Category: 1.6-The Pattern of History

  • The Answer To The Peterson Harris Debate

    UNSOLICITED OPINION – THE ANSWER TO THE PETERSON HARRIS DEBATE (philosophy)(science)(truth)(decidability)(western uniqueness) ABSTRACT The current debate between Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris over the constitution of truth propositions and whether or not they can be used as a means of decidability between frames of reference has raised the most important issue of our time to a…

  • The Future Is A Choice: Choose to Rule

    THE FUTURE IS JUST A CHOICE. RETURN TO OUR MAJOR INDUSTRY: RULE. We could take a very different perspective: “They are our minorities. They are our Africans, our Jews, our Caribbeans, our Mestizos. We have paid a high price for them. Under the right circumstances they make excellent wage labor. All we must do is…

  • History of Muslim Invasions of Europe

  • Definition: Paedomorphic Evolution

    It’s called Paedomorphic Evolution: Genetic Pacification selecting for lower maturity – the “juvenile”. One of which is Gracilization: loss of bone mass. The ‘strange’ sexual interests of the Japanese (and the asians) and our men’s attraction to Asian women, is very likely due to the greater paedomorphism of the asians and the lower levels of…

  • Q&A: “British civilization viz a viz the ancient Greek civilization?”

    Q&A: “Curt: How would you compare the merits of the British civilization viz a viz the accomplishments of the ancient Greek civilization?” The Aegean vs The North Sea Reason vs Empiricism Slave-hold Manors vs Manorialism Athens/Sparta vs England/Germany Rome vs the United States Bronze vs steel Trireme vs warship In other words, there isnt any…

  • Q&A: Social Capital In Europe?

    Aug 24, 2016 2:23pm —“Would you also say, sir, that Europe’s Scientific and industrial Revolutions were the result of this high trust/social capital, as opposed to the prevailing narrative that colonialism = industrial/scientific revolution? It’s always been a theory of mine that social capital is what allowed Europe and Western Civilization to accelerate ahead of…

  • Specialization In Everything

    Athens indeed gets the credit for what were often spartan victories. And that is because navies (hamiltonian ethics) are more rewarding than armies (jeffersonian ethics). And that western europe (france, italy, and britan) had prosperous navies only because germany held the territories against invasion. And that rome was prosperous as a naval and trading power…

  • A Very New Cut On Intellectual History

    (draft) [S]o Zoroastrianism was constructed to divide the Persians and indians who were both southern Indo-European peoples. Then the Talmud was constructed as a lie to justify retention of property after the end of the Babylonian conquest. THE REVOLUTION The Greeks invented reason, truth, science, and politics for the management of people at scale. The…

  • An Emerging History Of European Peoples

    (sketch) [A]N ARCHEOLOGICAL RATHER THAN LITERARY VERSION OF EUROPEAN PEOPLE’S HISTORY The Cookery – Crossing The Galactic Plane – Accelerating Evolution? The Birth – Out of Africa in Waves and Along the Waves The Childhood – The Miracle In Afghanistan: Big Brains. The Maturity – Domestication of plants and animals. *The First Disaster: The Black…

  • Isn’t America a Germanic Not Just Anglo Country?

    (important piece) (I will write more on this later. But it will explain my emphasis on operationalism and strict construction) [B]efore about 1830, when the British Empire adopted commercial universalism, Britain was a member of Germanic, north sea, and Hanseatic, civilizations. We tend to compare our British ancestors to Today’s Britons who are heavily catholicized…

  • As Far As I know, This Is The Definitive Analysis of the Church

    [A]s far as I know: 1) The church served as a wealthy but weak professional administrative branch of government. 2) The church could grant moral authority to nobility and monarchy, or revoke it. Meaning that if revoked, your lands were marked for conquest by others. 3) The central tenet of christianity is the extension of…