Category: Thoughts

  • Answers to Six ARC Questions

    ONE IS THERE A SOLUTION TO GETTTING ALONG I have worked on this problem for more years and in more detail than anyone living (or dead for that matter.) And it’s common knowledge that my work may require multiple reads and considerable knowledge of the spectrum of disciplines. And it’s common knowledge that like darwin…

  • All Groups Are ‘Different’ Morally, Including Jews…. and Westerners

    —“Are Jews, (Gypsies, Arabs, Asians, Polynesians) inherently different, morally?”— [E]very group is different morally because every group modifies its strategy as needed in order to compete. Virtue is a competitive strategy, not necessarily an intrinsic good. a) Jews appear fairly constant in lower sexual dimorphism, and/or some reversal of sexual dimorphism (the women more masculine, the…

  • Understanding Jewish Group Tactics.

    Understanding Jewish Group Tactics, by Curt Doolittle Technically speaking the Jews (and Muslims) hide behind special pleading (pretense of innocence, pretense of victimbood) – and plausible deniabilty for race, for religion, and for past (justified) persecution, while they practice warfare from within by treason (priority of external loyalty), sedition (undermining from within) rather than warfare…

  • How Do We Increase Intolerance?

    “Q: IF THE MOST INTOLERANT WINS, THEN HOW DO WE INCREASE INTOLERANCE?” – @EthicalNeuromancer ANSWER:  We increase our law – a law evolved to suppress the irreciprocity among males and the male strategy of force – to also suppress the irreciprocity among females, and the female strategy of denial, deceit, seduction, false promise, baiting into hazard,…

  • Muslims have no moral standing from which to make a moral claim. None.

    THE GREATEST CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE IN HISTORY: ISLAM – THE WAR AGAINST LIFE ITSELF You notice how often someone’s making a specious moral argument about a strategic decision? It’s the same problem as women scaling up the logic of the family to the polity, or the logic of business to the economy. Rules vary with scale…

  • We Can Cure The Era of Lies

    We are not ALL Americans. We never have been. Our revolutionary war was a civil war. We nearly had a civil war after 1812, we had one in 1861, we nearly had one during the great depression, we nearly did in the sixties, and we are in one at present. Nine Nations of North America.…

  • Notes on a speech by Yuval Harari

    “We limit ourselves to Property(Permission) and Range(Duty,Responsibility)” “Fictions or Narratives create a paradigm (system of measurement) of property(permission) and range(duty), creating a system of cooperative rules” “Human rights are a fiction” … that’s not really true. Those Human rights that are Natural Rights are an extension of life and phenotype. They are in fact a…

  • If it wasn’t for christianity we wouldn’t have had the dark ages

    No. If it wasn’t for Christianity we wouldn’t have had the dark ages of Semitic ignorance imposed on Europeans, and instead, greek and roman literacy, philosophy, science, reason, law, and administration would have continued the slow domestication of European tribes instead of lying to them with Semitic falsehoods exacerbating superstition instead of providing education. You…

  • The Source of Evil

    We increase our law – a law evolved to suppress the irreciprocity among males and the male strategy of force – to also suppress the irreciprocity among females, and the female strategy of denial, deceit, seduction, false promise, baiting into hazard, undermining, reputation destruction, and destruction of the institutions of cooperation we call the institutions…

  • Understanding Jewish Group Tactics.

    Understanding Jewish Group Tactics, by Curt Doolittle Technically speaking the Jews (and Muslims) hide behind special pleading (pretense of innocence, pretense of victimbood) – and plausible deniabilty for race, for religion, and for past (justified) persecution, while they practice warfare from within by treason (priority of external loyalty), sedition (undermining from within) rather than warfare…

  • Censored on Quora: “Curt: Q: Why are women often portrayed as symbol of evil or weakness?”

    Why are women often portrayed as symbol of evil or weakness? Curt Doolittle Philosopher: Truth, Natural Law, Economics, Politics, War April 25, 2017 (repost b/c censored) TRUTH IS VERY OFTEN OFFENSIVE. WHICH IS WHY WE MUST SEARCH FOR IT – BECAUSE WE HIDE IT. BUT HERE IS THE ANSWER. Women (females) evolved gossip, rallying, shaming,…

  • The Problem Is Obvoius

    THE PROBLEM IS OBVIOUS   -“Some argue that cultural Marxism is a silly term, but I think it works well. It describes a leveling desire that is no longer primarily interested in class, but in demographic groups. It sees society as a battle between races, sexes, and sexualities for power.”-Bo Winegard   Bo: The problem?…

  • If it wasn’t for christianity we wouldn’t have had the dark ages

    No. If it wasn’t for chrsitianity we woldn’t have had the dark ages of semitic ignorance imposed on europeans, and instead, greek and roman literacy, philosophy, science, reason, law, and administration would have continued the slow domestication of european tribes instead of lying to them with semitic falsehoods exacerbating superstition instead of providing education. You…

  • How Do We Increase Intolerance?

    “Q: IF THE MOST INTOLERANT WINS, THEN HOW DO WE INCREASE INTOLERANCE?” – @EthicalNeuromancer ANSWER:  We increase our law – a law evolved to suppress the irreciprocity among males and the male strategy of force – to also suppress the irreciprocity among females, and the female strategy of denial, deceit, seduction, false promise, baiting into hazard,…

  • Understanding Jewish Group Tactics.

    Understanding Jewish Group Tactics, by Curt Doolittle Technically speaking the Jews (and Muslims) hide behind special pleading (pretense of innocence, pretense of victimbood) – and plausible deniabilty for race, for religion, and for past (justified) persecution, while they practice warfare from within by treason (priority of external loyalty), sedition (undermining from within) rather than warfare…

  • Are the Jews to Blame or Are We?

    ARE THE JEWS TO BLAME OR ARE WE? We have enough science to explain jews as cognitively female demonstrating the same production-evasion, responsibility evasion, neuroticism, magical thinking, mental instability, lying-denying, social construction, and hyperaggression as females in moral panic, especially if they are perceived as undesirable (rejected). Jews are the world’s only feminine intellectuals. Europeans…

  • CD on Limits of Morals Before They’re Crimes.

    (Thoughts)Our team works in via negativa constructive logic. But we use common terms to avoid neologisms. So for example, when we say ‘moral’ we mean ‘not immoral’, and we define immoral as irreciprocal, meaning empirically determined,by universally demonstrated retaliation. So while individual, normative, and group variation in moral rules varies by context, this is due…

  • CF on Morality Positiva and Negativa

    by ContraFabian @ContraFabianist The minimum conditions for positive reciprocity are particular to an exchange (via positiva, scale dependent), whereas, the minimum conditions for negative reciprocity are universal (via negativa, scale independent). Universal aversion to the imposition of costs on demonstrated interests (negative reciprocity) does not assume a particular portfolio of interests—property—but accounts for variation in…

  • Falsifying False Claims

    Since he wrote enough content I can respond. 7 big presuppositions of science that science itself can’t validate: 1. The senses are reliable 2. The mind is rational 3. The universe is rational 4. The uniformity of nature to justify induction 5. The laws of logic 6 The existence of numbers 7. The existence of…

  • Democracy isn’t a goal. It’s a Luxury born of success at Rule of Law of Natural Law

    NONSENSE: Not a historian but an idealogue: Democracy wasn’t and isn’t the goal it’s a means. Liberty by Sovereignty was and is the goal. Prohibition on authority the means of achieving it. Rule of Law of self-determination by sovereignty in demonstrated interests (merit) and reciprocity in display word and deed (morality) the means of testing…

  • The difference between our law of prosecution and the philosophy of debate.

    -“And you presume to know anything about argumentation? You have a lot of learning to do, including in the areas you think you know.”- (a) conflates formal argument (proofs) with informal (debate) (b) conflates persuade with testify (c) conflates neutrality with criminality. So what you fail to understand is that in western philosophical tradition, we…

  • Nietzche was wrong on jews.

    Cofnas is intellectually embarrassing for the vapid criticism that denies that group strategies exist — when I can identify group strategies just by linguistic analysis, just as we can identify sex, class, ethnicity from it. Nietzche was wrong. Jews are a feminine race, but(a) much much higher aggression. Aggression decreased with the four racial speciation…

  • No. We’re Done. The Anglosphere Doesn’t Want To Police The World. The Jewish Globalists do.

    ? @badofi  The anglosphere doesn’t want to function as globalists. Americans in particular are insular, and only created the global order to defeat the communists in both RU and CN from spreading to the ME. The Anglosphere’s problem is that it needs air-sea control for safety the way Eurasia needs land safety. Ergo, a land-based rail…

  • Othering and Organized Crime

    “Othering” is necessary for preservation of aggressive separatism, nepotism, and concentration of capital in the group. Why have we not seen the same behavior among diasporic Germans, Chinese, Armenians, Huguenots, Hungarians, Greeks, etc?”–Harold Fairhair @fairhair_harold Have or haven’t we? Compare occupational differences of diasporas. What you’ll observe is the most important insight into cultural differences…

  • So why is islam desirable for many?

    1. Avg IQ in Islam 84, avg IQ in Christendom 100 – one full standard deviation. 2. Low trust civilization favoring facelessness (vs truth), familism, clannism, tribalism over nationalism, and where cheating and corruption are heroic and expected. 3. Islam’s mandate of ignorance. 2. But because it’s a religion for populations with low average IQs…