Category: 5.7-The Reformation of Information

  • The Church Failed To Reform And The Sciences Didn’t Have Time To Complete Their Evolutionary Program

    I mean, another way to look at the 20th century is that in response to Darwin, Maxwell, Spencer, (a) the church failed to reform in response by stating that god and natural and physical laws were the same expression of his divinity, and (b) our intellectual class failed to synthesize operationalism as a means of…

  • The Pseudosciences

    Empirically speaking, we already overspend on Grad and PhD students. We overspend on most sciences (because they’re psuedosciences) and underspend on those that matter (physics, material science, chemistry, biological chemistry, genetics, archaeology) Virtually all other programs (psychology, social sciences, political sciences), and certainly all pseudosciences (the humanities) are a waste of money. Even in those…

  • A Future for the Mises Institute?

    The Mises Institute would survive if and only if it transforms from advocacy of the pseudoscientific Ashkenazi enlightenment of Boaz, Marx, Cantor, Frankfurt, and Keynes, Mises and Rothbard, to the Scientific enlightenment of Hayek, Popper, Einstein, Darwin, Spencer, Pareto, Durkheim, and myself. It is one thing to say “all these men failed, and each brought…

  • Information Is A Form Of Production No Different From Any Other

    –“You’ve said that you see information as a commodity and therefore lies should be punishable fraud. Could you expand on what you mean as a commodity and how you would determine what forms of “lies” (you usually say leftist pseudo-science) should be punished?”— I said I see information as a kind of production that is…

  • The End Of The Westphalian Order “You guys (Marines) are now 0 and 4 against guys in bathrobes and flip-flops running around with AK’s.” “The state finds itself in an increasing crisis of legitimacy” “The state has become the private hunting preserve of the establishment” (the deep state). “The Establishment is just Kabuki for the people in flyover land.” “Establishments…

  • Grammar Can Be Taught As Testimony

    GRAMMAR IS TAUGHT AS JUSTIFICATION, NOT CRITICISM But the problem of our era is the elimination of pseudoscience and deceit put forth by Marxists, Socialists, Feminists, and Postmodernists. So there is no reason we cannot teach grammar as not just ‘the good manners of victorian expression’, but as ‘the art of preventing the pollution of…

  • The ‘Good’ In Religion Is The Civic Ritual. Not The Content

      There is nothing in the bible that made the church good. They could have read greek legends and done good with them. It’s the ritual that matters, not the content. What the church spread was literacy, and diplomacy, and eventually natural law. The rest was a bucket of catastrophic lies. What’s the difference between…

  • We Already Had The Second Coming…

    WE ALREADY HAD THE SECOND COMING, AND IT WAS AS CATASTROPHICALLY TRAGIC FOR MANKIND AS THE FIRST TIME AROUND. **What’s the difference between the Apostles, the Council of Nicaea, The Pulpit, and Boaz/Freud/Marx, The Frankfurt School, the Media? Nothing.*** The difference is one of technological sophistication. The great lies of Jewish and Christian Mysticism, and…

  • The Failure of Traditionalists

    THE FAILURE OF THE TRADITIONALISTS TO UNDERSTAND OUR OPTIONS. At present we have traditionalists that don’t understand the content of their traditions, only that through mandatory indoctrination and ritual do we behave aristocratically – in the western tradition. The Patriarchy for example, is popular primarily by appeal to traditional (aristocratic) aesthetics. Under the assumption that…

  • Religious Submission Is Incompatible with Sovereignty and therefore Liberty

    Monotheistic religion requires submission. Submission is the opposite of, and incompatible with sovereignty. And existential sovereignty is required for the experience of Liberty. All else is neither liberty nor sovereignty but permission under submission. Ergo no religion that demands submission can produce a condition of Liberty.

  • Transforming the Academy To A Distributor of Lies

    By Eli Harman The left remade society by transforming the academy from institutions of inquiry and education to ones that simply manufacture and distribute lies. But now, it‘s biting them in the ass. Racialized protests at campuses across North America last summer exposed affirmative action for the sham that it is, as unqualified, ungrateful, and…

  • Definition: Philosopher (What Does A Philosopher Do?)

    What’s it mean to be a philosopher? What is this thing we call philosophy? We could say that it is a discipline by which we learn the craft of reasoning. So, many of us philosophize just as many of us repair machines, or do housework, or use mathematics. But using these tools is different from…

  • What’s Wrong With Contemporary Capitalism?

    WHAT’S WRONG WITH CONTEMPORARY CAPITALISM WHEN NOT PAYING PEOPLE TO DO GOOD (PRODUCTION), WE HAVE TO PAY PEOPLE FOR NOT DOING BAD. (From elsewhere) Competition is necessary for INVENTION, including the inventions in productivity that reduce prices – and competition is necessary to eliminate rent seeking (parasitism). Property, Contract, Money, Prices, Profit, are necessary for…

  • Religion: Accountability

    The Third Principle of Freedom of Religion is accountability. That is, that all members of any faith are responsible for the heresies within that faith. Ergo, if your faith has members that violate natural law, reciprocity, or accountability then, this religion is by definition not a right, and does not protect fundamental rights.

  • Religion: The Principle of Reciprocity

    The Second Principle of Freedom of Religion is Reciprocity. So if a religion violates the principle of reciprocity, then it cannot be claimed as a fundamental right, since reciprocity is a necessary fundamental right.

  • No More Books Of Lies

    [N]O MORE BOOKS OF LIES The Vedas were invented to control The Avesta invented to divide The Talmud invented to deceive. The Bible invented to enslave. The Koran invented to conquer. Das Capital to steal. The General Theory to Impoverish. The Truth to set us free. NO MORE LIES. ?#?NewRight?


    [F]OOD FOR THOUGHT: I usually position this question within intellectual history as the sequence: (a) anthropomorphism / narrative oral tradition / hunter gathering / Shamans vs Warriors / Tribalism (b) theism / writing / agrarianism / Temple and Church Bureaucracy vs Warriors / Tribal Unificationism (c) moralism (rationalism) and modernism / printing / capitalism /…

  • As Far As I know, This Is The Definitive Analysis of the Church

    [A]s far as I know: 1) The church served as a wealthy but weak professional administrative branch of government. 2) The church could grant moral authority to nobility and monarchy, or revoke it. Meaning that if revoked, your lands were marked for conquest by others. 3) The central tenet of christianity is the extension of…

  • Will We See A Post-Religious Future?

    [G]iven that we see a decline in religiosity. 1) ON ARATIONAL VS RATIONAL VS EMPIRICAL ETHICS – Rationalism (rational ethics) increases as IQ increases – Religiosity (arational ethics) increases as IQ decreases. – Impulsivity and crime increase as IQ decreases. – There is a positive correlation between non-criminality and religion as IQ decreases. (The whole…

  • Against The Boomer-Academy’s Sale of Indulgences – A Charter for The New Reformation

    (good arguments for your use.) Myths About Attending College Debunked [C]hristopher, This self-serving post is disingenuous at best. As far as we know, right now, students learn almost nothing in university that is used in life. University largely performs a filtering and indoctrination service. So students are filtered out of the workforce by extremely expensive…

  • The Cure for Propaganda – And Western Civilization

    (second draft)(important piece) [P]ropaganda is intentionally defective product, produced for the purpose of obtaining power, delivered with intent to persuade by deception, using rhetorical devices including: conflation, loading, framing, overloading, obscurantism, straw-men, outright lying, and dependent upon repetition as a means of creating confirmatory “evidence”, to produce an intuitive rather than rational response. The traditional,…