3. The First Principle

What Question are we Trying to Answer?

First Principles

Whether we refer to our use of first principles in reason, axioms in logic, or laws in science, the meaning, the use, and the function remains the same: a premise that limits our guesses, inferences, deductions, calculations, and computations to consistency, constructability, correspondence, coherence, with that premise or those premises.

Laws of the universe are discovered and applied in scientific calculations. They are constant regardless of our ends. Axioms are declared in the formal logics. They are substitutes for laws of nature – or substitutes for our lack of understanding of laws of nature. Principles (choice)  ( … ) used in … preference. Rules….  ( … ) First-principles, as we use the term, are discovered during our application of laws of the universe and the use of logic, so that we may produce a given desired end. So first principles are the most general category of rules that limit our reason as a defense against conflating truth with preference, and defense against ignorance, error, bias, wishful thinking, and deceit. So whether law, axiom, or first principle, they describe the origin of causality. The first causes.

So ‘first principles thinking’ or ‘reasoning from first principles’ means that we limit our errors by beginning with premises that aren’t false, by constructing theories or arguments rather than justifying them. Or said differently, we can use the human cognitive ability of wayfinding, to justify a desired out come, or to test whether our desired out come is constructable from first principles

(what does it mean, why necessary, first premises, construction from first premises, the purpose  of science … testimony, the discovery of the hierarchy of first principles )

constructive or constructivist logic … falsification … possibility of construction.

Science > logic > first principles > continuous recursive disambiguation by adversarial competition (trial and error) > Testimony

The First Principle

What is the first principle upon which all others depend?

The simple idea begins with explaining the logic of the universe – how it exists, functions, and evolves from the smallest and most simple to the largest and most complex scales. But how do we explain that simple idea?

The best way to explain any idea if we want to eliminate the chance of misinterpretation, misunderstanding, misapplication, error, bias, motivated reasoning, and the many techniques of deceit is to explain it with an example, then define the pattern in the example, then to use the pattern in competition with evidence of multiple and contrasting examples across the largest possible spectrum of examples – a full accounting of the application of the pattern to conditions within the limits of the conditions possible for the pattern. Every claim about any phenomena in the universe must be explainable using this exhaustive method. Our goal is to exhaust the application of the pattern, eliminating all opportunities for misunderstanding – or deceit.

First principle … explanatory power (… ) then …

First principle … full accounting

First principle … limits

This first principle, consisting of this pattern, will function as our first standard of weight and measure – our system of commensurability at all scales.

Illustrating the First Principle

So if we start with listing the sciences:

  1. the physical sciences (before)
  2. the behavioral sciences (during),
  3. the evolutionary sciences (after),
  4. the formal sciences – the logics (language and cognition for describing the three sciences above),

Then we can illustrate the same simple idea – the same first principle – in every one of those sciences.

But which example do we start with? Which one requires the least knowledge, is easiest to follow, and will produce the least opportunity for misinterpretation, misunderstanding, and error?

If we start with physics, we are stuck with the fact that as I write this, we don’t yet know the first cause of the fine structure of the universe. We can cover all the possible options, we can illustrate that it doesn’t matter whether we know that first cause. But it leaves open opportunities for motivated reasoning – a problem we want to avoid.

If we instead use the hierarchy of physical sciences, meaning subatomic physics, particle physics, atoms, chemistry, biochemistry, the cell, and genetics, that’s a pretty simple story. But it’s a cartoon version of the simple idea that’s maybe too simple – so simple that it encourages misinterpretation, misunderstanding, and error.

We can start with behavioral science – but we have to make so many assumptions that cognitive science is simple by comparison, and it’s hard to see how behavior isn’t the subject most likely to lead to misinterpretation, bias, misunderstanding, motivated reasoning, and everything we are trying to prevent. Because we have the most natural incentive to apply bias, motivated reasoning, and even magical thinking to human behavior.

If we start with cognitive science – how our brains produce mind, consciousness, and behavior, then we have to cover so much anatomy, biology, and neurology before we can make our point that starting with physics is simple by comparison.

We can start with logic and language – but that requires we understanding cognitive science, because logic and language depend on cognitive science. Although I admit that throughout our journey together, logic and language is one of the most interesting topics we cover.

We can start with mathematics. Mathematics is the most simplistic language man has created. No. No. Really. It is. And we don’t have to do any math at all. I promise. And math gives us a simple vocabulary and set of ideas to work with that most of us at least vaguely know of.  But for our purposes, math is one of the sources of the problem we’re trying to overcome.

But of course, following our advice from the first paragraph above, we want to illustrate this simple idea from every possible perspective – in this case, the spectrum of the sciences – so that we most eliminate our chance of misinterpretation, misunderstanding, and motivated reasoning.

And so, let’s begin with the beginning, with physics, and cover the entire spectrum of sciences, covering the entire spectrum of the universe, thereby exhaustively testing the first principle against all of the sciences.

This technique of exhaustive testing to limit our chance of error is called ‘exhaustive adversarial competition’. Or what we call ‘adversarialism’. Or what nature calls ‘natural selection.’ And this technique of testing a concept against every possible case is the first principle of The Method.

The Physical Universe


  1. Mental Model – Ascertainable by man.
  2. Two Kinds of Mathematics: Pictures and words and Models and operations
  3. Mathiness
  4. Taboos
  5. Innovation: Full Accounting, Conservation

The Universe

  1. As I write these words, we don’t know the lifecycle of the universe or if it even has a lifecycle. It’s possible we may never know. Although it’s increasingly unlikely that we will never know. It’s increasingly likely that mathiness has cost the physics community a century of pseudoscience because of their use of pseudomathematics, and that the lifecycle of the universe is one of several simple and intuitive candidates.
  2. That said, we can know the first principles of the universe, and it appears that we can demonstrate that we do know, and we will do so here.
  3. We know that the universe contains space, energy, and matter, and matter in a series of states.
  4. We do not know the constitution of this energy, or even what energy means at the first-cause level, other than the potential to produce change (work).
  5. We do not know the constitution of space, whether it is emergent from this energy or whether it’s persistent independent of this energy.
  6. We do know the constitution of matter, and that it is emergent from this energy, in this space, over time.
  7. We do know the constitution of time – the rate of change –  and that it is emergent from this energy, in this space, in this universe.
    • Constraint > Space(volume) > Energy(Contents) > Time (Rate of Change)

The Field

  1. Space is not empty.
  2. We refer to this organization of energy as a field. A three-dimensional field in space. We would usually call it a volume, but volume suggests a limit or shape and a field is limitless. So we still use the term “field” for this three-dimensional infinite volume in space, because we describe that volume with a mathematical representation we call a field. And because a field in mathematics can be stated as infinite. In other words, we name the volume by using the name of the mathematical construction we measure it with.
  3. The energy of this field is unable to organize by either to its lowest (simple) state of organization or its highest (complex) state of organization.

    1. The energy does appear to organize between these two opposing extremes.
    2. And the broader the extremes the more opportunity for organization between them.
    3. The opportunity for organization equals the number of stable states available at every stable state that decreases (simple organization) or preserves (complex organization).
  4. The reason this field is unable to fully organize is either:
    • (a) it is constrained externally from internal expansion by external resistance.
    • (b) or it is constrained internally by external compression.
      While both of these produce the same result: an inability of the energy to dissipate into a lower (simple) or higher(complex) organization
  5. This field then behaves as a medium, the ‘fine’ medium, or the “fundamental medium”, and we have not yet discovered the constitution of the fine medium other than as analogous to the behavior of a gas as we’ve just stated.
    • Turtles All The Way Down: ….


  1. Everywhere in that field contains a minimum amount of energy. We call this presence of energy the background or ground state.
  2. We refer to the measure of this energy as zero-point energy. This does not mean it’s absent energy. It only means it’s the lowest energy the universe appears to be able to contain at any and every tiny point in the universe. So we measure phenomena in the universe by variation in this ground state: zero-point energy.
  3. We have attempted to measure this zero-point energy and for all intents and purposes, it’s infinite. In other words, empty space contains a great deal of energy – or perhaps differently, the creation of space requires a great deal of energy.
  4. This energy is available for ‘work’ – the potential to produce a change in state.
  5. This energy remains constant and does not appear to be able to dissipate, no matter how fast or far the universe expands. We do not yet know why (though we can hypothesize).

Fundamental Particles (Dipoles)

  1. First, easiest, least costly reaction to deformation of any geometry out of symmetry in a homogenous medium seeking homogenous geometric organization, is rotation, where the rotation cannot dissipate only continuously transfer.
  2. As such we should expect to observe spin – and we do.
  3. Perhaps more importantly, rotation can, and does, store energy.
  4. We should expect to see resistance to change in spin as torque – and we do.
  5. Because of the conservation of energy we should expect to see the organization of spin as deformation (sortition) into opposites – and we do. As pairs of positive and negative rotation.
  6. And we should expect to observe the local consequences of spin and torque as polarization. We do – creating an electrical charge.
  7. And we should expect the pressure of this spin and torque on neighboring geometry. We do – creating magnetism.
  8. We call this organization of spin and counter-spin a dipole – two poles, positive and negative.
  9. These dipoles are the Fundamental Particle from which all Elementary Particles are constructed.
    • |Fundamental Evolution|: Pressure(inward or outward) > Rotation (Spin) > Vibration (waves) > Expansion (orbitals) > Accumulation (Reorganization) > Elementary Particles
  10. THOUGHT-NOTE: Since we don’t find anti-matter in equal proportion to matter, that must mean that the positive pressure to organize matter is offset by increase in antimatter in the ground state, and therefore the positive pressure on the universe is external, or the pressure to organize the universe is constrained.

Quantum Fluctuations

Quantum: the tendency of systems consisting of waves of energy to produce a limited number of means of organizing (symmetries)

  1. These dipoles create quantum fluctuations that evolve and devolve – almost all of which emerge and dissipate almost immediately, and a great three-dimensional froth.
  2. The first emergent stable relation in the universe then is a dipole. A dipole that rotates. The polarization creates the electrical field, and the rotation creates a magnetic field.
  3. Quantum Fluctuations consist of the continuous creation and destruction of dipoles.
  4. The speed at which these fluctuations form and decay is so extreme as to create the practical result of a continuous medium at all subsequent scales of interaction within the medium.

Force (Pressure)

  1. Some of these quantum fluctuations or ‘bubbles’ are larger (longer waves) and some are smaller (shorter waves). Larger bubbles create pressure over a larger area, smaller bubbles over a smaller area.
  2. Larger fluctuations are weaker, smaller fluctuations are stronger. This means that larger weaker fluctuations can crowd out smaller stronger fluctuations. This imbalance is the source of inward pressure on close objects, as the sum of fluctuations between objects will always be less than the sum of objects outside objects.
  3. Positive charges push against positive charges, and Negative Charges push against negative charges because they increase disorganization of the quantum fluctuations creating resistance. So they disorganize the quantum fluctuations such that they push one another part.
  4. However, opposite charges organize the background quantum fluctuations and so they are pushed (not pulled) together by the surrounding quantum fluctuations.
  5. As such, all motion in the universe consists of ‘pushing’. Pushing out of higher pressure into lower pressure of the quantum fluctuations.
  6. Or more generally, force consists of displacement of the quantum fluctuations of the quantum field, and the difference in pressure created.
  7. This is the origin of all force, acceleration, mechanics, electromagnetics, and gravity.
  8. And for all intents and purposes, the force available in the ground state is infinite.

Background Summary

  1. Quantum Fluctuation, Size(wavelength), Charge > Polarizble: Dipole > Electric field > Rotation: Magnetizable: Magnetism > Electromagnetism > organizing the flow of energy creating differences in pressure. > Force

Virtual (Proto), Fundamental, and Elementary Particles

  1. The constant interaction of these quantum fluctuations in the quantum field largely cancel each other out, returning to the zero point – the minimum energy of space: the background or ground state.
  2. Whenever fluctuations of energy and accumulate above the zero-point energy and don’t cancel each other out, and accumulate enough of an asymmetry with the background state (background) that they don’t cancel out, then it can separate or ‘disentangle’ from the bubbles of the ground state (background).
  3. We call this persistent disentangled energy ‘particles’.

Lifespan (Reversibility vs Irreversibility)

  1. Because of their organization, energy, and frequency, some of these particles don’t fully disentangle from the ground state, so they gradually decay.
  2. Some of these particles cannot maintain constant relations (coherence), and break apart into smaller parts, and then decay, and by decaying giving their energy back (redistributing it) to the ground state.
  3. When they ‘hit’ something they spread out like a gel filled balloon, or the energy collapses into a single point of energy that remains as it returns to the ground state.

Virtual (Proto) Particles

  1. The most common, least energetic, emergent, and surviving dipole is a photon or virtual particle.
  2. We call collections of these disentangled energy ‘elementary particles’.
  3. Particles can form either as highly excited states slow (lose energy), or slower states are excited (gain energy).
  4. Particles produce vibrations causing fluctuation in the quantum field.
  5. These fluctuations can persist and travel through the quantum field until encountering another fluctuation sufficient to cancel it out, absorb it, or cause it to split into smaller fluctuations.
  6. As such all particles consist of excitations of the quantum field, as one or more bipoles, of less or more energy, and the quantum field consists of bubbles that are produced by the creation and destruction of bipoles, and the effects of such bipoles.
  7. And we aren’t quite sure what these bipoles form from. And so, for all intents and purposes the space in the universe that we experience is constructed out of these bipoles – some of which ‘survive’ competition by the continuous capture and transportation of energy, creating polarization and electrical charge, and rotation and magnetic force, and almost all of these energetic emergences die.


  1. Elementary Particles displace enough of the quantum field to produce a ‘shell’ of displacement. These shells are permeable but still displace the quantum field.
  2. This displacement of the quantum field creates what we measure as mass.
  3. The more displacement of the quantum field, the more mass.
  4. More displacement can be produced slightly by size, and largely by velocity.
  5. The most common particles with mass are protons and electrons.


  1. As stated above, gravity is caused by the ‘push’ created by a displacement of the quantum field by mass.
  2. Gravity as we experience it is the push of the quantum field against us and against the planet, whose mass is a measure of its displacement of the quantum field. Hence more mass more gravity.

Motion (inertia)

  1. All particles whether force-carrying alone( Fundamental Particles, dipoles, or virtual particles), or force-and-mass-carrying (elementary particles), displace the quantum fluctuations in the quantum field.
  2. The pressure ahead of their motion is matched by the pressure behind their direction of motion maintaining the velocity of the particle through space, without variation in velocity.
  3. In other words, there is no ‘drag’ – because as in everything at this scale, equilibrium must be maintained (conservation of energy.)

“Our result is in fact that a linear current is a vortex ring in the fluid aether, that electric current is represented by vorticity in the medium, and magnetic force by the velocity of the medium. The current being carried by a perfect conductor, the corresponding vortex is (as yet) without a core, i.e., it circulates round a vacuous space.” – Joseph Larmor 


  1. Energy regardless of composition, whether: fluctuation, fundamental particle, or elementary particle, moves through this field creating waves and wakes.
  2. Because moving through the quantum field (aether) can only occur by the reorganization of quantum fluctuations, returning to stable state then, there is no ‘drag’ on the movement of particles unless there is in fact, … (then there is no drag?) only reorganization.
  3. Each of these waves consists of one or more high points (positives) and a low point (negatives). And these waves may exist in any radial direction  – in other words, these waves can form in an infinite number of directions around the movement of the particle, and because of this, moving through these infinite waves, the particle itself may be in a distribution along the net combination of those waves at any time.  The convention is to represent these waves like water, but it’s more intuitive to imagine them as tiny fast-moving electric arcs or lightning storms appearing in space and if they have momentum, moving as a wave through space.

The Aether

  1. ( … call this the ) the quantum field.  (quanta…as ratios) (the universe has it’s own counting or number system so to speak).
  2. Physicists have chosen to avoid the historical term Aether for this field to disambiguate historical theories of the Aether from quantum theories of the Aether, But, conversely, they maintain the use of gravity despite historical theories of gravity, so we will maintain the use of Aether here, correctly defined as the quantum field.
  3. As of this writing, we do not yet know the constitution of and organization of the first (fine) medium, the behavior of which, causes the quantum field, and therefore causes quantum fluctuations that together produce the Aether. Possibilities for the first (fine) medium are (a) Pressure inward on a medium forcing organization, reorganization, or disorganization (b) pressure outward from the medium in an attempt to organize, reorganize, or disorganize (c) internal pressure to organize, reorganize, or disorganize the medium. But there must be a geometry to this underlying medium that causes demand for reorganization that cannot be completed. The most likely answer is “c”, because there is no means by which the universe can produce local organization in competition a field of competing local organization – except what we consider ‘matter’. And there are no conditions under where there is sufficient energy available to organize the fine medium. (though if the big bang is true, then we must discover what made that organization of energy possible).
  4. In other words, the universe we experience is a byproduct (accident) of the inability of the fine medium (first cause) to organize into a single geometry. Or stated differently, the only way for the universe to organize, and relieve stress of local pressure to organize, is to increase the capture of energy through a hierarchical organization, not distribute it into an equal organization. We will see this expression throughout our journey. What we will find is that time as we understand it can only exist within this hierarchical structure. For the universe as a whole and at the local level of the fine medium, time is eternally stuck at zero “the beginning”. In this sense, entropy, which convention means ‘a tendency to disorder’ is probably incorrect. Instead, the universe tends to organize as a whole, but the only means of organizing is the production of what we think of as existence, or matter.
  5. This inability to locally organize produces what we see as quantum fluctuations or “boiling” in space, as local pressure to organize, in competition with neighboring pressure to organize, rapidly comes into being and then rapidly dissipates and collapses as the positive and negative pressures from neighbors cancel one another out.
  6. This rapid ‘boiling’ of the quantum field produces the medium that fills what we call ‘space’ the same way water molecules produce the medium we call water, or oxygen a medium we call a gas, or hot gases we call plasma.
  7. A the rate the quantum field is ‘boiling’ (unimaginably fast) anything moving through the quantum field even at the speed of light, perceives, and behaves as if the quantum field is a continuous stable medium (law of averages so to speak).


  1. So, all space is filled with a medium. That medium consists of the quantum field. The quantum field consists of quantum fluctuations, these quantum fluctuations consist of dipoles. Dipoles emerge from pressure to organize in a higher state rather than a lower state.
  2. We do not know the constitution of the fine medium out of which the Dipoles emerge.
  3. The cumulative effect of this chaos is a medium we perceive as a constant background, that forms an Aether through which fundamental particles (dipoles), waves, elementary particles, everything constructed of such particles and waves can travel.


  1. The rate of change of virtual, fundamental, and elemental particles and organizations of elemental particles, is determined by the velocity through which they pass through the local density of the quantum field (Aether).

Elements (Atoms)

  1. ;aksdjf;laksdjf;kajsdflkasdf



Summary: How The Universe Computes – but it does not Calculate

( … )


  1. There are no phenomena in the universe we cannot explain in classical terms – meaning operational terms – where operational means analogous to human experience but at very large or very small scale – because the behavior of the universe is consistent at all scales, because the rules of behavior the universe demonstrates at all scales are simple and consistent at all scales. We just must discover how those simple rules apply at all scales – and we (finally) can describe how they apply at all scales.
  2. The paradigm, logic, vocabulary, and grammar we can describe the first causes of the universe is consistent with the paradigm, logic, vocabulary, and grammar of the first causes of every scale at which we describe all phenomena that emerge in the universe.
  3. Because all phenomena that emerge in the universe are constructed (evolved from) the first causes of the universe.
  4. And because our physical, intuitive, cognitive, and verbal abilities evolve from the first cause of the universe, we can test all paradigms and their logic, vocabulary, and grammar against consistency, constructability, correspondence from those first causes of the universe.
  5. And therefore we can test the constructability of all human claims about the universe and all within it, just as we can test the constructability of all geometric claims of geometric descriptions.
  6. And all of our tests will result in one of three conditions: undecidable: meaning we don’t have sufficient information to decide; constructible: meaning potentially true; or not constructible: meaning false.
    • |Decidability|:  Undecidable > Truth Candidate (Contingent, Constructable) > False (Certainty, Survivable)
  7. And if we cannot test our claims by reduction to an analogy to experience, testable by sense, perception, reason, and action then we cannot claim it is a truth candidate sufficient to meed demand for infallibility in the context, because we cannot claim that we can subjectively test its identity, consistency, possibility, or correspondence.

The Generalization of The Laws of The Physical Universe to A Universal Law Across All Fields

Given the Definitions:

1. A System:

1) a Set of:

i) relations: potential, contingent, consistent, shared properties, functioning by shared rules.

ii) dimensions: a spectrum of one or more relations organized into some order, usually less to more, or equilibrium to disequilibrium in two or more directions – usable for measurement (comparison).

iii) rules: (…)

2) Internally Bounded (Limited) by

i) differences in relations, dimensions, and rules

3) And Externally Bounded (Limited) by:

i) Open: Exchanging matter and information
ii) Closed: Exchanging information but not matter
iii) Isolated: Exchanging neither matter or information

4) for the purpose of measurement

i) by recursive disambiguation of the universe
ii) into and increasingly precise, consistent, correspondent, coherent model and simulation of the universe.

Where The Purpose of Measurement;

5) Measurement using a system of measures permits expansion of Sensation, Perception, and Reason by:

i) comparison,
ii) recombination (permutation)
iii) prediction
iv) way-finding (reasoning)
v) computation (with the known)
vi) calculation (of unknowns),
vii) taking action ( trial and error )
viii) lower and lower costs of trial and error.

6) Generating greater opportunity for discounts on acquisition of urgencies, necessities, needs, wants, and preferences.

7) By increasing discounts on TIME, and the biological, physical, cost of time, made possible by replacing many expensive trials and errors, with fewer and fewer cheaper trials and errors.

8) Allowing us to capitalize (accumulate) knowledge of discounts on time in the pursuit of survival, sustenance, ease, comfort, preference, opportunity.

9) That given of our evolved capacity for:

a) sensation, perception (integration), modeling
b) episodic memory, auto-association, prediction, and simulation
c) attention, recursion, goal-setting (state retention) and wayfinding(permutation)
d) whether by: imitation(physical), empathy(emotional), sympathy(cognitive) simulation

10) results in opportunity for cooperation between individuals, to obtain discounts on time because they can:

a) select opportunities for cooperation by physical, cognitive, psychological, and emotional labor.
b) concentrate physical, cognitive, psychological, and emotional labor.
c) divide physical cognitive, psychological and emotional labor
d) Share (multiply) knowledge of returns on such cooperation
e) means regardless of differing ends.

11) and when in groups, results in the opportunity between individuals in the group or groups within the group, to cooperate on shared means, ends, or both,


1. A Difference: a variation in the organization of a system.

2. A Marginal Indifference: a variation in the organization of a system insufficient to cause reorganization of the system, while maintaining the homogeneity of the system. Marginal indifferences can dissipate or accumulate.

3. A Marginal Difference: a variation in the organization of a system sufficient to cause reorganization of the system, altering the homogeneity of the system. Marginal differences dissipate by causing a reorganization of the system.

4. A State: the organization of a system of constant relations.

5. A Stable Equilibrium: A durable state of constant relations not subject to change in the absence of external information.

6. A Change in State: the reorganization of a system due to the presence of marginal differences.


1. Local: the radius of effect of a difference in space and time.
2. Locality: the transmission of differences throughout the radius of effect of any difference in space and time by the friction of space and time.
3. Non-Locality: the transmission of local differences in space and time through space in time in the absence of the friction of space and time. (NOTE: We do not know if non-locality exists)
4. Information: The transmission of local differences regardless of the existence or non-existence of the friction of space and time.

Where Causality Consists in:

1. Static or Fixed state consists in the absence o

Where Causality Consists in:

1. Static or Fixed state consists in the absence of difference(static) and absence of change(time), and requires external information(force, energy) in order to create a difference.

2. Any possibility of reorganization (change) requires the existence of a difference.

3. Any adversarial (competitive) condition that creates a potential for a difference in an organization that we call stress.

4. The most parsimonious (simple) cause of an internal difference is stress and the most parsimonious external difference is an opportunity for stress release.

5. That we know of, there exists only so many possible means of creating stress:

    1. Constraint (space)
    2. Excitement (energy)
    3. Organization (competition)

6. That we know of there exist only so many possible means of relieving stress:

    1. Expansion of the locality (Space) to distribute stress over a greater area
    2. Increase in the opposing scale of the difference along the axis of the dimension (addition, creating positive and negative).
    3. Increase in scale of the difference along the axis of the dimension (multiplication, creating frequency)
    4. Increase in instances of the difference (division) by the same dimension (creating reproduction)

7. vibration, space, third dimension of release. any non-dimensional stress must create space to release stress. 10.  Any stable relation that results from competition along the spectrum of a difference that we call a dimension of relations  (…) first release is space.  ( … )will result in a vibration – a continuous recurring, stable, transformation: a stable equilibrium along the dimension.

8. WRONG: this is computation: The most parsimonious (simple) difference consists of an adversarial competition between a Via-Positiva difference that releases stress along maximum axis (two), and a Via-Negativa counter-reaction to that difference: Opposites.

Where Causality proceeds by the sequence:

1. A marginally indifferent difference.
2. The accumulation of marginally indifferent differences.
3. The accumulation of marginally indifferent differences to the point of marginal difference. (Tipping Point)
4. The reorganization (transformation) resulting from a marginal difference

Where Causality Produces the spectrum:

1. Continuous Rotation, Oscillation, Vibration ( Existence, Life, Capital Preservation, Persistence )
2. Discrete Steps (Addition, Cooperation, Capital Increase, Evolution)
3. Replication (Multiplication, Division of Labor, Capital Increase, Reproduction)
4. Fractionalization (Division, Conflict, Capital Decrease, Devolution)
5. Subtraction (Subtraction, Crime-Warfare, Capital Decrease, Devolution)
6. Decay (Dissipation, Dysfunction, Capital Decrease, Decline)
7. Interference ( Subtraction, Stress, Competition, Capital Decrease, Decline )
8. Cancellation (Non-Persistence, Shock, Capital Destruction, Non-Existence)

Where a Subset of Causes Evolve into New States:

1. Equilibrium consists of a difference producing continuous change, in continuous repetition, producing a Stable State in time, that requires external information to reorganize (change).

2. Any change that Persists (Survives) we call a State, Stable Relation, or Stable Equilibrium. 

Where Minimum Conditions for a Sequence of Causality are:

1. Any change whether by collapse, decay, division, accumulation, or persistence can be caused by the forces that caused the existing difference (Internal Causes), or by forces external to the existing difference (External Causes).

2. In other words a background condition may contribute to the formation of stable relations. Likewise, a background condition may contribute to a change in stable relations.

3. The minimum conditions for a difference then are a background (ground) state and one difference, that causes a counter(competing, adversarial) difference to restore the background condition.

Where the Limits of Causal Identification consist in the spectrum:

1. Randomness
2. Underdetermination
3. Overdetermination
4. Sufficiency
5. Parsimony
6. Closure

Where Minimum Conditions for Emergence consist in:

1. The minimum condition for the emergence of multiple relations from temporary (wave, vibration, oscillation) to stable equilibrium (state) is an increase in frequency or what we call energy (increasing in accumulated stress).

2. Therefore with just one dimension of difference at increasing levels of energy would produce a hierarchy (spectrum, or dimension) of stable relations at different frequencies or interactions between frequencies.

3. Therefore if just one dimension of difference causes one opposing set of relations, it can cause mirrors of each frequency and each stable relation.

Where minimum conditions for a stable relation (stable equilibrium) consist in:

  1. (opportunity for accumulation of ‘more’)
  2. ( … ) (… triangle model here … )
  3. (cooperation)

Where Minimum Conditions for Preservation of Stable Relations (Equilibrium) Consist in:

1. The stability(difference, stability, energy) of the previous generation of the hierarchy (environment, baseline).
2. Loss of stability (equilibrium) anywhere in the hierarchy will affect the stability of all generations further up in the hierarchy.
3. Loss of stability (equilibrium) in the first cause of the hierarchy would cause a catastrophic and rapid collapse of the hierarchy.

Where Combinations (Permutations) consist in:

1. The multiple stable relations of just one difference, and its opposing counter stable relations, can combine to produce new combinations of interference, collapse, decay, division, accumulation, and stable relations.

2. Each combination can produce a new set of adaptive consequences:

    1. decrease in composition (devolution),
    2. change in composition (adaptation),
    3. increase in composition (innovation but not adaptation),
    4. increase in composition, and in potential innovation and adaptation (evolution).

Where Hierarchical Generations consist in:

1. These combinations can produce new combinations of more interference, collapse, decay, division, accumulation, and in doing so accumulate new stable relations, we call a hierarchy of stable relations, or generations, or complexity.

2. When a composition (organization of relations) uses itself, and the same rules (paradigm, logic, vocabulary ) for the next iteration(generation, level of complexity) of a hierarchy we call this Recursion.

3. Generations of these recombinations will produce an increasingly complex hierarchy from a simple one-dimensional original composition(system of organization).

4. Each generation produces greater opportunity for additional recombination that results in devolution(decrease), division ( reproduction ), adaptation( reconfiguration ), innovation  (increase in opportunity), and evolution ( increase in both capital and opportunity).

Where Computation of Possibility for Discovery of Permutations and Generations consists in:

( … )

(COMPUTATION > TIME > CALCULATION > TIME ) Evolution is a greedy algorithm. Humans are evolution’s first chance at not using a greedy algorithm – if we control the reproduction of the underclasses and their drag…

Where Evolution Consists in ….

( … )

Where Evolution Expands by (branching function) (maintaining single most adaptive axis)

Therefore (summary) …

26. By this simple algorithm all complexity can be calculated incrementally and in massive (infinite) parallel as long as there is energy available to maintain the first difference (first cause).

Therefore (language describes … (language here)


ONE DOMINANT POLARITY (Dominance of Any Polarity by Expansion of Evolutionary computation)


– decay (entropy) is universal
– acquisition defeat of entropy
– stable relation (equilibrium) defeat of entropy
– stable relation through cooperation, failure by non-cooperation
– maximizing the opportunity for trial and error
– maximizing the discovery of new acquisitions and new stable relations
– forming a hierarchical network of adaptive information (think neural networks at the top down to the most basic)
– The result is continuous recursive evolution by the continuous recursive disambiguation (ordering) of the universe into stable relations.


25. We don’t need a complex universe for complexity to evolve. We only need a single dimension of difference along a spectrum of different energies (force, velocity, excitement), some combination of which form stable relations of continuous transformations, whether:

i) internal (frequencies),
ii) reproductive (division, splitting),
iii) or consequences (externalities)

And some combination of ‘discrete operations‘ (Limits) that transform from one stable relation to another stable relation.

26. This isn’t to say that all systems begin with one difference, but it’s to say that complex systems can emerge from just one difference and more complex systems from the accumulation of differences.

27. Moreover, conversely, it’s hard to make a case that more than one dimension of causality is necessary (or possible) for the emergence of any complexity. And instead, that any demand for more than one dimension of causality must defend itself against the claim that it can emerge from only one dimension of causality.

28. And perhaps counter-intuitively, it means that complex evolutionary systems may originate in nothing more than an accidental externality (byproduct) of instability in a system – not the cause, function, (or purpose) of the system independent of these externalities, and not the function by which the system itself persists.

29. So using a Via-Positiva interpretation, we can say that complex systems evolve from lower to higher orders. Or using a Via Negativa, we can say that complex systems evolve to continuously and recursively disambiguate (organize) the system of entropy in favor of persistence of computation of innovation (capture), adaptation (change in relations), and evolution (higher stable relation)

30. This phase “continuous recursive disambiguation” is going to follow us throughout our journey.


Evolution requires an opposing pole (dimension) of differences.


( … )




(persistent, adaptive, networks )



The model of the funnel of resources is the information processing process of the group. SO the universe, the planet, the ecosystem, the edible flora and fauna, the opposition males and their females and their territory, our males their females and territory, our females and their offspring.

Acquisition and Distribution are opposing poles, and the competition between them forces innovation(discovery), adaptation(change), and evolution (increase).

Any stable equilibrium(cooperation that increases capital or at least doesn’t decrease capital) is dependent upon conditions (environment: geographic, resource, demographic, strategic, institutional, normative, informational).

Cooperation can exist in consumptive equilibrium (debt creation, capital consumption, capital destruction, instead of capital of capital reservation, or capital production and accumulation). Ergo any consumptive cooperative equilibrium will eventually destroy the capital necessary for continuing consumptive cooperative equilibrium. Therefore a stable equilibrium has two dimensions: productive, capitalizing, and evolutionary – or consumptive, destructive, and devolutionary.

When we say math, because math is scale-independent and mono-dimensional, we mean that a process is non-branching and therefore deterministic – at some scale over some time. In other words any computational system that survives (is mathematically reducible) will produce regularities that are deterministic regardless of time or scale.

Any stable equilibrium is dependent upon the amount of energy necessary for its maintenance (persistence, survival) despite the noise (small, regular, predictable) and shocks (large, irregular, unpredictable), catastrophes(extreme, outliers, unpredictable). Any decrease in energy (production, and consumption), that reaches the limit of exhausting available energy (capital), extinguishes the stable equilibrium at this stage of complexity, devolving (increasing disorganization of energy, decreasing organization of energy) to the prior possible stable equilibrium that can be maintained by available energy at that stage of cooperative complexity in the context of the available resources.


  • States (Names, Nouns)
  • Properties (Adjectives)
  • Continuous Transformations (Verbs, Adverbs)
  • Discrete Transformations (Causes of Changes in State, Operations, phrases)
  • Comparison Operator: Transactions (sentences)
  • Equality: Cooperation (Stable Relation, Stable Equlibrium)
  • More Than: Agreement: (reciprocity, reciprocal gain, adaptation, innovation, evolution)
  • Less Than: Disagreement: (predation or parasitism, reciprocal gain and loss, or predation mutual loss. )
  • Stories (Series of Transactions, Evolution of a Hierarchy of Stable Relations by Continuous Recursive Disambiguation.)
  • The Narrative: Changes in State (learning): The Fall. The Rise. Rise-Fall, Fall-Rise, Rise-Fall-Rise, Fall-Rise-Fall and permutations thereof.

This vocabulary and logic constitutes the mathematics, or more correctly, the paradigm, logic, vocabulary (names, states,  operations, comparisons, agreements (equilibrium, survival)) and grammar( meaning ‘language’) by which the universe continuously recursively calculates (speaks, articulates) disambiguation (organization, negative entropy) by incremental trial and error (falsification), where survival(preservation of accumulated energy by accumulated combinations of stable equilibria) is the only test of consistency, correspondence, coherence  (evolution, meaning, existence), and completeness sufficient for survival against entropy ( loss, de-capitalization, disorder).

In other words, the universe’s ability to calculate is open (unclosed, infinite), and because we are just extensions of (expressions, consequences) the physical universe, this is why our language (contrary to the fantasies of philosophers) is open (unclose, infinite, evolutionary) becasues there is always more information (energy, capital, survival, time) to accumulate. And as such there is no closure to language, only continuous recursive disambiguation by falsification of what doesn’t survive adverstarial competition.

SO the evidence at all scales is that the via positiva (evolution) …


29. This is the most reductive possibility (simple, parsimonious) with the least causes and least dependency, with the greatest explanatory power. All that this requires is a concentration of potential change limited in its ability to dissipate.

30. Degree of resolution… point of marginal indifference … logic…


constructive logic , the universe computes…. man calculates…  the universe needed to create man so that it could calculate rather than compute, and therefore increase evolutionary velocity.

the impact of the laws of the universe on human social political organization is unavoidable. the end result of any set of cultural differences is deterministic and consequential and most like most mutations are negative, stagnating, and devolutionary.

The natural law expressed as the ‘preference of universe’ will always superseded the preference of man.

productive (innovative) human cooperation creates the maximum evolutionary adaptation.
Conversely, unproductive human cooperation, free riding, parasitism, undermining, and predation, reduce or eliminate the rate of evolutionary adaptation.

We will begin with cooperation. Then we will evolve cooperation to the scale of civilization. Then we will take about civilizational differences in evolutionary adaptation. And then we can talk about the law.

Results in the constitution: the causes into the preamble,  these rules into article 1, man, the law into article 2 law, the rest is just organization of the political order for the optimum means of existence under rule of law given the natural incentives of man.

The Evolution of Computation

Reframing the Disciplines as the Evolution of Computation, reframing the understanding of science in general, as the use of trial and error (computation) to discover first principles (states) of constant relations, from the origin of matter (quantum fluctuations) to civilizational competition and cooperation, and the subsequent human evolution. The terms of cooperation determine human evolutionary velocity and the condition of man during that evolutionary process – including our destiny – and whether or not we defeat the red queen, in a galaxy, solar system, geology, climate, and nature nearly always hostile to advanced life.


From computation (specific rules) > to simulation (competition, history) > to calculation (general rules of cooperation<->competition )


OODA loop (continuous recursive disambiguation in TIME)
Evolution(continuous recursive disambiguation of ENERGY IN TIME)

The difference between adapting faster at the cost of higher error rates and therefor lower subsequent adaptation (consumption), versus adapting slower at the cost of lower error rates and therefore higher subsequent adaptation (capitalization)

Ordinal, operational, logic, not cardinal set logic.


Vocabulary in this section:

  • Via Positiva, Via Negativa
  • Background
  • System
  • Stress
  • Difference
  • Causality
  • Static, Fixed
  • Relation, Constant Relations
  • Dimension
  • Expansion, Increase, Frequency, Division
  • Stable Equilibrium, Stable Relations
  • State
  • Externality
  • Emergence
  • Continuous Transformation, vs Discrete Operation
  • Devolution, Adaptation, Innovation, and Evolution
  • Recursion
  • Generations, Hierarchy of Stable Relations (or Stable Equilibria)
  • Continuous Recursive Disambiguation

. . .

What’s Constitutes A Science?

Science: Science consists of

  • the disciplines of
  • producing increasingly parsimonious testimony
  • that iteratively (gradually) is reducible to
  • a formal operational logic
  • at each stage of the complexity of stable relations.
  • We think of this hierarchy as physics, chemistry, biology, ecology, and the rest of the fields. But just to add confusion, in the literature we refer to four sciences:Formal Sciences: The Logics: the hierarchies of vocabulary, grammar, and logic.
    Physical Sciences: Those systems of deterministic operations.
    Behavioral Sciences: Those systems of semi-deterministic operations
    Applied Sciences: ( … )
    Evolutionary Sciences: The outcome of physical and behavioral operations.

Why Do We Classify The Four (Five) Sciences?

The Most Parsimonious, Fully Commensurable, System of Measurement

           The Universe 
 (Before)     (During)       (After)
Physical    Behavioral    Evolutionary
  Laws         Laws           Laws 



       Human Mental Faculties

I would prefer to start this discussion with physics, because starting any discussion with mathematics is sure to starve the audience’s interest in what I have to say, and starting with behavioral science will lead to the audience’s bias overwhelming any potential of having a rational discussion.

If we want to create a system of measurement then we can start with our most advanced system of measurement – mathematics – and use its terms and concepts to illustrate the pattern as well as the weaknesses in mathematics.

So for our purposes I’ll start with the most obvious pattern: the physical sciences.

Physical Sciences

As of this writing, we haven’t determined the structure of the universe below that of the fields, forces, and particles despite a century of trying, with little progress.

1. Any change requires a difference. A difference in energy, frequency, and force.

2. Opposing forces, especially vibration (across space) or spin (locally in space) produce the greatest difference.

The competition between opposing forces, especially spinning or vibrating forces, will produce consequences for each opposing force. Some of these consequences will cancel one another out, some will eject force rapidly, some will decay slowly, and some small subset will find an equilibrium where the forces do not cancel one another out, or do not decay, and despite all their constant change by vibration, maintain a stable equilibrium of a stable relation between those forces.

Deterministic processes survive (are long-lived), and give rise to stable equilibrium (stable dynamics). Those processes that don’t produce stable equilibrium do not survive (are not long-lived enough) to participate in a subsequent hierarchy. So the universe consists of deterministic and non-deterministic processes.

Vibration exists in the real world, color and sound do not exist in the real world they are the result of sensors

We organize the physical sciences by order of what we consider complexity.

Fields > Particles > Atoms(Elements) > Chemistry > Biochemistry > Molecular Biology > Cellular Biology (organelle, cell, tissue, organ, organ system) > Organisms > Population > Community > Ecosystem > Biome > Biosphere.

But is that order really complexity? What do we mean by complexity? Our difficulty in understanding it? The scale of the energy or matter thats organized by it? The number of causal laws that produce it? Or all of the above? Well, it’s all of the above.

Now, the question is why does that hierarchy evolve over time?



Mathematics: Observer > Identity > Correspondence > Positional Names > Counting > Arithemetic >

Ratios: Fractions and Decimals > Accounting > Geometry (lines, shapes) > Calculus ( Curves(change) ) > Topologies (Surfaces) > Mechanics > Manifolds.

Operations: (addition, division, change) > Computation(Arithmetic) > Combination (geometry) > Change (Algebraic Geometry)

Deduction: > Memory > Trial and Error > Construction(Composition) > Probablility > Algebra > Analysis



law versus algorithm, and math vs computation, sets vs operations, operations(positiva) vs language(negativa).


subjective (idealism) …. objective (material)

what does the brain mean by truth (model is predictive or not),( model is satisfying or useful or not.)

why does anything exist at all…. existence is the default… non-existence isn’t meaningful notion.

  • (the underlying logic)
  • (disamibuguation and adversarialism)
  • first principles.
  • explanatory power, deductibility.)
  • Physics (logic) vs Economics (logic)

( … explain … )

( … copy to home page sequence … )

state, is a stable relation, and a stable relation is a store of information

How each step in a markov chain is ignorant of everything other than state (or next state, or previous and next states)

The law of the universe (forces, stable relations, stable equilibrium, increase in energy, calculation: evolution.)

That process is continuous – continuously recursive disambiguation (of the universe). This is a via negativa (evolutionary) rather than via-positiva (justificationary) explanation of the universe.

This creates a ternary logic, of stable equlibiria at every ‘level’ (set of stable relations produced as externalities by the previous stable relations). Levels of complexity. with more energy.

adversarial competition between the more simple previous level .. the present level emerged from and the emergent more complex next level. and the stability of adversarial competition at this level. (survival).

note: demands (female) vs limits (male)

What do we want to reinforce at every level?

  • What’s the problem?
  • What’s the claim?
  • Create the proof. (dimensions etc)


  • The pattern (The Law) : ternary logic: energy(Potential), acquisition(Operation), stable relation(Equilibrium), complexity(Scale), calculation(Adaptation), evolution(Defeat of entropy).  “You can’t fool mother nature”.
  • The consequence: “consciousness vs agency”, “Not our fault, our nature” “re-formation is so expensive, it’s exceedingly rare willingness (ergo education, institutions).”, “Choice in ignorance vs knowledge”, “The Great Filter” …. “to re-formation is un-information to re-information.”  … but it’s not impossible. It just might take a few generations.
  • pay me now pay me later


  • Ternary logic (without conflicting forces you can’t accumulate captured energy)
  • Evolution (complexity – capture)
  • Acquisition (choice vs determinism)
  • Capital (energy)
  • Work (input, cost, operations)
  • Organization (layer, stage, degree, of the system)
  • Equilibrium (behavior of the system) (supply-demand curve)
  • Persistence (durability of the system) (limits)
  • Sequence (anchoring)
  • Bias (systemic bias because of anchoring) (projection)
  • (triangle)
  • Demand for Next Level?


  • What’s the problem?
  • Define
  • Disambiguation
  • Dimensions (measures, causes)
  • Capital
  • Organize (Positiva)
    • Growth
    • Stability
    • Rotation
    • Failure
  • Competitors (conflicts) (Negativa)
  • How do they behave
    • Incentives
    • Benefits (Benefits to lower levels of complexity?)
    • Harms
  • Managing, Governance, Controls, Limits, Etc
  • Ternary Logic (diagram, explanation)


X… Insights: “Consequences” – if we can limit it to …. it’s not their fault it’s their nature.

X… Book intro




  • In P, Truth is a claim of innocence. It’s no longer irresponsible.
  • The false promise of freedom from the laws of nature will always be more successful than the truth of the laws of nature.
  • Animal intelligence is detrmined by environment. Human intelligence is determined by their MODIFICATION of the environment. We specialized in hyper adaptation by modifying our minds to modify the environment, rather than being the VICTIM OF A HOSTILE NATURE.
  • (“How do you make something understood by people who don’t have the education that they don’t want to pay for?” )

build a basic conceptual and vocabulary
just outline right through continuous recursive disambiguation
then go through hierarchy of grammars

Stable equilibrium, stable relations, continuous recursive disambiguation, and the bounds above and below, adversarial competition between forces, via positiva via negativa.
Recursive disambiguation defeats entropy and provides persistence necessary to calculate the next step in the hierarchy.   Dimension is a scale of stable the same constant relation (at different frequency).

There is a difference between survival, adaptation, innovation, and evolution that is overlooked in the literature, because the new cult wants to portray evolution as a relative rather than absolute process.

The continuously disambiguate the universe before the universe goes dark

Move from this to computation, and the difference between computation and calculation where computation is what it is and calculation is mathematics.

intuitive dissonance pushes increases in cognitive load and social tension into the social-politial-economic order and decreases cooperative potential at scale.

This dissonance may … push into uncivl … the lower bound of civility.  The cooperative scale has been exceeded.

intuitions are providing feedback that is insulated from the empirical evidence of that intuition which is a special case applied to a general case.

the appalling shockingly simplicity but the beauty of human existence….

Ternary logic:
Competition between Via Positiva and via Negativa Generate a stable equilibrium (or fail to) until the resources necessary for the current stable equilibrium are exhausted.

Via positiva(Justificationary) and via negativa(Falsificatinary->Disambiguation) produce a difference that makes a possible a difference, to produce specialization sufficient to require cooperation and discover new opportunities for increases in energy transformation to produce resulting innovation, adaptation, and evolution.

Via Negativa (High Time Preference, Short Time Frame, Impulsivity, Neg-Agency): Low impulse control, generating weak bonds, generating low evolutionary pressure in response to selection pressure in context. Organization of higher energy transformation at lower cost.

Via Positiva (Low Time Preference, Long Time Frame, Impulse-control, Agency): High impulse control, generating strong bonds, generating high evolutionary pressure in response to selection pressure in context. Disorganiation preventing increases in energy transformation at lower cost – maintaining high cost of energy transformation.

What will prevail is determined by the selection pressure in context – that’s all.
Devolution ???? failure to cooperate? ends in entropy – disorder, indifference, no distinction, no opportunity for innovation, adaptation and evolution

A high potential energy state tends to favor the Via Positiva (because it decreases the risk and cost of delayed gratification)

The opportunities available (the potential energy available) selects in favor of the via-positiva or the via negativa.

As the energy is exhausted in the system, the via-positiva is selected for, due to the stronger bonds (stable equilibria) – greater adaptivity, at the lowest cost in energy, in the context(environmental selection pressure).

Dane > Africa – intuition won’t work, selection pressure too high (opportunity consumption too urgent). The selection pressure in Africa is too hostile to increases in cooperation, trust, and adaptation, because cooperation is insufficient in the absence of isolation events. (Malthusian function applied to cooperation itself rather than just reproduction).


The continuous recursive disambiguation of the universe by the discovery of stable, constant, equillibrial relations between positive and negative excitations surviving environmental selection pressure, producing a step function that resulting in a hierarchical evolution of increasingly complex more durable longer lasting, combinations, with increasing opportunities for organization resulting in continued evolution.

Low opportunity states: demand innovation in order to capture energy.
High opportunity states: are less demanding of innovation?

A hostile environment disassembles the order … faster, quickly?

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. . .