Category: Thoughts

  • Generations of The Diaspora and The Political Economcis of Judaism vs Europeanism

    GENERATIONS OF THE DIASPORA AND THE POLITICAL ECONOMCIS OF JUDAISM VS EUROPEANISM Gen 1: Middle eastern macro group: Mizrahim > Gen 2: Iberian Diasporic: Sephardim > Gen 3: Germanic and Slavic diasporic: Ashkenazim. There are names for groups in most of the countries that produce a ghetto (city region) or community (informal) from the diaspora.…

  • The Basis of The Need for Faith and Why It Works (and Why It only Works for Some)

    THE BASIS OF THE NEED FOR FAITH AND WHY IT WORKS (AND WHY IT ONLY WORKS FOR SOME) All religious myths are desirable, intuitionistic, sell and distribute becasue they appeal to animal instincts we can’t rationally inspect. They are just stories. Those stories are useful if you suspend disbelief to further prevent your reason from…

  • Just don’t bring the supernatural and fatih to science, logic, law, economics, politics, or war

    Like I said – the purpose of religion is to manufacture irresponsibility and ignorance of everything outside your sphere of sense-perception in order to alleviate the stress of the neurotic, empathic – and usually less inteligent mind, from low status, low responsibility, low self regulation, low control over life and environment, and general inability to…

  • Juries Declare Guilt or Innocence, only Judges Acquit.

    JURIES DECLARE GUILT OR INNOCENCE, ONLY JUDGES ACQUIT. Um, let me correct you. A judge acquits the defendant of charges and therefore freedom from prosecution by the state. The jury declares the defendant INNOCENT. No leftist (female) word games of lying by conflation.

  • Truth, Face, Facelessness

    Truth before face demonstrates fitness for rule.Face before truth demonstrates unfitness for rule.Facelessness demonstrates unfitness for rule of law and western civilization. Does the Left practice true before face, face before truth, or facelessness? Truth=Reals, not feels.

  • Reform Is Not a Simple Solution

    REFORM IS NOT A SIMPLE SOLUTION Reproductive > Social > Economic > Political > Military systems consist of many semi-independent, interlocking, self-equilibrating institutions, traditions, norms, behaviors, concepts, and terms across classes and skills. Fixing systems requires systemic fixes not point solutions. My reforms fix the ENTIRE SYSTEM. All of it.

  • Why Young Men Double Down on ‘fail’.

    WHY YOUNG MEN DOUBLE DOWN ON ‘FAIL’. When a young male that is otherwise unsuccessful in life, finds a paradigm he can feel self-worth, self-image, and status from empathizing with, identifying with, obtaining competency in, and advocating, he doubles down on his malinvestment reinforcing his error, rather than investigating and mastering the competing theories that…

  • Yes It’s a Bit of Work to Learn…

    YES IT”S A BIT OF WORK TO LEARN… –“Curt, You skip a lot of steps in your logical chain”– 1of4 Our legs are of different lengths so our gaits are of different lengths. Likewise, our cognitive networks are of different lengths so our steps in a chain of reasoning are of different lengths. 2of4 There…

  • Learning P-Method, Logic, Science, and Law

    LEARNING P-METHOD, LOGIC, SCIENCE, AND LAW — “Curt; What steps would you suggest I take towards sculpting myself into a proper representative of this science?” — I’ve asked around again, because asking how to master this science is something that’s asked frequently. And I always get the same answer. We are working on the constitution,…

  • Dear Mother England;

    DEAR MOTHER ENGLAND…. THE SCIENCE SAYS: the optimum system of government is (1) Rule of Law by the Natural, Common Law of Self Determination by Sovereignty, Reciprocity, Truth, Duty, and Markets in association, reproduction, production, commons and polities at the cost of suppression of the reproduction of those unfit for those markets (2) Monarch as…

  • Why Christian Fundamentalists Are the Enemy of Our People

    WHY CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALISTS ARE THE ENEMY OF OUR PEOPLE The Difference between Christian Classical Liberal Nationalists (CCLN) and Christian Fundamentalist Globalists(CFG) is that we CCLNs put our people, our law, our constitution, our nation, and our faith on equal ground. We DON’T, like the CFGs put our faith and globalism first at the expense of…

  • Understanding Jewish Group Tactics.

    Understanding Jewish Group Tactics, by Curt Doolittle Technically speaking the Jews (and Muslims) hide behind special pleading (pretense of innocence, pretense of \ictimbood) – and plausible deniabilty for race, for religion, and for past (justified) persecution, while they practice warfare from within by treason (priority of external loyalty), sedition (undermining from within) rather than warfare…

  • “Whiteness” πŸ˜‰

  • Globalist Fascists? or Fascists Resisting the New Globalists?

    GLOBALIST FASCISTS? OR FASCISTS RESISTING THE NEW GLOBALISTS? Well, the US Government is the primary vehicle by which the globalists have obtained sufficient economic power to buy the government, academy, and media, to advance the globalist agenda at the cost of the working and middle classes. Now, it’s important to realize that the globalist agenda…

  • It”s a War on The Harmony of Loyalty in A Hierarchy

    IT”S A WAR ON THE HARMONY OF LOYALTY IN A HIERARCHY The female instinct doesn’t have to ‘sense’ anything more complicated than loyalty in order to undermine that loyalty by reputation undermining and destruction in order for her to maximize her hyperconsumption at the expense of the common good. That’s the left’s ‘instinct’. THE ONLY…

  • Secession Isn’t Treason

    Reposted from: A few more words, and we shall be in a condition to answer the question which stands at the head of this chapter. Being a legal question, it will depend entirely upon the constitutional right the Southern States may have had to withdraw from the Union, without reference to considerations of expediency,…

  • The Spectrum of Governments

    THE SPECTRUM OF GOVERNMENTS The purpose of democracy is to spend economic windfalls. The purpose of oligarchy is to expand economies. The purpose of authoritarianism is to ‘catch up’ to more advanced economies. It’s really that simple. A Military Create Rule of Law Use the Govt that you need

  • Natural Law Judgement of The Vaccine Questionnatural Law Judgement of The Vaccine Question

    NATURAL LAW JUDGEMENT OF THE VACCINE QUESTION I avoided the ‘vax’ controversy because I said nothing could be said without empirical evidence and a crime created by the denial of that evidence. So as far as I know, the empirical evidence has spoken: Unless a dramatic difference in contagion between vaccinated and non exists, then…

  • The End of The Need for The Federal Government

    THE END OF THE NEED FOR THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Well, my broader point is that (a) american prosperity is due to the combination of english law and selling off a continent and putting it to productive work. (b) american technology is largely english and german in origin, (c) and like Rome vs Athens, superior military…

  • The Jewish Specialization in Pseudosciences

    As we see in evidence by their specialization in the production of authoritarian religion, pseudoscience, sophistries, deceits, and frauds that falsely and unaccountably promise freedom from physical. natural. and evolutionary laws. again. profiting from the destruction of our high-trust commons under the pretense of plausible deniability:

  • The Four False Promises

    THE SYSTEMIC PRODUCTION OF “BIG LIES” The False promise of freedom from the formal (truth), physical (scarcity), behavioral (acquisition self-interest, kin preference, amorality) and evolutionary (accumulation of genetic load, inequality, natural selection, defeat of the red queen) laws.

  • “Curt. You need more exposure. You would be the biggest “fuck you” in history if all of this came to fruition.”

    BACKHANDED COMPLIMENT: — “Curt, who is the unironic embodiment of western civilization: sick, immuno-compromised, survived a couple of cancers, possibly still has cancer, high functioning autist, proceeded to alienate every potential ally faction under the sun because he can’t lie, will be crucified by every normie and the ruling oligarchy if he ever becomes publically…

  • “An army of all kin”

    β€œAn army of all kin, consisting of a universal militia, of universal entrepreneurs, – self-governed by the Natural Law of self-determination, by self-determined means, by the reciprocal grant of, the defense of, the inalienability of, and insurance of, individual sovereignty in all demonstrated interests, and reciprocity in all display, word, and deed, – to all…

  • Evolution Is Gods First Law

    UNFORTUNATELY FOR THE FAITHFUL GOD SPOKE ONE WORD “EVOLVE!” – EVOLUTION IS GODS FIRST LAW — “I think the key point of natural law is that there is a God who ordered the world and human affairs and that we ought to follow that order. The main problem of the west now is they no…

  • Language is just a system of reducibility

    SOMETHING PROFOUND FOR AMATEUR PHILOSOPHERS OF THE GODEL: The Godel / Penrose criticism is false outside of it’s narrow claims, because of a common misunderstanding of Godel’s claims, and what we mean by ‘axioms’, ‘closure’, ‘proof’, and ‘true’. The insight is: “The sets of Mathematical reducibility are smaller than Computational reducibility, are smaller than (Re)Combinatorial…