Reformation: The Study of Man Before and After Propertarianism

Dec 8, 2019, 8:58 AM
(worth repeating)

Given the Spectrum of : {Neurobiology, Psychology, Sociology, Economics, Evolutionary Strategy, Politics and War}.

1) Neurobiology: how the brain works: chiefly: it’s biological limits to perception, cognition, memory, knowledge and reason.

2) Psychology: the study of the brain’s struggle to acquire and inventory, its limits, and its errors (cognitive biases) given the individual’s reproductive strategy.

3) Sociology: the study of cooperative acquisition by groups: the production of cooperative and normative commons.

4) Economics: the study of cooperative reproduction, production distribution and trade for the purposes of persistence. The productive commons.

6) Evolutionary Strategy: The suite of informal(manners, ethics, morals, myths, education), economic (production distribution and trade), and formal (law, politics ) institutions that allow the extant peoples to compete with other extant peoples. The competitive commons.

5) Politics: the study of organizational institutions for the purpose of producing competitive(group evolutionary strategy), reproductive, productive(economic), normative(institutions) and material commons.

6) War: the study of the limits of productive cooperation, and the imposition of cooperation, elimination of threats, and elimination of competition.

Man Acts To Acquire To Survive. Cooperation Is The Most Beneficial Means Action to Acquire. But only if cooperation is non-parasitic. And for cooperation to be non-parasitic it must be: productive, fully informed, warrantied, voluntary exchange, free of externality by the same criteria.

So, the study of man is the study of man’s acquisition of all that he desires. Man acts to acquire.

While we will undoubtedly gain further insights into man, brain and mind, it is unlikely that the Propertarian principles will be falsified – only increased in precision.
1) that man acts to acquire property en toto,
2) moral bias is determined by reproductive strategy
3) specialised moral biases that reflect our reproductive strategies and voluntary cooperation allow us to produce a market for cooperation that functions as an information system making use of the entire spectrum of perceptions in the division of perception, cognition, knowledge, labor and advocacy.
4) language evolved largely to justify actions in the context of cooperation rather than to identify truth propositions. Truth is difficult for us because it is critical. Justification is easy for us.

Instead of asking what is right or wrong (deviation from an ideal) with someone’s thinking (a totalitarian doctrine) we ask what they seek to acquire, and whether they seek to acquire it by moral or immoral means. All human behavior can be expressed as interactions between desires for acquisition, the need to negotiate, and moral constraint, and the relative value, or lack of value, of cooperation.

Instead of asking what is right or wrong (deviation from an ideal), we ask what the group seeks to acquire, and whether they seek to acquire it by moral or immoral means.

Instead of asking what is right or wrong (deviation from an idea) we ask what the group seeks ot acquire, and whether they seek to acquire it by internally and externally moral, or immoral, means.

Economics can be studied as the means by which we eliminate frictions (transaction costs) and thereby increase the ease and decrease the risk of cooperation (Austrian Economics), OR economics can bes studied as the means by which we search for extensions of rule of law such that interference in the economy is non-discretionary (Chicago Economics), OR economics can be the means by which we determining the maximum disinformation that we can insert into the economy for the purpose of increasing consumption, and by consumption, employment(Keynesian economics). But we now know that Austrian is the most moral, Chicago at least interferes under rule of law, and Keynesian (saltwater) economics is the means by which we conduct the most deceit.

Instead of asking what action is best (monopoly) we ask how individuals can organize into groups to conduct exchanges with other groups, in order to acquire what they wish to by moral or immoral means.

Instead of the empirical falsehood that war is universally bad, war is the only solution to the failure to cooperate on marginally indifferent moral terms, and war is perhaps the most productive effort man can undertake if one group increases the suppression of parasitism of another group, and especially if it creates or improves trade routes. Violence is either the means by which we enact parasitism, or the means by which we eliminate parasitism. If we eliminate, or at least reduce parasitism substantially, then war, like all prosecution of parasitism, is by definition, moral.

The study of man prior to Propertarianism and post-Propertarianism is equal to the study of man prior to the enlightenment and after the enlightenment.

Curt Doolittle
The Propertarian Institute

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