The Coming Political Reorganization
THE COMING POLITICAL REORGANIZATION Being cautious about what I say: “If irreconcilable differences emerge, we must resort to moral argument. If moral argument fails we must resort to exchange. If exchange fails we must resort to separation. And if separation fails, we must resort to war.” The only solution is war. I predicted civil war.…
France Russia and The Jews: Death by Ghost Dreams of Empire
FRANCE RUSSIA AND THE JEWS: DEATH BY GHOST DREAMS OF EMPIRE #Ukraine. I think I’ll work a bit on explaining the similarity between the french and Russian dreams of restoration of past empires, and the eastern European, German, Scandinavian, and Anglo expectations of limited power and influence under federations. #Ukraine. You see, both France(Socialism) and…
Restoration of InterSexual Cooperation for Mutual Benefit
(0) Sex differences in the perception of cost benefit of the other, and individual differences in want of dependency vs exchange. The more I work on it the worse it is. Sigh. Basic takeaway: we should be mating and married and having children while we still are teens. 1)I see a continuation of the division…
The End Of Empires, including the American and The Failed French Attempt at European (and russian attempt)
Yeah, Russia France and China are trying to rebuild empire dreams, while Europe, India and Africa are trying to create federations and prevent empires that are our enemies. Interestingly both france and russia see the USA as an empire and are acting as if we aren’t going to break up into a federation. My analysis…
The Right (Alt Right Etc) Is Politically Dead
EXASPERATED Well, the right is politically dead – fully cut off from political influence. The right is socially dead – ostracized from all meaningful normative influence. As far as I can tell the right is intellectually dead – if it ever had any intellectuals after the second world war. It’s impossible to form any coalitions…
I Have No Obligation to Pay the Cost of Your Education, but I Do Have the Obligation to Correct Your Polluting the Informational Commons
— “interesting, you have no incentive in educating me but you do have one in pointing out my ignorance in less than 5 minutes.” — I’ll explain I don’t have a moral (public) obligation to invest in someone demonstrating immorality by pretense of knowledge – just the opposite. I do have a moral (public) obligation to invest…
Why Does the Right Fail to Unify?
WHY DOES THE RIGHT FAIL TO UNIFY? WHY? The American Right cannot distinquish between the Woke War against Culture, Liberal War against Rule of Law by Natural Law, our ancestral Anglo, Germanic, participatory government, and our Trifunctional competition between State(constitution), Economy, and Religion. ERGO: The right allies with Russian (Eastern European) conservatives on culture, but…
High Trust Loyalty vs Low Trust Submission
HIGH TRUST LOYALTY VS LOW TRUST SUBMISSION: “Insurance of Self Determination, Sovereignty in Demonstrated Interests, Reciprocity in Deed, Word, and Display, Rule of Law, Democracy in Investment in Commons, Federalism, and Federations are just points along the scale of Loyalty.” It has taken me far too long to figure this out, and put it into a form…
Russell on the three ingredients to the scientific outlook of the eighteenth century
— “There were three ingredients in the scientific outlook of the eighteenth century that were specially important: (1) Statements of fact should be based on observation, not on unsupported authority. (2) The inanimate world is a self-acting, self-perpetuating system, in which all changes conform to natural laws. (3) The earth is not the center of…
Disambiguating Class Definitions by Responsibility for Capital
–“Curt: Can you clarify the difference between labor class and middle class please? Labor meaning manual labor and middle class meaning managerial class?”– The terms vary in the English Speaking world. Example: Middle Class in UK = Upper Middle Class in USA. So I use Paul Fussell’s (American) as a general rule: Class=What capital do…
Reconciliation with Russia
RECONCILIATION: THE UNDERLYING (UNNECESSARY) DIVISION BETWEEN EUROPE AND EUROPEAN RUSSIA 1)Europe is a multiethnic christian voluntary rule of law federation. Russia is a multiethnic multireligious involuntary arbitrary rule empire. Civilizational development migrated from the Atlantic across Europe, into european Russia, and Russia domesticated the rest of Eurasia. 2)Given that Russia is still domesticating conquered eurasian…
Disambiguating of “Sayings”
DISAMBIGUATION: PROVERB (religious wisdom) – a short, pithy saying in general use, stating a general truth or piece of advice. ADAGE (folk wisdom) – a proverb or short statement expressing a general truth. MAXIM (tradition, philosophy) – a short, pithy statement expressing a general truth or rule of conduct. APHORISM (scientific wisdom) – a pithy…
Is Love Just Another Form of Acquisition?
–“Is ‘love’ just a means to an acquisition? And is ‘deploying’ this means a method of lying? Please don’t tell me love is just a lie lol”–John smith Love is an emotion that serves the purpose of putting the other person’s wants ahead of yours, forcing constant compromise, and that excludes others from the…
Memorize: The Hierarchy of Dependencies
MEMORIZE: Men require the decidability of a king(Chieftain). Women require the protection of men. Jews require the protection of an aristocracy. Borderlands require the protection of a state. Free Cities require the protection of a empire. Free States require the protection of federation under a Core State I use this hierarchy to explain how…
Reconciliation: The Underlying (Unnecessary) Division Between Europe and European Russia
RECONCILIATION: THE UNDERLYING (UNNECESSARY) DIVISION BETWEEN EUROPE AND EUROPEAN RUSSIA 1)Europe is a multiethnic christian voluntary rule of law federation. Russia is a multiethnic multireligious involuntary arbitrary rule empire. Civilizational development migrated from the Atlantic across Europe, into european Russia, and Russia domesticated the rest of Eurasia. 2)Given that Russia is still domesticating conquered eurasian…
People Need Rule of Law. That’s it. Everything ‘good’ emerges from rule of law.
KONSTANTIN, ALL: 1) Excuse the caps as emphasis, but it’s necessary.: The first principle of our advanced western civilization is “RULE OF LAW Of Sovereignty in Demonstrated Interests, and Reciprocity in Display Word and Deed.” The only way to cooperate, organize, and institutionalize at scale under RULE OF LAW OF SOVEREIGNTY AND RECIPROCITY is…
Notes on Rebel Wisdom, Twitter-FB Moderation, with Jim Rutt and Aarron Somebody-or-other.
NOTES: 1) Excellent disambiguation of categories of curation into manners(decorum), content, and bias(want, position, viewpoint). This is correct. 2) Why does any person have the right to ignorance in matters public? Isn’t that a violation of the requirement for participation in democracy under rule of law? Why does any person have the right to…
Let a Thousand Nations Bloom, with A Thousand Different Norms.
LET A THOUSAND NATIONS BLOOM, WITH A THOUSAND DIFFERENT NORMS. —-”I want Black people to free ourselves from the shackles of caring what white people think of us, as if they are the arbiters of good behavior.” —- Khadijah A. Robinson @dijadontneedya Khadija: We (whites) are the abiters of the behaviors that maximize innovation, adaptation,…
Right conspiracy theory equals left opression theory.
Conspiracy theory shaming is a thing,its poltical. Much of the time, and in effect,it keeps people from speculating in conversation.We speculate a lot bc often we have to in life.We have to bc we cannot know everything yet cannot ignore potential dangers we speculate. That’s self-congratulatory. (a) nearly all conspiracies are accidents of common…
No, it’s not complicated: Response to Lex Fridman, David Wolpe, Sam Harris and Peter Hitchens on Free Will
LEX ET ALL: the free will debate is conducted in ‘childlike terms’ so to speak. It doesn’t have to be. SUMMARY: 1) All sophistry consists of incomplete sentences in non-operational language. All grammatically truthful statements and questions consist of complete sentences in operational language (human actions) that meet the criteria for “continuous recursive disambiguation to…
Mastering Triangles Requires Overcoming Fitting.
TOPIC: From Fitting(analogy, meaning) to Constructing (description, causality). Our triangles are a tool reminidng us of the the first principle of stable relations that we use for disambiguation into measurement, not categorization of ideals thereby destroying the measurment we set out to produce! In other words, there is a human tendency to ‘fitting’ into analogy…
Why are there only three spatial dimensions?
FROM MICHAEL Why does the triangle not require memory? Slipped from my mind. Crack me up, boss. FROM CURT Math version: no matter where you organize the three points you end up with a triangle. no other geometry follows this convention. Logical version: the only thing necessary to form three dimensions is the same as…
Q: “If the world is not headed towards a one world government, why does it appear that nationalism is being viewed increasingly negative?”
QUESTION: If the world is not headed towards a one world government, why does it appear that nationalism is being viewed increasingly negative? THE CORRECT ANSWER Institutional, bureaucratic, economic, political investment in the status quo. That’s all. Without the USA as world police, we MUST return to national or civilizational policing of contract, finance, transportation…
Curt: “What is the cause of world problems?”
THE CORRECT ANSWER This is a deceptively simple question to answer, despite being an insurmountable problem: “By wanting others to act against their self-interest in order to satisfy your self-interest, instead of you working at constructing an exchange, that is more valuable to both parties than the competing alternatives to that exchange.” The problems arise…
The Absence of Ulterior Motives in The Russia-Ukraine-West Conflict. And The One We Should Have
Curt: “What Are the Ulterior Motives in The Ukraine Conflict?” THE CORRECT ANSWER There are no ulterior motives. It is a natural conflict between European Self Determination by Self Determined means using individual and group sovereignty, requiring rule of law, democracy, and Federalism between states at the cost of high trust and responsibility, versus, Asian…