Man (junk)

Human Beings in A Few Paragraphs

The human brain grows in utero, biased in organization, either for the female Synthetic(conflationary) by hemispheric integration (side to side), short term (temporal), experiential(emotional), personal (empathic), preferable(experience) and dysgenic(quantity); or the male Analytic(disambiguating), by hemispheric isolation (back-to front) long term (intertemporal), analytical(intellectual), political (empirical), truth(action), and eugenic(quality) – with each of us resulting by genetic bias, to demonstrate some point on that distribution, between the Female Solipsistic-to-Psychotic and the Male Aspie-to-Autistic Extremes.

And because the brain is organized as it must be, to give attention to that which provides the most information, and because that which receives attention (novelty identification, rehearsal to integrate for recall, and reinforcement through recall), provides the associative-foundation for subsequent learning (framing), and as a consequence, the associative bias for subsequent learning.

As such we think, display, speak and act, within our genetic biases, including the preference for the most easily understood frame (Feminine empathic to Masculine analytic), the most easily understood means of expression (speech), the most easily understood means of advocacy(approval/disapproval-empathic/personal vs truth/falsehood-analytic/political), including our means of argument (approval/disapproval independent of truth/falsehood, vs truth/falsehood independent of approval/disapproval).

And while we currently (poorly) articulate intelligence plus five factors of personal (personality) bias: openness/novelty-consistency/familiarity, Extraversion-Introversion, Agreeableness-Disagreeablness, Conscientiousness(Organized)-Impulsivity(Disorganized), Neuroticism/Worry-Calm/Mindfulness, we all cluster around three common (stereotypical, archetypal) combinations: mother, ascendent male, and established male. Evidence in argumentative methods, educational degrees, occupational interests, and voting patterns.

And while we currently (rather well) articulate six factors of interpersonal(moral) biases, Care/Harm, Fairness/Cheating, Loyalty/Betrayal, Authority/Subversion, Sanctity/Degradation, and Liberty/Oppression, we all cluster around three common (stereotypical, archetypal) combinations: liberal(mother), libertarian(ascendant male), and conservative(established male). Evidence in consumer and voting patterns.

And our Success or Failure is dependent upon (a) our genetic conscientiousness, (b) our genetic intelligence, (c) our learned mindfulness, (b) the ability of our family to teach any or all of manners, ethics, morals, craftsmanship and artisanship, management of others, professionalism, entrepreneurship, finance, and politics,  finance a career or business,  (e) our masculine disagreeableness for discovering of truth regardless of consensus, our feminine agreeableness for discovery of  consensus,  and (e) the demographic distribution of the polity in relation to the available means of economic competition.

And our conflict strategies vary accordingly between feminine undermining and reputation destruction (‘ostracize/kill’), and male argument and hierarchy construction(‘discipline, correct’).

And our anti-social behavior varies accordingly between feminine social hostility by promiscuity, emotional terrorizing, social undermining, and male physical hostility by substance abuse, violence, crime.

While each of us appears impenetrable as an individual given the abilities and biases we possess, the memories we possess, and the context we live in, in the aggregate, all populations adhere to these evolutionary tendencies, with the principle variation between groups very few factors: (a) the degree of neoteny achieved,  (b) the bias in gender dimorphism achieved, (c) the verbal acuity achieved, (d) the demographic distribution of ability (class) and therefore (e) the strategy institutions,, traditions, norms, that are necessary for that degree of neoteny, verbal acuity, demographic distribution.

This is a summary of mankind, and there is very little if anything about mankind that cannot be understood by and explained by this knowledge.

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