Category: Thoughts

  • The Innovation in Deception by The Abrahamic Religions

    THE INNOVATION IN DECEPTION BY THE ABRAHAMIC RELIGIONS The Conversion of a Mother’s Decption of Children Into A Political Institution. — “What is this nonsense you can’t stop about Abraham? It’s like you know some truth no one else does, wow! Genius! ” — Another Gamma Vox Day Moron They’re called the Abrahamic Religions you…

  • What Happened to John Mark?

    WHAT HAPPENED TO JOHN MARK? (a) Recognition that uniting the right factions was impossible because of the unsophistication, lack of maturity, and poisoning of social media as a vehicle for uniting the right (b) insufficient income from the audience to go public, pay the cost of production, and evolve into a politician for uniting the…

  • The Unification of The Aryan and Christian

    THE UNIFICATION OF THE ARYAN AND CHRISTIAN “Seek To Understand” isn’t just the way to win friends and influence people, it’s the answer to the problem of epistemology, just as christian love is the answer to cooperation at scale: our brains developed a desire for efficiency, but this evolved for reducing physical not verbal or…

  • The Counter Revolutions Continue…

    LIsten, the french and german reactions to the english empirical enlightenment were both coutner revolutions by continental feminine catholic feels against scandinavian masculine protestant reals. This is why the french retain a feminine authoritarian motherly governmetn and the germans developed a masclune fatherly government, but neither retained the scandinavian peerage government. Too much catholic influence.…

  • Running KotH Games on Gab

    — “… so much more fun to see king of the hill games with much higher character limits on posts…” — MB Yes, well, Gab’s not as easy as FB but far better than Twitter. 😉 And I gotta say the free speech claim holds up so far. On King of the Hill Games (Research…

  • Why the Methodology Succeeds

    WHY THE METHODOLOGY SUCCEEDS I just work harder and longer and more exhaustively to seek to undrestand over time frames and at personal cost few can afford to pay. — “Exhaustive Continuous Adversarial Disambiguation, by Serialization and Operationalization, Resulting in a Single Most Parsimonious Paradigm, First Principles, Vocabulary, Grammar and Operational Logic as a Univerally…

  • Evolution of Theories

    There is a difference between continuous increase in precision and falsehood. And there is a difference between a law, a first principle, a settled theory, a working theory, a proposed theory, and a hypothesis. Most science since the greeks has continuously increased in precision rather than falsified the entirety of the theory. And even those…

  • “The war on _____ culminated in…”

    by @Vapourface Just to recap: 1. The war on terror culminated in handing over billions worth of weapons, while boat-loads of middle eastern soldiers arrive daily, but you have to have your shoes inspected when you go on holiday. 2. The war on drugs culminated in every suburban street stinking of skunk, and the free-issue…

  • Fundamentalist Rats in A Scientific Maze : KotH Games

    FUNDAMENTALIST RATS IN A SCIENTIFIC MAZE : KOTH GAMES @Snidely_Whiplash @James_Dixon @phil_free @RenegadeScoutr @LegionnaireBear @Black_Rabbi @voxday Keep trying (to insult me instead of debate). The scientific method is performed by ‘continuous recursive adversarial falsification, eliminating ignorance, error, bias, wishful thinking, and deceit, resulting in a formal operational constructive logic of falsification of all testimony capable by man. Given that all people…

  • Was the Destruction of Western Institutions of Cultural Production Done by Accident or On Purpose?

    WAS THE DESTRUCTION OF WESTERN INSTITUTIONS OF CULTURAL PRODUCTION DONE BY ACCIDENT OR ON PURPOSE?@BasedTreecko Undermining the institutions of cultural production was done on purpose. Capture of the academy, media, and government bureaucracy was done on purpose. Immigrating third world underclasses was done on purpose. Immigration overloading was done on purpose. Financial redistribution suppression white…

  • Europeans Chose God

    — “Europeans are not so much people who are chosen by god but people who have chosen god, by discovery, application of, and adaptation to the natural law.” — Martin Stepan17

  • Truth Is the Most Competitive Strategy – but The Most Costly.

    TRUTH IS THE MOST COMPETITIVE STRATEGY – BUT THE MOST COSTLY.All Other Factions Sell Frauds – Except NS.@Spacebunny — “~Curt never gets filtered in anywhere” — I get filtered out everywhere. Why? Truth is a merciless ally. It’s indiscriminately offensive to every single faction across the spectrum. Because every single faction is trying to organize…

  • How Do We Develop a Competency in The Skill of Decidability?

    HOW DO WE DEVELOP A COMPETENCY IN THE SKILL OF DECIDABILITY? — “So what’s a sound entry point to begin to develop this competency?” — Practice “Continuous recursive disambiguation of concepts by serialization and operationalization into a spectrum of ordinal measurements closed to conflation, inflation and denial. Producing a single most parsimonious paradigm, vocabulary, grammar, logic…

  • Evasion of Responsibility, not virtue

    So let me take the next logical step after that. If the enemy seeks authority on one and and dependency on the other, then are we just evading the cost of responsibility -just like they are – if we refuse to pay the cost of ruling them if only out of self defense? And that’s…

  • How Abrahamists Lie by Claiming Atheism Is a Religion

    HOW ABRAHAMISTS LIE BY CLAIMING ATHEISM IS A RELIGION(pin for frequent restatement) Dear @shelley11,(a) Abrahamic religions teach you to lie, (b) they teach you the women’s method of lying (c) of those women’s methods of lying false equivalency is endemic among them (d) in the case of religion this false equivalency includes equating faith (theology), belief…

  • Why the Change in The Cost of Art and Quality of Art?

    WHY THE CHANGE IN THE COST OF ART AND QUALITY OF ART?@shelley11 What has caused the change in production of high art, especially monumental art, (as someone who has studied stonemasonry, sculpture, and medieval construction techniques), is that the price of human time has increased to where it’s no longer affordable to pay that many…

  • Main Argument Against NS

    Q: CURT, WHAT’S YOUR MAIN POINT AGAINST NATIONAL-SOCIALISM? — “Not too related, just an overall question. What’s your main point against National-Socialism? ” — @AirmanareiksNazi Ideology, esp. ideology over empirical evidence. Absence of monarchy as judge of last resort. Authoritarianism because of failure to solve the problem of law. Compare with simple law instituting ethnocentrism,…

  • Subverting the Right’s Failure

    SUBVERTING THE RIGHT’S FAILUREPart 1 – The Origin of Failure Every individual constructs, by a combination of accident, affinity, and intent, his intuitions, philosophy, self image, and status-claims by investment in a set of identities (imitation), beliefs (presumptions), and rationalizations (excuses, arguments, philosophies). Biologically this means, together, this spectrum of ‘beliefs’ regulates our ability to…

  • Consciousness Is Trivial.

    CONSCIOUSNESS IS TRIVIAL.Qualia was just a little more difficult. Philosophers and pseudoscientists are just attention whoring on public ignorance. — “I still don’t understand qualia.” –MS OK, So, there is a difference between understanding what’s going on and the ability to introspect upon it. For example, lift your right arm over your head. How did…

  • P is a methodology of falsification. It falsifies anything that can be falsified, which means it slaughters sacred cows. Including NS.

    by Nationalist There’s a big difference between “shit talking” and scientific observation, analysis and argument. It’s not taking NS and adding some sprinkles or something to make it better. P-laws foundations are much more complete, it’s not just a revamp of NS. It takes an analysis of the third reich at this more complete level…

  • Comparing Curt to … sigh.

    —” I don’t know what you THINK your IQ is, but it’s definitely below my 142~144, and Vox is at least 5 points higher than I am. ” — IQ consists of two measures. One of neural adaptivity, and one of accumulated knowledge because of that adaptivity. Increasingly we seek to test adaptivity because it’s…

  • Western Federalism – the First Principle of Civilization

    WESTERN FEDERALISM – THE FIRST PRINCIPLE OF CIVILIZATION Reciprocal insurance, by every man willing and capable of bearing arms, of individual, familial, ethnic, and national self determination by self determined means by test of sovereignty in demonstrated interests, and reciprocity in display word and deed, limiting us to continuously evolutionary competitive markets in all aspects…

  • The French Revolution Repeats the Byzantine Defeat of Rome

    THE FRENCH REVOLUTION REPEATS THE BYZANTINE DEFEAT OF ROME The french revolution was just a repeat of the byzantine destruction of the western roman empire, killing of its aristocracy, and converting it to feminine utopian false promise. It wasn’t a restoration. It was the destruction of the holy roman empire of the germanic people. Rousseau…

  • White Man’s Burden: Christian Cover for Aryanism

    WHITE MAN’S BURDEN White Man’s Burden was just a Christian excuse for expression of Aryanism. And Aryanism is a problem (a failure point) for the simple reason that we can practice it, we can replace peoples and practice it, but we cannot conquer, rule, and domesticate other peoples – they are unfit for equality upon…

  • Is the American Experiment Dead or Going Through an Evolutionary Revolution?

    IS THE AMERICAN EXPERIMENT DEAD OR GOING THROUGH AN EVOLUTIONARY REVOLUTION? The american idea consisted of leaving behind the parasitic aristocracy, parasitic clergy and church, and parasitic underclass, to create a meritocratic majority middle class society of producers. However, for a variety of reasons(a) jefferson brought in the French utopian ideas,(b) the french destruction of…