Category: Thoughts

  • The Success of Christianity in Producing Mindfulness and Happiness

    THE SUCCESS OF CHRISTIANITY IN PRODUCING MINDFULNESS AND HAPPINESS No matter where you sit on the religion question, you have to come to terms with the fact that christianity worked, and still works, and produces the happiest people and families, while marxism and identity-marxism(pomo-pc-woke) produces the opposite, and secular humanism rides in the middle. The…

  • Future of Marriage and Mating: Polygamy? Nope.

    FUTURE OF MARRIAGE AND MATING: Polygamy? Nope. I try to avoid naturalistic fallacies. Mankind is hyper-adaptive and adapts to natural pressures like all other creatures. There are only three conditions under which women choose spinsterhood, single motherhood, and monogamy over polygamy, and we haven’t been able to have them choose the single motherhood option before…

  • What motivates you?

    – “What motivates you? I am trying to understand and it seems like you are fuelled by hate. ” — an idiot. It’s possible that if you are insufficiently evolved genetically, and insufficiently educated intellectually, that you may interpret a disgust response as fear, dislike, disdain, or hatred. It’s just disgust. Hypersensitivity to defect, parasitism,…

  • Fixing Financialism Not Capitalism

    FIXING FINANCIALISM NOT CAPITALISM How to fix the problem of financialism. We must choose to fix the correct problem: You don’t conflate Capitalism(Rule of law – regulation) with Financialism(Absence of Rule of Law – regulation). Fixing financialism is easy. fixing capitalism is not possible. It’s impossible. Financialism is to capitalism as socialism is to capitalism:…

  • Russian Opinion

    RUSSIAN OPINION (a) the west is seen as decadent and in decline in much of the world. And a visit to america, or just viewing american streets on google maps will confirm that without much difficulty. (b) russians are frustrated because their economy was growing until 2014, but the consequences of handling the ukrainian revolution…

  • Bitcoin, Blockchain, the Future of Money and Economy

    BITCOIN, BLOCKCHAIN, THE FUTURE OF MONEY AND ECONOMY I’m not anti-BTC. I’m just doing my job. That means (a) BTC’s not money, but a fractional divisible share in the btc network (b) dependent upon the BTC network (b) it’s easy for the state to crash its value out of self defense – and it will.…

  • TERMS: Grammar, Logic, Justification, Sophistry, Pilpul, Critique, Abrahamism

    TERMS: Grammar, Logic, Justification, Sophistry, Pilpul, Critique, Abrahamism 1) Grammar: (a) rules of “continuous recursive disambiguation” creating a contract for meaning, and consisting of: A Paradigm, consisting of: First Principles, Logic, Vocabulary, Syntax. (b) Grammars can be Deflationary<- Ordinary Langauge ->Inflationary, where deflationary consists of math, logic, accounting, procedures, etc, and inflationary consist of stories,…

  • Hierarchy of Methods of Achieving Mindfulness:

    HIERARCHY OF METHODS OF ACHIEVING MINDFULNESS: Success at Responsibility < Responsibility < Cognitive Behavioral Therapy < Stoic Discipline of Self Authoring < Buddhist Discipline < Chinese/Japanese Ritualiazation < Muslim Ritualization, Prayer < Christian Group, Ritual, Prayer < Other Group Myth, Ritual, Oath, and Feast < “Woo” < Magic < Occult < Drugs.

  • Personality Differences

    ALL PERSONALITY DIFFERENCES ARE VARIATIONS ON ADAPTATION GIVEN INTELLIGENCE AND SEX DIFFERENCES Intelligence is just a measure of rates of neural adaptation to stimulation (fluidic) and the consequences of exposure to training data (crystalline). I: Intelligence = (rate of adaptability) T: Over Time <-> In Time S: Male-Systematizing<-> Female-Empathizing GFP: Dominance:Ego <-> Submission:Altruistism C: Conscientiousness…

  • Was Dragging Mankind Along with Us a Stupid Idea?

    WAS DRAGGING MANKIND ALONG WITH US A STUPID IDEA? — Curt; Wasn’t this a really stupid idea?: “to drag mankind kicking and screaming out of ignorance, superstition, poverty, starvation, disease, suffering, early death, and the chaos of nature” (that’s the question that comes to my mind each time I hear you say that) — Of…

  • Individuals Perish Families Don’t, Polities Consist of Families and Societies Consist of Children

    INDIVIDUALS PERISH FAMILIES DON’T, POLITIES CONSIST OF FAMILIES AND SOCIETIES CONSIST OF CHILDREN The Liberal Presumption: If the function of the State changes priority from the family to the individual as the principal unit, purpose of institutions, law, and policy, ‘organization’ of social, reproductive, economic, political, strategic production – families will still just ‘happen’. Individuals are…

  • The Limits of Colonization

    THE LIMITS OF COLONIZATION Eradication and replacement clearly works (Europe, N. America.) Colonization only works over very long periods (Han Chinese, Aryans in India) or with massive reproductive introgression (S. America), producing a hybrid people with hybrid and therefore competing identity. And as such colonization only succeeds via extraordinary use of population differences, institutional differences,…

  • Restoring the Family

    RESTORING THE FAMILY A woman has intrinsic value to a man, so he must only determine her costs. A man has extrinsic value to a woman, so she must only determine her returns. We are going to have to restore the family as the object of policy(not the individual) if we are going to SURVIVE.…

  • What Would We Expect the Decidability of The ‘female Algorithm’ to Produce?

    Women, hypersensitivity, hyper-adaptivity, and the problem of self-regulation. If self is the only test that returns decidability, then W/O children, other women with children, and social responsibility what would we expect the decidability of the ‘female algorithm’ to produce? This is one of those things I’m not so happy to learn. It means so much.…

  • The Mirror

    IS IT JUST THE JEWS? (a) The archteicture and design is certainly jewish. (b) The target market is women instead of labor. (c) there are plenty of cognitively feminine men who will seek status because of b and a. (d) there are a host of institutions whose members can benefit and profit from serving the…

  • The Passions of The Right

    THE PASSIONS OF THE RIGHT Passion for Ideology, Philosophy, Religion, Conspiracy and Pseudoscience, are all admissions of powerlessness, lack of responsibility, and political, economic, and social irrelevance. We need a military aristocracy, true. We need all men to have military training and membership in reserves (militia), but we also need a research class, anentrepreneurial class,…

  • The Science of The Law Is the Law of The Sciences – Universal Law

    THE SCIENCE OF THE LAW IS THE LAW OF THE SCIENCES – UNIVERSAL LAW “[Blackstone] it was who first gave to the law the air of a science.” Yep. Of course, it’s not occurred to our ancestors that science is but applied Anglo, Germanic, European, traditional, law. P-Law produces the formal science of law –…

  • Why I Keep Using the Term “P-Law”

    WHY I KEEP USING THE TERM “P-LAW” P-complete – Wikipedia “In computational complexity theory, a decision problem is P-complete (complete for the complexity class P) if it is in P and every problem in P can be reduced to it by an appropriate reduction.” Ergo: **All existence can be explained by reduction to the first…

  • Differences in Amusement.

    UNDERRATED avenue of investigation: Race, Ethnicity, Culture, Civilizational differences in amusement. Why do some cultures pursue material, social, emotional, or imaginary interests? Why are autism, innovation, and creativity so heavily weighted to Europeans?

  • There Is only One Way to Save Our Civilization

    – “The complaint isn’t that your posts are word salad. The complaint is that you never make a point. A guy like you needs to follow a template, like 1. Briefly state conclusion 2. State context/motivation/problem. 3. Reason. 4. Re-state conclusion.” – Yes it is. Every day. That said… I make the point, I make…

  • Dumb F—ks in The White Movement

    DUMB F—KS IN THE WHITE MOVEMENT — “grug, math.” — Math isn’t hard. Knowing what’s wrong with math (mathiness) is a bit hard. Knowing the difference between math, computation, operations, and cooperative transactions is hard. Knowing how to disambiguate all methods of computation (Grammars) isn’t hard. Knowing how to produce decidability across math, computation, operations,…

  • The Method to The Apparent Madness

    THE METHOD TO THE APPARENT MADNESS There is a very deep method to my apparent madness on the topic of the right’s tendency to fail. That method would be deprecated if I were to state it openly. But as I have demonstrated over the past decade, the use of via negativa king of the hill…

  • Why Will the P-Law Program Work?

    WHY WILL IT WORK? Because it P-Law a minor tweak to the most successful system of government in human history, and the only one to create a modern state capable of bulding and maintaining itself as a first world power. There are a set of minor holes in our ‘operating system’ (Constitution, law, tradition, adn…

  • My Work Tries to RESTORE the Constitution

    CAUTION:  My work tries to RESTORE the constitution to its intentions of an alliance of states under a weak federation, in the thousand-year history of the holy roman empire, an the successful Germanic and English model of a rule of law of the natural common law, an independent judiciary, and houses of government as a…

  • The Consequences of The Search for Truth

      1) The reason I generated so much hate, and was framed as someone with hate, is the result of my exhaustive application of the scientific method. Why? Popper. “Sources of Knowledge and Ignorance”, and Critical Rationalism: research the greatest returns. 2) What falsehoods contain the greatest opportunity beause they provide the greatest source of…