Major Update to GSRRM Definition
The Female Technique of Social Superpredation by Gossiping Shaming Ridiculing Rallying and Moralizing Undermining (blaming) by GSRRM: Disapproving > Denying, Shaming > Gossiping, Outraging > Rallying, Psychologizing > Moralizing, Dominating > Oppressing, Reputation-Destruction > Propagandizing (Limiting consumption) The Technique of “GSRRM” includes: … (L)ying by Plausible Deniability By: … (E)vading the Truth By: … (E)quating Truth to…
Another FBI Visit
Warning: My work tries to RESTORE the constitution to its intentions of an alliance of states under a weak federation, in the thousand-year history of the holy roman empire, an the successful Germanic and English model of a rule of law of the natural common law, an independent judiciary, and houses of government as a…
So what are the chances that Gab will become the Christian equivalent of FB/Twitter?
So what are the chances that Gab will become the Christian equivalent of FB/Twitter? I’m a Jeffersonian Christian (Jesus was a philosopher, Churchianity was as evil a capture of his ideas as marxism-postmodernism-feminist-pc/woke-anti-whiteness is a capture of European science today. And the Jefferson bible the only living representation of Jesus’s solution to the hard problem…
No the Jews Always Had Choices – They Chose
—“It’s not an accident that Jews in Europe excelled at financial endeavors and professions: it was all they were allowed to do, so characterizing it as “parasitism” is unfair. Every human economic activity can be characterized as “parasitic.”— @KCDefenseLawyer You haven’t stated why it’s all they were allowed to do (record of conspiracy against…
No. Europeans Are the Chosen People
NO, EUROPEANS ARE THE CHOSEN PEOPLE The Jews are not gods chosen people, Europeans are – because we alone discovered the word of god written in his hand, in the fabric of the universe, and we alone serve as the hand of God, discovering, adapting to, applying those laws, and serving God by his words…
Population necessary for state formation:
Population necessary for state formation: 300k island protectorate (a city-state) (Iceland) 1-3M territorial Protectorate (Estonia) 4-8m for a federated state (Ireland) 10M for an independent state (Sweden) 30M For self-defense. 100M for a regional power. 500M+ for a world power
Woke: a repetition of the Jewish Christian ad Muslim destruction of the ancient world
Once you switch over to understanding marxism-neo-marxism, pomo, feminism, pc/wok, anti-whiteness, white replacement, white genocide, is just a repetition of the Jewish Christian ad Muslim destruction of the ancient world by inventing the great lie of monotheism to deny the discovery of the laws of nature, then the present repetition of the Jewish, Christian, Muslim…
What Replaces the Term Christianity for Jesus’ Teachings?
“Christ” means messiah. And it has nothing to do with Jesus or his teachings. It’s another Semitic fictionalism (lie) to convert his philosophical insights into supernatural deceits, to build a church of revolution (army of undermining) against civilization, with Jesus’ insights into how to tolerate the change brought about by civilization – a vast increase…
Defeating the Left Is Easy
DEFEATING THE LEFT IS EASY -“Seems to me the entire objective of communism (Marxist) is for Abrahamists to be in control of every institution of global influence, the masses to be impoverished (lowest common denominator), ignorant, and dependent on those institutions, and to replace the White race.”- The reason for Marx’s hatred: European Capitalism’s organized…
Chinese, Semites, and Europeans
IMPORTANT Chinese developed state and harmony first, so they can conquer and assimilate tribes and subraces by slow institutional educational linguistic and cultural integration. Europeans developed law and heroic competition. So we can innovate but not conquer and assimilate. Likewise, the Chinese can defend culturally and militarily, while Europeans can defend militarily but not culturally.…
Duplicity Is Natural for The Left
The BLM, ANTIFA PC/Woke, Anti-Whiteness, White Replacement, White Genocide Tribe doesn’t are about moral duplicity, ethical duplicity, argumentative duplicity, political duplicity. Their entire strategy is predicated on the irrelevance of truth and morality – its just for POWER.
Abrahamic method of deceit is an advanced a system of lying
Once you grasp that the Abrahamic method of deceit is as advanced a system of lying as greek math & reason are a system of truth-telling, you begin to see all political discourse as a war between European(M) truth at the cost of eugenics and Semitic(F) deception to deny eugenics.
Why European Civilization Succeeded – and Others Didn”t
Why European Civilization Succeeded – and Others Didn”t Trifunctionalism of European Cross Class Dependency 1. Military Duty and Prussian heroism 2. Commercial Reciprocity and civic virtue 3. Religious Piety and Christian charity An army of everyone, doing their duty, with loyalty between the classes and their methods of organization.
The Party Will Split – and We Will Have Our Revolution
We are going to have a fast physical counter-revolution, to prevent the completion of the slow 70yr institutional bolshevik-american revolution, and our vulnerability is Christian tolerance, hope, cope, and cowardice that’s endemic in the Republican Party – the party will split.
Putin’s Accusation of Munich “Betrayal” in Context
-“In late 2019, I read an article on RT news in which Putin was arguing with the revisionist historians about WWII who wanted to change history. Putin mentioned “the Munich Betrayal,” but it was not explained what it is. Sincere question: what is the Munich Betrayal?”- A Friend This topic requires more than a…
Learning P-Law vs Philosophy, Psychology or Sociology
There is a difference between mythology, theology, philosophy, science, and logic – and in logic between mathematics(existence), action(operations), and words(logic of lanquage). They share a common grammar but uncommon paradigms and vocabulary – from Inflationary to deflationary. So what I do, what we do, is operational logic of behavior where decidability is provided by tests…
Bias Sortition
We are all afflicted by the tendencies to (a) think we are representative of common sense (b) other people think and feel similarly to us, (c) and we associate with people who do, (d) therefore we continuously develop positive reinforcement of cognitive falsehoods.
Anglos Are Always Wrong
Shouldn’t have split from England. Fought the civil war. Burned the constitution afterward. Entered world wars. Helped france crush germany after. De-Prussianized Europe. Tolerated leftists at home. Should’ve saved Russians from Bolsheviks and Soviet Collapse.
The Woke Religion
The degree to which ‘woke’ is a religion forces a redefinition of religion as simply requiring social construction of a narrative of non-correspondence with the laws of the universe to escape the laws of the universe, and an implied evil or enemy as a proxy for those laws.
Every Single Civ Resists Anglo Civilization. Here’s Why.
1) Every single culture within western civilization and every civilization outside of it has revolted against the Anglo Empirical Revolution. The french, then germans, then Jewish, now Russian, Chinese, and Indian and all of Islam. Why? That’s relatively easy to answer (really). 2) English Empirical Revolution > French ‘Enlightenment’ > Germans > Jews(Mendelsohn v1, Marx…
New Abrahamism
Postmodern thought is simply an application of denial of reality(fraud), and evasion of truth and reciprocity, by obscurantism (failing to provide a solution), Pilpul (sophistry) and Critique (undermining) to deny reality without historical appeal to supernaturals.
Don’t Fall for Baiting Into Hazard – Be Gandhi – Until We Go Viking
The Chinese, the Jews, the Muslims, the Marxists, the cultural-Marxists, Pomo-PC-Woke, BLM, ANTIFA, the Anti-whiteness, anti-white, white replacement, white genocide groups all rely on BAITING VIRTUE INTO HAZARD, and claiming aggression. THE RIGHT must be Gandhi – until Vikings
Defund the Academy
Given Woke is a religion the academy sells for money, promising escape from the laws of the universe, and Western Civilization, Rule of Law, Science, and Truth the implied evil enemy as a proxy for those laws, then separation of church and state mandates Defunding Student Loans.
Why Do Western Women Undermine Western Civilization?
WHY DO WESTERN WOMEN UNDERMINE WESTERN CIVILIZATION? 1. Anglos converted to 100% middle class, seeking cheap success in democracy without paying the cost of maintaining our intellectual, social, economic, political advantage by military service, unity, political control. 2. Aryanism (European civilization’s core drive) is heroic so breeds altruism and virtue signaling. 3. Christianity teaches submission,…
Example of When Men Argue as Women – and Explaining Why It Matters
EXAMPLE OF WHEN MEN ARGUE AS WOMEN – AND EXPLAINING WHY IT MATTERS -“Even your opinions wrong.”- a hostile I pretty much never err. It’s my job not to. I do make one mistake on a regular basis – I overestimate the common man, and in particular, I underestimate the degree to which a third…