psychology, or sociology cannot be stated in the formal logic of Natural Law, and survive falsification by testimonial due diligence, then it is not a science. As such it is not testifiable. As such it is unwarrantable, as such it is not amoral and must be either criminal, unethical, or immoral. As such it is a violation of the natural law of reciprocity to distribute such information by display, word or deed, in public, to the public, in matters public, without harming the informational commons upon which all people depend for decision making within the physical, natural, and evolutionary laws.

Restore Criteria for Educational Institutions:

1 – As in the present conditions in the USA, the criteria for opening a college shall be insurance of warranty of the training and degree issued. “Let a thousand Colleges Bloom.” (In other words, if you can find an insurer willing to cover it.)

2 – The purpose of an educational institution is public service institution to serve the domestic population and only to serve the population. As such (a) foreign students are prohibited for other than one year visiting scholarship and must pay full rate; (b) may not constitute more than one percent of the student body; (c) students shall be accepted by merit and potential to succeed in obtaining a degree at the standards of the institution, and no other criteria; (d) and we have constructed those incentives herein.

3 – A Degree Constitutes a Warranty of Fitness for Service. A degree represents insurance that the holder can perform the work in the discipline. If the teachers, professors, or institution will not warranty and be liable for the performance of the individual, then they may not issue a degree.

4 – All colleges that issue a degree (certification of completion) must succeed in the placement of the individual in a related position of apprenticeship or residency for not less than one year before its issue, and before recognition of revenue.

5 – A College shall Consist of Specialization in At Least One of The STEM+EL Disciplines, and Shall Complete All Courses in Three or Four Years, and May or May Not Offer Masters and PhD Programs.

6 – A Researcher researches (Dr.), a Professor teaches (Dr. Professor). The purpose of a professor is teaching and certifying students for fitness for service. All Professors in All Residential Colleges Must Be Full Time. A Research professor shall teach no more than two courses, and a teaching professor no less than three and no more than five. Research professors and members of research institutes shall be paid, and their services compensated, by teaching, for their teaching and only their teaching. This diminishes the overhead of research professors and insures against the continued decline of teaching professors.

7 – All Professors Must use English as their first language, master and survive judgment in presentation. And the success at teaching, their success at producing individuals fit for career, the only criteria. (No more throwing third rate research staff at students for high cost.)

8 – Tenure is ended and vacated everywhere in all education without exception. A chair may be endowed to fund the Researcher, or Professor, on the condition of his retention. Why? Under the law, it is illegal to suppress, discipline, or fire a professor for statements of, or research into, any truth or reciprocity, nor engaged in constructions to force him or her out for such. This right and obligation is inalienable so it may not be contractually forgone either.

9 – To Hold the Title “University” the Organization Must Grant One, Two or Three Masters, and PhD Degrees in more than one College in more than one discipline. The university may federate more than one college for teaching the same domain. But not to circumvent the requirement for more than one college in more than one discipline. The reward of Masters and PhD shall Depend upon The German Testimonial Method (prosecutorial and no other). And All Professors Must Be Full Time.

10 – The Administration shall be limited to the maintenance and aesthetics of the physical plant, and Non-Profit Renting of The Facilities to Colleges of Professors. Universities and Colleges may create or maintain endowments for use in improvements in physical plants, or

11 – Professors shall Administer and Operate all Colleges as a non-profit limited liability partnership, as was the British tradition, and Charge Rates by Course, Professor, and College as They See Fit. In the case of repeated failure to achieve statistical peerage with other colleges, the board has the choice of creating or allowing a competing college or not renewing a lease to a college. Colleges within a university issue degrees, not the university, and the professors agreeing to grant the degree, sign the degree, and warrant the student’s performance in the field because of it. Student success in the fields by degree shall be measured and accounted by the granting professors.

12 – The process of accepting large first-year classes and churning them for revenue shall be prohibited and colleges and universities shall write off and refund drop-outs until they improve their admissions policies.

13 – The only classes that may be required are those directly related to the degree. The process of requiring electives or unrelated study is prohibited with bias against inclusion. Student course load should be mastery of a subject with three or four courses per semester.

14 – Military, Preparation, Recruiting, and Participation shall return to all colleges and universities or such institutions shall be shuttered.

15 – Provide Tax-Free, Interest-Free, Loans To Institutions to Loan to Students, that are natural-born citizens of whom parents are citizens, with the stipulation that those loans will be paid by payroll deductions for no more than seven years, with universities absorbing all losses (end incentive for churning), and the university shall carry responsibility for defaults. Any drop out debts are forgiven and losses born by the institution.

16 – Prohibit the Use of Undergraduate Income to Finance Graduate and PhD Programs. Permit Use of Sports Income to Finance Graduate and PhD Incomes. (Prohibit the crime of “Pooling and Laundering”.)

17 – All State Financing of Research Shall Be Limited to The STEM+EL fields.

18 – All research staff and all those tangentially involved shall be natural-born citizens of at least third generation and shall pass security clearances under the same constraints as military research, development, and production.

19 – The results of all research funded directly or indirectly by the state shall be free and public unless state secret and strategic (no gating or charging for it).

20 – The State Shall Obtain a Non-Voting Interest exclusive of Sale (transfer), in Any an All Research that Results from State Funding, and Be Given Equal Standing to The Best Standing of Any Dividend or Sale.

21 – The State Shall at All Times Seek to Invest in Private-Public Production of Goods, Services, and Information Resulting from That Research, that Are Revolutionary (additional), Not Just Evolutionary (competitive), as A Means of Increasing the Returns to The Citizenry.

22 – All Colleges shall be rated individually and by output success over trailing forty years and no other means. The practice of rating by input criteria and assets shall be terminated.

Duration and Funding of Educational Institutions

Research Institutes –
1. Scientific Research Institute – Endowment, Investment, Donation, and Grant Funded, For Profit
( … )

Scientific College – Non Profit
2. Scientific Three+ Years – 80% State Paid at cost +20%, PhD,M 10% state paid at cost +20%

STEM+EL refers to Physical Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Sentience, Consciousness), Applied Sciences: Technologies, Engineering; Formal Sciences: Mathematics, Computer Science, Mechanical Intelligence; Social Sciences: Natural Law (explanation) and Mathematical Economics (measurement).

Medical College – Non Profit
Physician’s, Nurse’s, and Medical Technicians

3. Medicine by Year – 80% State Paid at Cost + 20%

Cognitive Science (Replaces Psychology), Natural Law (Replaces Sociology), Genetics, Bio Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics.
Medicine is the most scientifically organized profession, with the most reliable results, effectively granting a new title and responsibility for each year of education, from Nursing through Physician. There is no evidence that an undergraduate degree is required for physicians, and it unnecessarily increases the costs of education (despite its returns) and lost income, and culls people from the field unnecessarily. The evidence of the nursing to physician sequence has falsified the alternate expense. So the filed must find an alternate method of ‘filtering’ students other than an unrelated undergraduate education.

Behavioral College – Non Profit
(Teaching profession transferred here for crossover reasons)
4. Counseling by Year 50% State Paid At Cost +20%, PhD,M 10% State Paid at cost +20%

As above, the Undergraduate Degree Requirement shall be dropped, Psychiatry shall consist of three or four years of education and four years of apprenticeship (residency).
Psychiatry (medicine), Therapy (behavior modification), and Counseling (crisis advice),
Teaching: (education of all ages);
Advising: Friendship, Marriage, Child-rearing, and Family Life;
and Coaching (lifestyle improvement and lifetime fulfillment), are and will continue to be necessary professions while changes continue so rapidly, families are broken by capital concentration, migration, immigration multi-culturalism has destroyed norms of behavior, manners, ethics, and morals; and as long as the current alienation by the civilizational breakdown of feedback systems within the society continue under the consequences of the false promises. However, most of these fields are plagued by pseudosciences and continuous failure. So we are requiring a year-long program in Natural Law (grammars, cognitive science, operationalization of psychological and social prose, the economics of personal and social behavior) in order to reform the field. This will give the industry a post-Freudian, post-false promise, post-pseudoscientific value-neutral language of human thought and behavior, and interaction that will give therapists, patients, and customers a blameless guiltless rational language and logic to work with.

Administrative College – Non Profit
5. Administrative Two Years – 80% State Paid at Cost + 20%
Non-Stem Refers to Accounting, Finance, Economics; Business, Entrepreneurship, and Marketing; Public Service, Public Administration, Political Systems, International Relations;
Degree shall require one additional year of Apprenticeship.

College of The Arts – Non Profit
6. Personal Fulfillment – Self Paid Only, and No Student Loans, and no transfer of funding by art or artifice.
Arts: History, Philosophy, Theology, Languages, Literature, Arts, Music, Theater, Film; Degree shall require one additional year of Apprenticeship.

Vocational College – For Profit
7. Licensed Trades – One year, Two Year – 90% State Paid
8. Vocational Trades – One Year – 90% State Paid
A Vocational College shall Consist of Those Fields that Teach the Trades that Transform the Physical World Through the Use of Tools. Degree shall require one additional year of Apprenticeship.
9. Administrative Trades (Junior College) shall Consist of Those Offering Vocational Training Outside of The STEM+EL Fields, but In the Clerical and Support Fields, and Shall Complete All Courses in one or two years.

10. Pseudoscience, Sophistry, False Promise – Prohibited, no loans for any reason, and 
Fitness, Diet, Nutrition, “psychology”, “sociology”, Any-“studies”, Any Pseudoscience, Sophistry, and Occult, Any-“Marxism”, any-“Postmodern”, “Political Science” (Premise: “There is no political science other than rule of law, the distribution of decision making, and economics. All else is theology or philosophy, or ideology – not science”

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