The Direction of Dating, Marriage, Mating Over this Century
THE DIRECTION OF DATING, MARRIAGE, MATING OVER THIS CENTURY I’m trying to predict the direction of marriage over the next century, especially as we pass through the coming shocks. And we’re increasingly returning to historical norms of serial relationships at the bottom and long-term relations at the top, mediated by predictable trait differences, and sexual…
Curt: “Is Dugin Right About Religous Awakenings?” (no?)
CURT: IS DUGIN RIGHT ABOUT RELIGIOUS AWAKENINGS? (NO?) There are no religious ‘awakenings’ only ‘reformations’ Communism is a reformation of Judaism, pomo-pc-woke-feminism is a reformation of Christianity. Islamism is a reformation of Islam using communist strategy and tactics. Buddhism is a reformation of Hinduism, and only the Japanese maintained the only ‘true’ and natural religion…
The Restoration of Marriage as A Business Venture
THE RESTORATION OF MARRIAGE AS A BUSINESS VENTURE (The end of the luxury good of romantic marriage.) 1. The historical reason for pairing off. (Hunter-Gatherer) 2. The historical reason for Marriage (agrarianism and property) 3. The Invention of Romanic Love (The Plague). Romantic Love as we understand it was INVENTED and not that long ago.…
Understand Incentives: Conservative Paranoia In Public Speech, Because of The FBI and Police State
Our People overthink these things. The FBI is looking for people who are showing signs of mental instability and signaling individual or group potential for violence. They’ve asked me to be careful what I say, precisely because of the number of mentally unstable young men out there in the current generations, who are easily influenced.…
The Origin and Reason for Marriage – Political Economy of Marriage
THE ORIGIN AND REASON FOR MARRIAGE – POLITICAL ECONOMY OF MARRIAGE — “we need to restore legal fault to (the mating) market. The entire courtship market was highly protected in the west until we “liberated” ourselves from law and men no longer can sue for crimes against their family.” — As you say, this is…
We live within the limits of preservation of cooperation.
THEFT: All false pretenses of equality, end of scarcity, human nature and malleability, accumulated genetic load and natural selection, are attempts to evade VOLUNTARY EXCHANGE and to evade limiting insurance to charity in exchange for conformity: doing no harm to commons. The European (Germanic > English > British > American) reason for equality (equity) under…
Explaining My Skepticism About the Future of BTC
Many of the counter-arguments depend on the government lacking the incentives. And lacking means of suppression. It has the incentives. And very high rates of suppression are easy. Especially if all major holders must exit BTC to FEDOLLAR or face asset seizure. I’m looking at (engineering) the next great transformation of money and economy, and…
Sex Separation in Education
It’s absolutely positively better for us to separate girls and boys in education. I went from a mixed public to separate private and EVERYTHING was better in school, including treating the girls more ‘intentionally’. Our schools are now more suitable for girls other than mixed-sex, and totally unsuitable for boys in every dimension regardless of…
What Have Men Learned From Women Over The Past Decades? (To Be Selfish Like Them)
Exactly: What have we learned? – We’ve learned that Women have more choices – particularly single motherhood. But men also now have more choices – particularly wealth accumulating bachelorhood, and a much fuller life without turning all their income over to women. – We’ve learned that Marriage has no value. Common property has no economic…
Brexit and Illustrating the Few Basic Laws of Political Economies
–“How Has Brexit Been Going?”– 4% Decline is due to labor shortage. (1) Fundamentally, the 4% decline is caused by a labor shortage. It’s a labor shortage because wages are too low. Wages will increase. Prices will increase. Inequality will increase. (2) So, the people obtain greater equality and gain immigration control at the cost…
European People and The Laws of Nature
EUROPEAN PEOPLE AND THE LAWS OF NATURE 1. All causality results from the universe’s attempt to release pressure by increasing dissipation (entropy) or increasing organization (negentropy). 2. All resulting phenomena, both organic and non, can be described as evolutionary computation of acquisition of energy(mass), by the process of continuous recursive disambiguation. 3.…
It’s Not Belief
IT’S NOT BELIEF You have it backward. It’s not belief. Belief provides identity. Identity provides loyalty. Identity and Loyalty must provide returns (benefit) that competes in the market for identity and loyalty. So belief is only the narrative that children, women, the dim, and ignorant peasantry require in order to justify their loyalty despite their…
What’s the Difference? (Repost from 2017)
WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? 1) DIFFERENCES a) Competition: Without competition (comparison, differences) we have no means of distinction and without distinction we cannot make a choice. Forms of competition: b) Constant Relations: Referrers, Properties, relations, and values are determined by marginally indifferent, comparable, or commensurable Constant Relations vs Inconstant Relations between states. |Comparable|: Identical > Indifferent(in…
RE: Charles Murray on Asian Increases in SAT Scores
—“Hypothesis: SAT has become more coachable as revisions eliminated the hardest-to-coach material (e.g., analogies). Asians invest more in practice (besides their latent cognitive advantage) than any other ethnic group. If the College Board weren’t so secretive, we could test it.”–Charles Murray @charlesmurray Charles: Yes, and something else we see in personality testing vs IQ…
The One Word Of God
[A] Devil would tell us a half-truth, with an impossible, unwarrantable, unredeemable promise, using plausible deniability, freedom from liability, the result of which was a failure to discover, apply, and evolve with the word and laws of God. What is that word of God, written every weave of the universe? The word of God is…
The Science Problem
THE SCIENCE ‘PROBLEM’ Science just means due diligence in the production of warrantable, liable, testimony to observables. The question is, how much science meets those criteria of testimony, and how much of it would be subject to something either untestifiable or worse, perjury? The correct response to any scientific (materialst) explanation of the laws…
We Know Who Made This Crisis
I don’t like to stomp on Haidt’s tweets but there is a reason for this shift and it’s the postwar intellectual immigrant’s attack on western civilization, and this group is now learning the cost of their naivety and why they have historically been a failed people – at our cost. We have paid the extremely…
The Sin of Vanity – the Right Fails Because They Want to ‘be Right’ More than They Want to Win
THE SIN OF VANITY – THE RIGHT FAILS BECAUSE THEY WANT TO ‘BE RIGHT’ MORE THAN THEY WANT TO WIN — “Somebody call BLM. We need to get curt to give up his megaphone so he can stroke their egos with “y’all are stronger and have bigger dicks!” — –“The real action is in the…
The Context of The Next Christian Reconciliation with The Laws of God, Nature, and Man
— “Enlist the Christian cognitively masculine by appealing to their interest in Truth. Many of them are alpha males suppressed by sophistry of Tolerance. They are ready for Reformation in which Tolerance has been knocked down as a totem.” — Freedom Of Religion (a) the freedom of religion clause has failed the test of Judaism…
Who Are You and How Do You Exist? It”s Pretty Simple Really
WHO ARE YOU AND HOW DO YOU EXIST? IT”S PRETTY SIMPLE REALLY “You” are a stack of hierarchically recursive memory on top of pulsing sensors – each layer increasing the duration of time, detecting changes in the layer beneath, integrating memory at the same level, and passing predictions to the next layer. ‘Slow’ chemistry makes…
The Rights ‘COGFEM’ Are the Right’s Jews – Undermining Victory
THE RIGHTS ‘COGFEM’ ARE THE RIGHT’S JEWS – UNDERMINING VICTORY We need to run with this message long-term to generate self-awareness of RIGHT behavior: — “It was a reference to curt criticising your and the the rights tendency in general to purity spiral. As in X isn’t perfect so tear it down even…
Comments on Joscha Bach Interview
Notes: NOTES 1) Aaron has too limited an understanding of American ethical history. 😉 See “Carpetbaggers”. 2) Innovation is possible in both Capitalizing-Productive and Decapitalizing-Parasitic directions. The purpose of rule of law under the old germanic and remaining anglo common law, is to evolve the law empirically in response to the discovery of consumptive-parasitic directions.…
“If Gambling is Just Probability Then Why Don’t Mathematicians Gamble?”
INTERESTING ANSWERS NOT MANY GOOD ONES. HERE IS THE SIMPLE REASON 1) Every random condition is random. There is no pattern to randomness. 2) Only cumulative random results produce a narrowing of probability. 3) Human behavior is the most significant method of narrowing probability 4) Asymmetric information is the most significant method of narrowing probability…
Retention Costs
Why? Because 1) Opportunity costs > 2) Transaction Costs > 3) Retention Costs. That series also produces a repeating cycle. Economists talk about opportunity and transaction costs but always within the context of assuming retention costs the way they assume the morality of man.
Full Answer of Why Rome Fell: Overextension of The Heroic Population
Short Version: The western Roman empire dramatically overextended but would have recovered, even from the invasions except for the folly of slaves(immigrants) and Christianity(Judaism / Marxism / Neo-Marxism / Feminism / Postmodernism), and finally the Islamic invasion and destruction of the civilized worlds. REASONS 1 – Overextension of Colonization: Celtic holocaust created the opportunity for…