Category: Thoughts

  • Learning Cycle Theory

    LEARNING CYCLE THEORY(HUMAN POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC DETERMINISM) — “What I’d love is a conversation dedicated to cycle theory and a brief overview of all the cycles concluding and converging in this window until 2030. Keep up the great work.” — KnowingDasEin I can do a video on cycle theory, but working with cycles requires a…

  • Arguing with The Midwits

    ARGUING WITH THE MIDWITS — “One of the most critical premises to your whole thing is that **neural adaptability (intelligence)* is largely genetic. Without that, the whole narrative of the left is plausible. Problem is that there is plenty of “science” you can cite to defend the nature side. How do you argue that effectively with…

  • The Problem of Peaceful Moral Separation or Restoration

    THE PROBLEM OF PEACEFUL MORAL SEPARATION OR RESTORATION If I can get you (all) ‘on message’ that:… 1) The jewish strategy is the weaponizing of the female strategy,… 2) Women are vulnerable to, seducible by, the female strategy.… 3) The jews are the best in the world at warfare by the female strategy,… 4) And…

  • Joel Davis on Eurasianism

    This is the best video I have seen breaking down what ‘Eurasianism’ is.  Eurasianism is predicated fundamentally upon a geo-civilizational concept of the world in which the “natural” political order is conceived as a world of 4 distinct blocs where the north rules the south (Anglosphere->Latin America, Europe->Africa, Russia->Middle East, China->South-East Asia), hence why it…

  • How Many Are Enough, and Who Are the Nazis?

    HOW MANY ARE ENOUGH, AND WHO ARE THE NAZIS? — “Q: How many do you think is enough?” — Empire’s Frontiers Enough is something on the order of 2M. Sufficient is the 10k that allows us to collect the 25K, to the 100K, to the 1M to the 2M. Mao strategy: recruit the countryside. We…

  • Anti Dysgenics is not the same as Eugenics

    As far as I know, biological defects like psychopathy, antisocial personality disorder , borderline personality disorder, and malignant narcissism, are both naturally harmful and incurable – but it’s obsessive biological defects like pedophilia, and hoarding that on top of evil and incurable, aren’t even treatable. When I talk about eugenics, or ‘genetic pacification’ I don’t mean…

  • Social Media Optics Morons

    “It’s because you’re dumb f–cks that piss on any adult discourse. The fact that you can mass a thousand yipping infantile morons to destroy a conversation and cancel someone is evidence that you’re using the same strategy of the enemy. As such you’re no better than the enemy. Because the whole purpose the rest of…

  • Of Course I’m an Elitist.

  • Against the Af-Groyper Enemy of Our People

    AGAINST THE AF-GROYPER ENEMY OF OUR PEOPLE The Christians are right in result, but wrong in using sophistry, supernaturalism, fictionalism, and the female method of undermining instead of argument, to produce that result. They teach one another to lie by the Abrahamic (female) means of lying: false promise (fraud), because fundamentalism requires social construction of…

  • Duchesne on Clark

    Dr. Ricardo Duchesne@DrRicardoDuchesne Jan 27 The logic of Gregory Clark’s widely acclaimed book, A Farewell to Alms (2007), is succinctly simple and insightful: the quality of life for the vast majority of humans across the world — in terms of living standards, exposure to diseases, life expectancy, sanitation, working conditions — barely improved between 10,000…

  • We Cannot Assume It’s Possible to Teach Scientific Law

    WE CANNOT ASSUME IT’S POSSIBLE TO TEACH SCIENTIFIC LAW — “We cannot assume that the understanding of P, and its teachability will percolate downwards, but that need not be the case for the benefits of the reforms to be detected and pursued across the distribution. It appears that in each case the discovery of the…

  • Religion and Civilization Leading to The Natural Religion of Man

    RELIGION AND CIVILIZATION LEADING TO THE NATURAL RELIGION OF MAN ME did not develop trifunctionalism because despite the center of world trade, the supply of a sequence of ‘hill people, desert people, then steppe people’ caused rotation of conqueres of concentrated capital production along the rivers preventing trust formation. There are only three means of…

  • So What’s Failing Us?

    CONSERVATISM CAN’T FAIL – IT’S JUST EMPIRICISM. SO WHAT’S FAILING US? (a) Conservatism=Burke’s Reaction to the French Revolution that Empowered the Commoners. What we have in America is not conservatism, it’s the republican party, which is the weaker party, in a first-past-the-post democratic electoral system, that by First-past-the-post elections, results in a two-party system. (b)…

  • The Enemy’s Weapon

    “The Enemy’s Primary Weapon is Female Seduction, Baiting Us Into Hazard, with thefalse promise of non aggression, when the female means of warfare, is undermining and the incrementa destruction of institutions of the cultural production of loyalty, duty, truth, responsibiity, and sovereignty.”

  • Lies of Abrahamic Methods

    “You cannot testify to any of those statements. In order to state them you must lie. You lie to pretend you have knowledge you do not have. You like to pretend you have intellectual, social, and political merit and status you do not have. These are the pretenses of the female mind – that lies…

  • Wrong Question: “are We Going to Lose Our Democracy?”

    WRONG QUESTION: “ARE WE GOING TO LOSE OUR DEMOCRACY?” Confuses the importance of democracy (a luxury good with questionable value and all historical evidence against it) with the importance of self-determination by self-determined means that we imprecisely call sovereignty(political), liberty(economic), and freedom (individual). And worse, overstating the value of democracy understates the rule of law…

  • The Role of Private Equity vs Venture Capital

    THE ROLE OF PRIVATE EQUITY VS VENTURE CAPITAL — “I like to draw a very clear line between venture capital and everything else. Private equity is just another form of money management. You are shuffling the existing pieces of paper around. If you make money, someone else loses. To do it well is exciting and…

  • The Evolutionary Origin of Factions

    THE EVOLUTIONARY ORIGIN OF FACTIONS Female->Children+Resources (Herd) Demand… Left = Drive for Hyperconsumption (dysgenics)… … Left of Center = Drive for Consensus (utility) Via-Positiva… … Right of Center = Decide Conflicts (truth) Via-Negativa… Right = Drive for Hypercapitalzation (eugenics)Male->Peers+Territory (Pack) Demand Once you see it as sense, perception, calculation it make sense.

  • Why Does the Universe only Require Three Dimensions of Measurement

    WHY DOES THE UNIVERSE ONLY REQUIRE THREE DIMENSIONS OF MEASUREMENT(DESCRIPTION) AND ONE DIMENSION OF CHANGE (TIME)? “Q: Curt: What’s so special about triangles!” The simple answer is that no external information is needed in order to calculate a plane just as no external information is necessary to calculate a sphere. Q: “What’s an example of…

  • “.. only conscious life can calculate (Transform inputs into outputs by rules). The physical universe can compute by trial and error. “

    DEFINING HOW THE UNIVERSE USES COMPUTATION VS CALCULATION Richard: Q: — “Curt: So when matter is able to form a stable relationship that persists that is a computation rather than a calculation? I was under the (false?) impression that matter can only calculate and that life can only compute. Life, memory, consciousness, language are more…

  • Debate as Research

    FWIW: I use the ‘smart’ tactic as bait. It causes self-defensive and moral outrage in the opposition, and it’s from a position of moral outrage we are most likely to state our truthful intuitions. This is why I rely on the king of the hill (adversarial) method of research on social media. It’s also why…

  • Evolutionary Change

    1) Changes happen because mutation (fragility) has not been eradicated from the replication process for reasons too technical to go into here. What we don’t yet know is why some organisms are so good at controling limited mutation and some are not (cancer cells) or why some cells are within the norm of mutation and…

  • “..anyone stupid (evolutionarily unfit) enough to fall for vox’s ‘pseudomath’ and moron-service argument,”

    Re: “~curt’s not addressing the mathematical argument” I addressed it. You just didn’t understand it. It’s really simple: in the human line, vox used Change (Mutation) rate vs Survival (Fixation) Rate. I’m not sure why I need to do your work for you instead of simply pointing out the rather obviuos error of using the…

  • The Science, Logic, and Law of Lying by Social Construction

    THE SCIENCE, LOGIC, AND LAW OF LYING BY SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION @curtd @RenegadeScoutr @Snidely_Whiplash @voxday — “It’s not that you use difficult words. It’s that the words you mean do not mean what you think they mean.” — Are you sure? Can you testify to that? It’s called Continuous Recursive Adversarial Disambiguation by Serialization and Operationalzation producing terms as a…

  • Prosecuting the Vox-Day Short Bus:

    PROSECUTING THE VOX-DAY SHORT BUS: PULL TESTIMONY FROM THE DEFENDANT, SUCH THAT HE INCRIMNATES HIMSELF BY DEMONSTRATING HE CAN”T TESTIFY TO WHAT HE CLAIMS — “If the error is obvious, why don’t you spell it out here?Gariepy not only never refuted it, he observably failed to understand it.If fixation is dependent on genetic bottlenecks, you…