Man – Personality


intelligence, traits,

big five personality traits


1 – Conscientiousness [the activity & in some cases overlapping into the agency dimension] (the most trainable of all the traits upwards although after 11-12 years old this becomes harder, and increasingly so into one’s 20s and 30s);

Conscientiousness was associated with increased volume in the lateral prefrontal cortex, a region involved in planning and the voluntary control of behavior.


2 – Agreeableness [in some sense the agency dimension and separates men as disagreeable and women agreeable] (remarkably stable throughout life, although there are Kuhnian paradigm shifts [huge life-changing events or epiphanies usually] that slide extremely disagreeable people to the other end of the scale or vice versa I);

Agreeableness was associated with increased volume in regions that process information about the intentions and mental states of other individuals.


3 – Neuroticism [the right hemisphere / threat perceiving / negative emotion dimension](immovable upwards in a similar way to IQ [we haven’t found a way other than drugs yet] and bad life events oft make neurotic people hyper-neurotic);

Neuroticism was associated with increased volume of brain regions associated with threat, punishment, and negative emotions.

5 – Extraversion [the left hemisphere / opportunity perceiving / positive emotion dimension] (low-mid range trainability either way but high reversion rate so training has to be maintained);

Extraversion was associated with increased volume of medial orbitofrontal cortex, a region involved in processing reward information.

4 – Openness [the creativity dimension, highly correlated with IQ] (the most interesting in that it appears people can train only toward their side of the fence…open people can ‘open the doors of perception’ [to use a Huxlian term] and closed people tend to become even more specialised as they mature, but cases of Kuhnian shifts have not been documented afaik, but there are almost always exceptions);

Openness/Intellect did not have any significant correlation with the volume of any brain structures.

6 – IQ [pattern recognition] many things bring IQ down (smart professors not doing exercise for example) but nothing is known to raise it, yet.

( CD: I use male (compartmental) vs female (integrated) first. then the six dimensions that includes above, which then explains male-female difference in Factor TRAITS, including male vs female in IQ distribution as well. )


6) The underlying model of the mind is information processing not subjective experience, and while 5/6 Factor models do correspond to what we think we understand as brain structures, our understanding of those models are a REWARD system for processing information in a DISTRIBUTION, so that humans SPECIALIZE even within families, is problematic for the Diagnostic and Totalitarian thinkers (equality), and explanatory and useful for the Negotiation and Cooperative thinkers (inequality). So if we say that variations in personality reflect the necessity of using the same physical mental structure for the purpose of distributing information processing, then we describe man correctly, and we describe our industrial era norms as FALSE and DESTRUCTIVE.

7) Given my present understanding, a reframing of personality as reward system for information processing:
a) Dominance(male) vs Submission (female) spectrum provides insight but it’s also so obvious that we all but ignore it. Whereas it’s contrasting dominance and submission with the other traits that provides explanatory power in why we act and feel as we do.
b) Impulsivity vs patience related to patience-worry in that we can worry but not act, or worry and act, and the correlation between impulsivity and neuroticism are predictive. Why? Because it appears that neuroticism (patience/worry/obsession), is the cause of creativity.
c) Conscientiousness should be reframed as reward for completing opportunities and reward for discovering new opportunities. d)Agreeableness should be desire to adapt to others vs desire to preserve context (individualism).
e) Openness to Experience should be reframed as desire for adapting to information vs stress from adapting to information.
f) Neuroticism should be reframed as acceptance(watching) vs worrying(excitement) vs obsession(chasing prey), where worrying is itself a time preference (living in the certain moment experiences vs projecting an uncertain future conditions, vs in pursuit of prey or idea),
g) the autistic(male)-solipsistic(female) spectrum provides greater insight than all except intelligence and extroversion, and we are just beginning to understand it, and almost no one interprets it as a problem of processing information in a group of males and females with different reproductive demands.
h) Intelligence is as important as extroversion in personality traits, in no small part because it appears that the limit of our minds to exhaust opportunities across these personality traits determines out resulting behavior (this is profoundly explanatory).

Now, I placed the properties in that list in a particular order. That order is informative. It means that very few causal properties are involved, and we are not quite achieving our goal of understanding them.

a) Rate of Sexual Maturity
b) Depth of Sexual Maturity
c) Gender Differences
d) Gender Dimorphic Differences
e) Status (biological/reproductive), Demonstrated/Observed, Self Percieved
f) Sense of Safety / Security
g) Intelligence
h) Culture
h) Education and discipline





METHOD: Gender > Factor(dimension) > Trait (bias)



personality aspects



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( … Clustering)

Average: These people score high in neuroticism and extraversion, but score low in openness. It is the most typical category, with women being more likely than men to fit into it.

Self-Centered: These people score very high in extraversion, but score low in openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. Most teenage boys would fall into this category, according to Revelle, before (hopefully) maturing out of it. The number of people who fall into this category decreases dramatically with age.

Role Models: These people score high in every trait except neuroticism, and the likelihood that someone fits into this category increases dramatically as they age. “These are people who are dependable and open to new ideas,” says Amaral. “These are good people to be in charge of things.” Women are more likely than men to be role models.

Reserved: This type of person is stable emotionally without being especially open or neurotic. They tend to score lower on extraversion but tend to be somewhat agreeable and conscientious.





1 – Measured Intelligence, or Intellectual Capability, is equivalent to a personality trait. There is such a high correlation between openness to experience and intelligence that this idea will go mainstream in the next decade if it has not already. Intelligence may be the most important personality trait other than conscientiousness.

2 – The remaining personality traits, (five or six factors, and ten or twelve dimensions) and their predictable gender biases, affect the application of intelligence.

So like Anna Karenina’s “all healthy families are the same, and all unhealthy families are different”, or like the domestication of animals, which requires a certain combination of behaviors are present, demonstrated intelligence requires not only its presence as an ability, but the absence of traits that interfere with its expression.

In other words, many things must go right, and if any of them goes wrong, we do not demonstrate that intelligence (or at least do not demonstrate it beneficially).

3) So, demonstrated intelligence depends upon the following:

a) What we call ‘g’, or general intelligence (which has many components but all scale together), which is a loose measure of the rate at which you accumulate information and identify patterns – the obvious differences being the female verbal and the male spatial biases in brain structure. Despite claims as far as I know, it is not possible to alter it.

b) What we call ‘Working Memory’ or ‘Short Term Memory‘ – the ability to preserve states over time. As far as I know, despite claims, it is not possible to alter it.

c) General Knowledge – the totality of knowledge (information and experience) that we can draw from in identifying opportunities for patterns. (Hence why being well-read and thoroughly socialized are best things that you can do to improve your demonstrated intelligence. )

d) What we call “Personality Traits” that do not negatively interfere with the expression of one’s intellectual capacity/measured intelligence/g. The first is conscientiousness, and the second is agreeableness.

e) The Preservation of Incentive to Act  (Dunning Kruger, consensus bias)

….Self Image, Guilt, Trauma, Rejection

f) And the wildcard of “beliefs and wants”. One can increase the correspondence of one’s thoughts with the universe, or one can decrease the correspondence of one’s thoughts with the universe. If you want something that is impossible, or you believe something is false, you will constantly err, and accumulate errors. The more false and impossible beliefs and wants, the more error you will accumulate.

g) The Polity  … “Demographic Distribution”  ( … )

h) The Genetics … “neoteny, group cog biases (feminine masculine)”

i) The Culture  … Group Strategy

j) The Economy ( … ) “…Degree of Development…”

Our primary drive is status, whether self-image,  reputation or behavior of others toward us despite our self-image and reputation.

And the majority of failures of intelligence are caused by the inability to develop, or lack of training in, the mindfulness (stoicism) to judge one’s value in the markets for communication, association, friendship, productive cooperation, reproduction(family), commons production, political production, and military production.

So many of us wish the world were different, and go slightly foolish, anxious, depressed, or entirely mad, because we cannot tolerate a self-image that corresponds with reality. Meaning, we cannot develop a self-image that accurately describes our market value to others: Our Status.

Otherwise, trauma causes similar dysfunctions, since trauma forces us to work constantly to avoid activating parts of our memories ( minds, brains), via association. This becomes exhausting. Which is why hallucinogens work so effectively at allowing us to observe experiences rather than feel them, and therefore create alternative pathways and weights that allow us to circumvent those traumas (land mines).

I prefer:

1) Moral biase: feminine(left) < balanced(libertarian) > masculine(conservative),
4) Gender bias: empathic-solipsistic < balanced > autistic-analytic
2) Trust: altruistic-trusting < balanced > not-trusting-selfish,
3) Relations: extraversion < balanced > introversion,
5) Discipline: rigid-organized(closing things off) < balanced > intuitive(preserving options)-irresponsible,
6) Patience: endurance-patience < balanced > frustration-impulsivity,
7) Stability; paranoia-fearfulness < balanced > confidence-steadiness,
8) Intelligence: verbal IQ in .5 std deviations from 100. (scale of -5 to +5 because more or less is irrelevant.)
9) Spatial IQ in .5 std deviations from 100.


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