Category: Thoughts

  • Where Does Knowledge Come From?

    WHERE DOES KNOWLEDGE COME FROM? THE CORRECT ANSWER Q: “Where does knowledge come from?” COGNITIONBEGIN LOOPSensation -> Integration -> Perception -> Auto Association -> Recursion (Prediction) -> Attention -> Wayfinding (justification) -> Recursion (falsification) -> Survival -> Action.END LOOP That’s quite literally what the brain does when we think. EPISTEMOLOGYBEGIN LOOPObservation -> Auto Association (intuition)…

  • Define The Existence Dilemma?

    Q: “How do you define The Existence Dilemma? Would the universe exist because it is a simulation and also because it is the opposite of a simulation? Could there be an infinite number of factors that make the universe exist?” It’s not a dilemma it’s a sophism. There are no paradoxes or dilemmas. (Really) Despite…

  • . . .

    ENDING THE FEMALE-JEWISH MEANS OF CRIMINALITY, SEDITION, AND WAR I’ve explained in detail why we are vulnerable to the feminine means of undermining by seduction. So, now we have the ‘science’ of female-jewish destruction available. Fundamentally, this means that it’s genetic as well as cultural. And that the female and jewish destruction from within, first…

  • All of those strategies have however consistently failed

    FROM: Helikzhan@curtd We continue as we have. 1. Informing2. Boycotting3. Withdrawing from their orgs4. Reorganizing under our own banners, economy and culture.5. Providing the existential threat to their survival by simply not engaging with it. RESPONSE BY:Curt Doolittle (PRO) @curtd Original Gabber @Helikzhan All of those strategies have however consistently failed over the past century and a half, because…

  • CURT: Q: Potential World War 3!?

    CURT: Q: Potential World War 3!? Not immediately. Over time. Russia->Ukraine 1st, China->Taiwan 2nd, Iran-NE saudi oil fields 3rd. Turkey->Greek Islands 4th. Instantaneous end of postwar era and european dominance in world evolutionary direction. France has opportunity to militarily take over europe. America must retreat to its hemisphere. China expands to the sea of japan.…

  • How do you see the recent negotiations between Russia and USA playing out?

    — “Q: Curt: How do you see the recent negotiations between Russia and USA playing out?” — john smith Well NATO’s decided that it can’t determine whether or not this is a bluff to obtain negotiations or it’s a coordinated action in order to seize an opportunity that might place the USA and NATO in…

  • Civilization First Thinking (christendom=europa Magna)

    CIVILIZATION FIRST THINKING (CHRISTENDOM=EUROPA MAGNA) I think our position would be “civilization first” rather than nation first in the sense that the family comes first unless it conflicts with society-polity, and society polity comes first unless it conflicts with nation-federation-empire, and that nation-federation-empire comes first unless it conflicts with civilization. And civilization is the organization…

  • Learning Cycle Theory

    LEARNING CYCLE THEORY(HUMAN POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC DETERMINISM) — “What I’d love is a conversation dedicated to cycle theory and a brief overview of all the cycles concluding and converging in this window until 2030. Keep up the great work.” — KnowingDasEin I can do a video on cycle theory, but working with cycles requires a…

  • How Do You Argue that Effectively with Midwits?

    ARGUING WITH THE MIDWITS — “One of the most critical premises to your whole thing is that **neural adaptability (intelligence)* is largely genetic. Without that, the whole narrative of the left is plausible. Problem is that there is plenty of “science” you can cite to defend the nature side. How do you argue that effectively with…

  • The Problem of Peaceful Moral Separation or Restoration

    THE PROBLEM OF PEACEFUL MORAL SEPARATION OR RESTORATION If I can get you (all) ‘on message’ that:… 1) The jewish strategy is the weaponizing of the female strategy,… 2) Women are vulnerable to, seducible by, the female strategy.… 3) The jews are the best in the world at warfare by the female strategy,… 4) And…

  • How Many Are Enough, and Who Are the Nazis?

    HOW MANY ARE ENOUGH, AND WHO ARE THE NAZIS? — “Q: How many do you think is enough?” — Empire’s Frontiers Enough is something on the order of 2M. Sufficient is the 10k that allows us to collect the 25K, to the 100K, to the 1M to the 2M. Mao’s strategy: recruit the countryside. We…

  • A correct prediction: Russia vs Ukraine

    From January 24, 2002 Nightmares) Again, I don’t want to be in the prediction business, because it’s a fool’s errand. But reading the tea leaves says that Putin can and can afford to act, assuming he can get Ukraine under Russian control within two to three years.

  • I don’t mean selective breeding as much as ‘selective weeding’.

    As far as I know, biological defects like psychopathy, antisocial personality disorder , borderline personality disorder, and malignant narcissism, are both naturally harmful and incurable – but it’s obsessive biological defects like pedophilia, and hoarding that on top of evil and incurable, aren’t even treatable. When I talk about eugenics, or ‘genetic pacification’ I don’t mean…

  • Strict Construction from First Principles Is the Most Parsimonious Definition of Causal Relations Possible

    Q: For group: Given: “Unambiguous (identity) and Parsimonious (reasoning from first principles(causality).” I don’t think we have a word for “unambiguous and parsimonious” even though I’ve been searching for a way to reduce that to one concept (measure). Q: Leave it as is? So another way to state that is: unambiguous (identity) -> maximally deflated…

  • David Hoffman – storytelling (sigh)

    Falsifying Hoffman is relatively simple: 1) What we see, feel, taste, smell, and most importantly disambiguation and organization into a ‘model’ of objects, spaces, and backgrounds in which we can at – what we consider perception – that we save as episodic memories, are disturbingly accurate (as photos demonstrate). Our tastes attribute value (gain, loss),…

  • The Spheres of Influence of Male and Female Means of Coercion

    THE SPHERES OF INFLUENCE OF MALE AND FEMALE MEANS OF COERCION QUESTION BY CURTD— “As a man, like the majority of men, I have more control over regulating my violence, than almost any woman has control over her undermining. The question is why? Why do males have greater control of violence, and greater dependence on…

  • Ending the False Dichotomy Between Civic and Ethnonationalism.

    Background: I asked how me and my (small) organization would differ from Bannon and his (large). ENDING THE FALSE DICHOTOMY BETWEEN CIVIC AND ETHNONATIONALISM. (The supermajority of Europeans can practice scientific social, economic, political, and group evolutionary strategy that the enemies pejoratively call ‘whiteness’. Only a super-minority of non-Europeans can do so.) I don’t do…

  • Notes on differences between very intelligent people.

    NOTES:Listening to an interview. I don’t perceive many people as particularly intelligent. I do perceive some intelligent people spending more time learning to communicate than others. In the intellectual stratosphere outside the academy, I don’t perceive Langan as extraordinarily intelligent in written or spoken venues, but if he is performing on IQ tests at that…

  • “All of those strategies have however consistently failed”

    Curt Doolittle@curtd Jan 21· FROM: Helikzhan@curtd We continue as we have. 1. Informing2. Boycotting3. Withdrawing from their orgs4. Reorganizing under our own banners, economy and culture.5. Providing the existential threat to their survival by simply not engaging with it. RESPONSE BY:Curt Doolittle (PRO) @curtd Original Gabber @Helikzhan All of those strategies have however consistently failed over the past century…

  • CURT: Q: Potential World War 3!?

    CURT: Q: Potential World War 3!? from jan 21 2022 Not immediately. Over time. Russia->Ukraine 1st, China->Taiwan 2nd, Iran-NE saudi oil fields 3rd. Turkey->Greek Islands 4th. Instantaneous end of postwar era and european dominance in world evolutionary direction. France has opportunity to militarily take over europe. America must retreat to its hemisphere. China expands to…

  • Colonization has a better record than we think…

    You know the adage “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all others?” Well, colonization was the worst form of local modernization, except for all others. And Anglo Saxon empires, were the worst form of world modernization, except for all others. Miss Us Yet? 😉

  • If it wasn’t for chrsitianity we woldn’t have had the dark ages

    No. If it wasn’t for chrsitianity we woldn’t have had the dark ages of semitic ignorance imposed on europeans, and instead, greek and roman literacy, philosophy, science, reason, law, and administration would have continued the slow domestication of european tribes instead of lying to them with semitic falsehoods exacerbating superstition instead of providing education. You…

  • Civilization First Thinking

    CIVILIZATION FIRST THINKING (CHRISTENDOM=EUROPA MAGNA) I think our position would be “civilization first” rather than nation first in the sense that the family comes first unless it conflicts with society-polity, and society polity comes first unless it conflicts with nation-federation-empire, and that nation-federation-empire comes first unless it conflicts with civilization. And civilization is the organization…

  • No, the Kazar thing is nonsense

    Via Thuletide Ashkenazi Jews are not White/European.  They are a mixed-race people with around half Middle Eastern and half European ancestry. 2017 study:  Ashkenazis are 50% Middle Eastern, 34% South European, and 16% North European 2020 study:  Ashkenazis are over 50% Middle Eastern and 41% European Ashkenazis look exactly as you’d expect: A random mix…

  • Moral Conflation

    Via Martin Stepan The debate on objective vs. subjective morality conflates moral (natural, behavioral) law and moral intuitions. The role of moral intuitions is either to adapt to the moral law or get away with transgressing it. It is those in the latter category that argue for moral relativism in order to deny moral law…