I Want to Restore and Complete the Constitution – as Science
I WANT TO RESTORE AND COMPLETE THE CONSTITUTION – AS SCIENCE CAUTION: My work tries to RESTORE the constitution to its intentions of an alliance of states under a weak federation, in the thousand-year history of the holy roman empire, an the successful Germanic and English model of a rule of law of the natural…
Notes on The Meaning of European > Anglo > American Law(see Five Comments that Follow)
The Laws of Nature1. There is but one law of nature: Defeat Entropy By Accumulation, By Acquisition, By “Cooperation”. In other words “Evolve”.2. We have discovered four laws of nature:… a) The physical (initial, input, or before state),… b) The behavioral (the action, or during state),… c) The evolutionary (consequential, or after state),… d) and…
The P-Law (Natural Law) Program Consists of:
The P-Law (Natural Law) Program Consists of: 1 – The completion of the scientific method and all that it entails – which is a lot – and that’s why P is such a big program: it touches every discipline, and it converts almost all psychological, social, and political speech to economic expressions – which is counter-intuitive because…
The Oath: A Pagan(Heathen), a Christian, an Aryan, a Warrior, a Man Transcendent
A PAGAN(HEATHEN), A CHRISTIAN, AN ARYAN, A WARRIOR, A MAN TRANSCENDENT I am a Heathen if 1) I accept the laws of nature as binding on all of existence; and 2) if I treat nature as sacred and to be contemplated, protected and improved; and 3) I treat the world as something to transform closer…
The Consequences of The Search for Truth
THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE SEARCH FOR TRUTH 1) The reason I generated so much hate, and was framed as someone with hate, is the result of my exhaustive application of the scientific method. Why? Popper. “Sources of Knowledge and Ignorance”, and Critical Rationalism: research the greatest returns. 2) What falsehoods contain the greatest opportunity beause…
EP 2045 Notes
Disambiguating Responsibility
RESPONSIBILITY: paying the cost of the defense of a personal, private, semi-private, common demonstrated interest. This applies both via positiva (before, demand) and via negativa (after, supply). AGENCY:the capacity to do so (ability, opportunity). Yes, it really is that simple. via: contrafabian @ContraFabianist Acquisition of responsibility (capitalize), delegation of responsibility (trade), externalization of responsibility (consume),suppression…
A Historian’s Analysis of What Went Wrong
(Worth Repeating) The underlying question is ‘Why are western institutions so vulnerable to the female method of warfare against our institutions (Woke and Neocon) using credentialism and propaganda and baiting into hazard (finance, commerce, politics)? I can only speak to this from the perspective of American history, not western culture in general, but…
Complaints About Our “Working Chat” Videos Are Silly.
Let me try again. I do my work in pubic. Just like some medieval craftsmen worked their craft on the street, for passersby to observe. I’ve said since I started working in public that this new method of research and development in public is an experiment. IMO it’s been a successful one. Why? The economy…
White Man’s Burden?
WHITE MAN’S BURDEN White Man’s Burden was just a Christian excuse for expression of Aryanism. And Aryanism is a problem (a failure point) for the simple reason that we can practice it, we can replace peoples and practice it, but we cannot conquer, rule, and domesticate other peoples – they are unfit for equality upon…
Is the American Experiment Dead or Going Through an Evolutionary Revolution?
IS THE AMERICAN EXPERIMENT DEAD OR GOING THROUGH AN EVOLUTIONARY REVOLUTION? The american idea consisted of leaving behind the parasitic aristocracy, parasitic clergy and church, and parasitic underclass, to create a meritocratic majority middle class society of producers. However, for a variety of reasons (a) jefferson brought in the French utopian ideas, (b) the french…
Responsibility Is a White Supremacist Thing?
RESPONSIBILITY IS A WHITE SUPREMACIST THING? — “It’s happened: Freedom is white supremacist.” — Twitteridiot Freedom > Liberty > Sovereignty > Self Determination = “Whiteness”: What’s the white group strategy (whiteness)? “Reciprocal insurance, by force of arms, of self-determination, by self-determined means, by sovereignty in demonstrated interest, reciprocity in display, word, and deed, and markets…
The Origin of Lies in The Evasion of Necessary Costs of Preserving Civilization: Race Matters
THE ORIGIN OF LIES IN THE EVASION OF NECESSARY COSTS OF PRESERVING CIVILIZATION: Race Matters “Race Doesn’t Matter” is an attempt to evade the costs of policing the commons: the informational, normative, traditional, institutional, and physical commons. It’s virtue signaling as a means of evading the cost of defense. So, just as we saw people evade…
The One Purpose of Democracy Is Insurance of Natural Law
THE ONE PURPOSE OF DEMOCRACY IS INSURANCE OF NATURAL LAW — “Democracy is commonly described as having an inherent superiority over every other form of government. It is supposed to advance with an irresistible and preordained movement. It is thought to be full of the promise of blessings to mankind; yet if it fails to…
Q: “So where does that leave us?”
Q: “So where does that leave us?” When debate fails, when voting fails, when courts fail, there is but one means of resolution: show in numbers, petition the state for redress of grievances, and promise heads will roll in terrifying numbers if they are not addressed. This is the purpose of the 2nd amendment.
Disambiguating the Spectrum of Means of Thought
DISAMBIGUATING THE SPECTRUM OF MEANS OF THOUGHT A mathematician seeks measurement, a scientist testimony, a jurist decidability, a philosopher choice, and a theologian to remove responsiblity for testimony, decidability, and choice as well as the status and self image consequences of failure to take that responsibility. This is one of those extremely dense sentences that…
The Manosphere Defined, It’s Cause, and Five Primary Observations of Its Content
0) DEFINITION: Manosphere: Consists of: a) The Red Pill – Reality Drug – Understanding New Socio-Economic Order (Sociology in the new order) by termination of ancestral inter-sexual organization and it’s enforcing mythology. b) Men’s Self Improvement (Self (market value) in new order). c) Men’s Dating Advice (Relationships in new order) d) Men’s Rights Movement (Politics in…
Requiring Religious Submission Before Loyalty
And? You require people to agree with you in order to be loyal to them? I am loyal to children, women, and men of low ability. That’s what elites do: compensate for the immature, the emotional, and the incompetent. It’s called paternalism: responsibility for those who are less able. All you do by demanding others…
Whiteness Is a Technology for The Production of Responsibilty
WHITENESS IS A TECHNOLOGY FOR THE PRODUCTION OF RESPONSIBILTY All peoples can have what the west has but this is the only way to do it: responsibility. And the responsibility of military duty. and the use of the military and duty and responsibility to create rule of law. Only such men create rule of law.…
The Right Answer Regarding the Not-Right
The Right Answer Regarding the Not-Right By Scott Throne@EmptyThrone Feb 26· @curtd I think the main issue is not so much the right. It is the ones which believe themselves to be on the right and actually are not. I find it harder and harder to believe that anyone outside of agency is actually “on the…
Exasperation Diary 😉
I’m having another one of those “I need to give up on the right” days. My ability to tolerate stupid, low information, boisterous, superstitious, sophomoric, ideological, overconfident, lazy, intellectually dishonest males is exhausted. And all efforts are pointless, and rather than continue frustration, I should just leave them to the fate they deserve: extermination. It…
Another Major Counter-Intuitive Reform of Psychology
Unfortunately more than a century of presumptions in psychology have been false. Traits (a) disagreeableness at the expense of agreeableness, and (b) systematizing at the expense of empathy, turn out to be as necessary as (c) conscientiousness and (d) intelligence. The more direct explanation is that no matter your intelligence and conscientiousness if you rely on agreeableness over disagreeableness and empathy over systematizing then…
The Conflidence Provided By Religion
–“@curtd Church and state both mean government. The utility of faith is that it allows you to gain confidence without having confidence. That is to say, you can’t lie to the subconscious. If you haven’t programmed it to know that you can do a thing, it will know that you can’t do a thing.…
The Only Solution Is War
THE ONLY SOLUTION IS WAR Admittedly being cautious about what I say: “If irreconcilable differences emerge, we must resort to moral argument. If moral argument fails we must resort to exchange. If exchange fails we must resort to separation. And if separation fails, we must resort to war.” The only solution is war.
Learning Not to Be a Bot
LEARNING NOT TO BE A BOT The reason people in my movement can speak about all behavior from the neutral point of view and not be misled by emotion intuition and bias, is becaue we reducde all human behavior to very simple cuases, and recognize that we’re all just talking bots flailing in the darkness.