Man – Sex Gender Differences
The Division Reproductive of Labor in Gender Specialization
Dimensions of Evolutionary differences
There are only a few directions the brain can evolve:
1) Neoteny (delay of maturity, retention of childlike features, giving more time for cognitive development).
… a) developmental specialization (sense, physical, social, abstract), which for some reason we tend to vary in.
… b) Prefrontal, cortical, inhibition (agency) – appears to be neotonic in origin.
… c) Intelligence (I won’t get into that here) but there are many underlying variables including neocortical volume.
The big 5/6 personality traits, and measured differences in brain volume and function can be described by these dimensions.
2) Sex: feminine and masculine, and this happens in early development.
The differences in gender distributions of the big 5/6 (called ‘factors’, and their subfactors can be described by masculine and feminine differences, which are largely reduced to agreeableness, assertiveness, risk.
We call these two resulting moral biases conservative (masculine pack) and liberal (feminine herd). And they reflect the different evolutionary strategies of males and females.
Even so, all of us exist on a spectrum from the female mind to the male mind. There are pack (masculine minded) women, herd (feminine) minded men.
Mental illness, anti social behavior, cognitive biases, moral intuition, use of language, vary consistently along this spectrum with very simple tests identifying the sex of the brain – regardless of sexual attraction, which is a developmental success or failure.
One of the differences in cognitive biases between men and women is that men see differences and are slightly better at generalizing observations, and women the opposite at seeing similarity and individual empathy. This is our division of labor, and again – all of us are somewhere on this spectrum of masculine to feminine biases. And the cause of these differences is well understood, not only in hormones and developmental rehearsal of different biases, but in the structure of information processed in the brain, where one side (female) is language empathy and prey focused, and the other is action, objectivity, and predator focused.
3) Successful in Utero Development (… ouch …. )
3) Distribution: ( … )
(There is no prescription for a human, we are limited only by failure.)
Even so, all of us exist on a spectrum from the female mind to the male mind. There are pack (masculine minded) women, herd (feminine) minded men.
And our differences ( . 2 )
Male vs Female Behavior
1 – Males mature rather slowly, and may not speak for two years after females, and in the absence of dominance play, even more slowly – maturing in their early twenties. Females mature rather quickly, and are increasingly quickly, and are generally mature by 16-18, although cognitive maturity (agency) seems to appear in mid thirties, where cognitive agency in males appears in late teens to early twenties.
2 – Females bear a higher cost of reproduction and are more dependent for others, during long years of child-caring and defense. Males have a near-zero cost of reproduction. However, in general, females and males favor female choice of mate – but after mating males appear to exhibit some form of ownership over females for a number of years.
3 – Male aggression is frequent and short term, seeking negotiation for position in the hierarchy of antagonists. In general, male aggressors are given status by males as long as they are creating order rather than threat. Female aggression is infrequent and never ending, seeking total destruction of antagonists. Males use dominance expression, threats and violence, women use disapproval, shaming, ridicule, rallying, gossip, and reputation destruction to cause panic and vulnerability in other females. Female aggressors are granted social status by females less aggressive.
4 – Female cognitive bias is equalitarian, and male cognitive bias hierarchical. This is evident in our moral biases, where females tend to more exclusively favor harm,care, and proportionality, and males tend to also favor reciprocity, sacredness, and hierarchy. These biases correspond to property rights today, and property rights correspond to political preferences.
Liberal/Females favor individual property rights (Consumption):
a. Care/harm for others, protecting them from harm. (The asset of life and body.)
b. Proportionality/cheating, Justice, treating others in proportion to their actions. (The asset of goods.)
c. Liberty/Oppression, characterizes judgments in terms of whether subjects are tyrannized. (The asset of time, opportunity.)
Conservative/Males Favor Community property rights (Saving):
d. In-Group Loyalty/In-Group Betrayal to/of your group, family, nation, polity.
e. Respect/Authority/Subversion for tradition and legitimate authority.
f. Purity/Sanctity/Degradation/Disgust, avoiding disgusting things, foods, actions.
The male reproductive strategy among chimpanzees as well as humans evolved to kill off males in opposing groups and collect females and territory. And that females evolved to place greater emphasis on children and females than the (fungible) tribe – precisely because they could be captured and then reduced to lower status and possibly death under the females of another tribe – this is the origin of female behavior. Female attachment may exist but throughout history females have exposed more children to the elements than men have killed in war.
In other words, females evolved the herd cognitive and moral biases, and males evolved the pack cognitive and moral biases.
We ameliorated our sex differences in strategy, cognition, and moral intuition, by pairing-off, and controlling alphas. This compromise was generally in favor of females since the majority of females reproduced, and the minority of males reproduced. This persisted until (it appears) agrarianism where
Behavioral Change In Females and Males
1 – Not so much reproductive independence as financial independence, and the end of the necessity of the two-person family at the cost of lower standards of living.
2 – Women fill the middle (easy) job roles in society and are better adapted to changing between those roles. There is no reason this trend will not continue. The question is, without the necessity of marriage (caretaking of a man in exchange for economic support) ‘marriage’ is just a mating ritual, and the purpose of marriage as an institution is ended. Women mature early, generalize, and adapt to the needs of the social order. Men mature later, specialize, then adapt, and integrate into social orders less easily.
3 – Women have expressed greater psychosis (crazy behavior) and are under heavy medication in the USA, where men are just lonely and committing suicide in large numbers after fifty.
Gender Differences in Internal Hierarchy (Status) Conflict
(men are horses and women are zebras)
Gender Differences in Negotiation and Argument
The Genders differ in their competition, conflict and warfare strategy.
Males: Truth under threat of violence in the service of male solidarity in the preservation of the Tribe and Territory is the competitive strategy of males. Males fight for position in the hierarchy and end conflict with increases in loyalty to one another.
— vs —
Females: conformity under threat of reputation destruction in the service of female solidarity independent of Tribe and Territory is the competitive strategy of females. Females fight to destroy or kill without ending.
Gender Differences in Acceptance of Blame – Truth vs Face
( … )
Gender Differences in Antisocial Behavior
( … )
Gender Differences in Attention
( … ) (many vs few)
Gender Difference in Observation
(…) personal, political
Gender Differences In Interpretations of Generalizations
One of the differences in cognitive biases between men and women is that men see differences and are slightly better at generalizing observations, and women the opposite at seeing similarity and individual empathy. This is our division of labor, and again – all of us are somewhere on this spectrum of masculine to feminine biases. And the cause of these differences is well understood, not only in hormones and developmental rehearsal of different biases, but in the structure of information processed in the brain, where one side (female) is language empathy and prey focused, and the other is action, objectivity, and predator focused.
( … ) Next curve
Gender Differences in Friendship Construction
Gender Differences in Loyalty vs Devotion
Gender Differences in Adaptation
Gender Differences in Political Bias
The Origins of Political Conflict in Gender Strategy
Mothers must talk to their children in moral language in order to control them at low cost – their approval and disapproval – when children are dependent upon mother for cognitive processing and security.
Women try to scale this technique to men where it only works in exchange for sex and affection instead of shared cognitive processing and security.
Women try to scale this technique to politics where it only works by undermining political orders, by obscuring the physical and economic reality of parasitism they’re pursuing as if they are still feeding their own children, or trading sex with men for resources and security.
This is why politics has become impossible. Because women have made us compete by undermining and lying rather than informing and educating the public. Because emotional appeals that justify intuitions of the ignorant semi-domesticated animal is much easier to distribute than knowledge, understanding, and necessity.
This wouldn’t be possible and we had given women a separate house of commons, and retained the historical competition between women’s emotionality, manipulation, half-truths, and undermining, and men’s calculation under threat of physical retaliation. We cannot any longer use violence against our women for gossiping, rallying, ridiculing, shaming, moralizing, psychologizing to create deceit by obscuring truth with disapproval, in matters of truth and falsehood.
So without a market for exchange-and-compromise on truthful contract terms, and without the ability to punish women’s approval before truth, and punish men’s face before truth, we are reduced to a small number of men perpetuating the origins of the success of western civilization and women’s privileges that derive from them, by demanding truth before face, truth before approval or disapproval, and contractual exchange on truthful reciprocal terms.
The same is true for the Jewish (feminine lying) and Muslim (masculine lying) means of undermining western civilization’s universal demand for truth regardless of the cost in all circumstances.
We are the only people who practice truth-before-face, and truth before approval, forcing contractual exchange on truthful reciprocal terms, dragging humanity out of ignorance and poverty.
And expansion of the franchise to those who have not yet demonstrated truth before face (masculine), and truth before approval (feminine), was our only substantial mistake.
And we made that mistake because we did not understand the oath of adulthood, the jury, the size of the jury, the thang, the senate, the senate and house of commons, the house of lords and house of commons, as markets between classes with different responsibilities and abilities and demonstrated FAMILY competencies, just as we had produced markets for goods, services, and information.
And we have only realized today that the market for information is as, if not more important, than the market for goods and services in an information economy.
As such we must restore our past mistakes, restore our markets, and restore our prosecution, and our zero tolerance, for anything other than truth-before-face, regardless of the cost to self or others, so that we may produce contracts of reciprocity.
Postmodernism(Political Correctness, Denial of Cultural Racial and Class Differences) and Feminism(Denial of Gender Differences) are attempts to undermine the uniqueness of western civilization’s MALES. Males who speak Truth before Face, Truth Regardless of Status, Truth Regardless of offense; Truth regardless of the Competence Hierarchy, Truth regardless of the Dominance Hierarchy.
The entirety of our way of life, Rule of Law, Sovereignty, Reciprocity and Jury and the reason, science, and technology that arose from it, are dependent upon the ond thing western men do that no other people do: and that is to report and report alone by speaking martial, empirical, testimonial, truth before face – anyone’s face – regardless of cost to self or others. This is the highest cost an individual can pay for his civilization. And institutionalizing it has only been done once: at the origins of western civilization, thousands of years ago.
Why the change: women cannot bear it, that is why they are easy victims and practitioners of feminism and postmodernism. Women fight one another by undermining with words. So among women, because they have had so little time in the public sphere, truth before face has not been institutionalized. And just as women were sold christianity in the ancient world, they have been sold postmodernism and feminism in the modern world. And because they (a) spend 80% of the income (b) spend the majority of money (on unscientific non-STEM courses) in university, (c) consume 80% of tax revenues, (d) white women are the only group that defects against their males, and vote against truth before face, against meritocracy, and against defense of the commons from consumption. They have the entire Cathedral Complex (State, Academy, Media, Finance) working to cater to their denial, and doing so by degradation of men, truth before face, rule of law, and the entire western edifice that has made women’s freedom from labor and servitude possible.
We spent millenia outlawing male anti-social behavior, but we have ceased outlawing female anti-social behavior, and face before truth, denial, and undermining are anti-social behaviors that must, like violence, be equally suppressed.
That’s what our Natural Law did, and that’s what it must do again.
It’s a test of Reciprocity: If men may not undermine by violence and force, women may not undermine by denial, gossiping, rallying, shaming, psychologizing, moralizing, ridiculing, and will limit themselves to truthful reciprocal speech, not disapproval and undermining as a substitute for truthful speech. If not then men will return the favor with their method of undermining, and then both genders lose.