1. The Physical Universe


  1. Mental Model – Ascertainable by man.
  2. Two Kinds of Mathematics: Pictures and words and Models and operations
  3. Mathiness
  4. Taboos
  5. Innovation: Full Accounting, Conservation

The Universe

  1. As I write these words, we don’t know the lifecycle of the universe or if it even has a lifecycle. It’s possible we may never know. Although it’s increasingly unlikely that we will never know. It’s increasingly likely that mathiness has cost the physics community a century of pseudoscience because of their use of pseudomathematics, and that the lifecycle of the universe is one of several simple and intuitive candidates.
  2. That said, we can know the first principles of the universe, and it appears that we can demonstrate that we do know, and we will do so here.
  3. We know that the universe contains space, energy, and matter, and matter in a series of states.
  4. We do not know the constitution of this energy, or even what energy means at the first-cause level, other than the potential to produce change (work).
  5. We do not know the constitution of space, whether it is emergent from this energy or whether it’s persistent independent of this energy.
  6. We do know the constitution of matter, and that it is emergent from this energy, in this space, over time.
  7. We do know the constitution of time – the rate of change –  and that it is emergent from this energy, in this space, in this universe.
  • Constraint > Space(volume) > Energy(Contents) > Time (Rate of Change)

The Field

  1. Space is not empty.
  2. We refer to this organization of energy as a field. A three-dimensional field in space. We would usually call it a volume, but volume suggests a limit or shape and a field is limitless. So we still use the term “field” for this three-dimensional infinite volume in space, because we describe that volume with a mathematical representation we call a field. And because a field in mathematics can be stated as infinite. In other words, we name the volume by using the name of the mathematical construction we measure it with.
  3. The energy of this field is unable to organize by either to its lowest (simple) state of organization or its highest (complex) state of organization.
    1. The energy does appear to organize between these two opposing extremes.
    2. And the broader the extremes the more opportunity for organization between them.
    3. The opportunity for organization equals the number of stable states available at every stable state that decreases (simple organization) or preserves (complex organization).
  4. The reason this field is unable to fully organize is either:
    • (a) it is constrained externally from internal expansion by external resistance.
    • (b) or it is constrained internally by external compression.
      While both of these produce the same result: an inability of the energy to dissipate into a lower (simple) or higher(complex) organization
  5. This field then behaves as a medium, the ‘fine’ medium, or the “fundamental medium”, and we have not yet discovered the constitution of the fine medium other than as analogous to the behavior of a gas as we’ve just stated.
  • Turtles All The Way Down: ….


  1. Everywhere in that field contains a minimum amount of energy. We call this presence of energy the background or ground state.
  2. We refer to the measure of this energy as zero-point energy. This does not mean it’s absent energy. It only means it’s the lowest energy the universe appears to be able to contain at any and every tiny point in the universe. So we measure phenomena in the universe by variation in this ground state: zero-point energy.
  3. We have attempted to measure this zero-point energy and for all intents and purposes, it’s infinite. In other words, empty space contains a great deal of energy – or perhaps differently, the creation of space requires a great deal of energy.
  4. This energy is available for ‘work’ – the potential to produce a change in state.
  5. This energy remains constant and does not appear to be able to dissipate, no matter how fast or far the universe expands. We do not yet know why (though we can hypothesize).

Fundamental Particles (Dipoles)

  1. First, easiest, least costly reaction to deformation of any geometry out of symmetry in a homogenous medium seeking homogenous geometric organization, is rotation, where the rotation cannot dissipate only continuously transfer.
  2. As such we should expect to observe spin – and we do.
  3. Perhaps more importantly, rotation can, and does, store energy.
  4. We should expect to see resistance to change in spin as torque – and we do.
  5. Because of the conservation of energy we should expect to see the organization of spin as deformation (sortition) into opposites – and we do. As pairs of positive and negative rotation.
  6. And we should expect to observe the local consequences of spin and torque as polarization. We do – creating an electrical charge.
  7. And we should expect the pressure of this spin and torque on neighboring geometry. We do – creating magnetism.
  8. We call this organization of spin and counter-spin a dipole – two poles, positive and negative.
  9. These dipoles are the Fundamental Particle from which all Elementary Particles are constructed.
    • |Fundamental Evolution|: Pressure(inward or outward) > Rotation (Spin) > Vibration (waves) > Expansion (orbitals) > Accumulation (Reorganization) > Elementary Particles
  10. THOUGHT-NOTE: Since we don’t find anti-matter in equal proportion to matter, that must mean that the positive pressure to organize matter is offset by increase in antimatter in the ground state, and therefore the positive pressure on the universe is external, or the pressure to organize the universe is constrained.

Quantum Fluctuations

Quantum: the tendency of systems consisting of waves of energy to produce a limited number of means of organizing (symmetries)

  1. These dipoles create quantum fluctuations that evolve and devolve – almost all of which emerge and dissipate almost immediately, and a great three-dimensional froth.
  2. The first emergent stable relation in the universe then is a dipole. A dipole that rotates. The polarization creates the electrical field, and the rotation creates a magnetic field.
  3. Quantum Fluctuations consist of the continuous creation and destruction of dipoles.
  4. The speed at which these fluctuations form and decay is so extreme as to create the practical result of a continuous medium at all subsequent scales of interaction within the medium.

Force (Pressure)

  1. Some of these quantum fluctuations or ‘bubbles’ are larger (longer waves) and some are smaller (shorter waves). Larger bubbles create pressure over a larger area, smaller bubbles over a smaller area.
  2. Larger fluctuations are weaker, smaller fluctuations are stronger. This means that larger weaker fluctuations can crowd out smaller stronger fluctuations. This imbalance is the source of inward pressure on close objects, as the sum of fluctuations between objects will always be less than the sum of objects outside objects.
  3. Positive charges push against positive charges, and Negative Charges push against negative charges because they increase disorganization of the quantum fluctuations creating resistance. So they disorganize the quantum fluctuations such that they push one another part.
  4. However, opposite charges organize the background quantum fluctuations and so they are pushed (not pulled) together by the surrounding quantum fluctuations.
  5. As such, all motion in the universe consists of ‘pushing’. Pushing out of higher pressure into lower pressure of the quantum fluctuations.
  6. Or more generally, force consists of displacement of the quantum fluctuations of the quantum field, and the difference in pressure created.
  7. This is the origin of all force, acceleration, mechanics, electromagnetics, and gravity.
  8. And for all intents and purposes, the force available in the ground state is infinite.

Background Summary

  1. Quantum Fluctuation, Size(wavelength), Charge > Polarizble: Dipole > Electric field > Rotation: Magnetizable: Magnetism > Electromagnetism > organizing the flow of energy creating differences in pressure. > Force

Virtual (Proto), Fundamental, and Elementary Particles

  1. The constant interaction of these quantum fluctuations in the quantum field largely cancel each other out, returning to the zero point – the minimum energy of space: the background or ground state.
  2. Whenever fluctuations of energy and accumulate above the zero-point energy and don’t cancel each other out, and accumulate enough of an asymmetry with the background state (background) that they don’t cancel out, then it can separate or ‘disentangle’ from the bubbles of the ground state (background).
  3. We call this persistent disentangled energy ‘particles’.

Lifespan (Reversibility vs Irreversibility)

  1. Because of their organization, energy, and frequency, some of these particles don’t fully disentangle from the ground state, so they gradually decay.
  2. Some of these particles cannot maintain constant relations (coherence), and break apart into smaller parts, and then decay, and by decaying giving their energy back (redistributing it) to the ground state.
  3. When they ‘hit’ something they spread out like a gel filled balloon, or the energy collapses into a single point of energy that remains as it returns to the ground state.

Virtual (Proto) Particles

  1. The most common, least energetic, emergent, and surviving dipole is a photon or virtual particle.
  2. We call collections of these disentangled energy ‘elementary particles’.
  3. Particles can form either as highly excited states slow (lose energy), or slower states are excited (gain energy).
  4. Particles produce vibrations causing fluctuation in the quantum field.
  5. These fluctuations can persist and travel through the quantum field until encountering another fluctuation sufficient to cancel it out, absorb it, or cause it to split into smaller fluctuations.
  6. As such all particles consist of excitations of the quantum field, as one or more bipoles, of less or more energy, and the quantum field consists of bubbles that are produced by the creation and destruction of bipoles, and the effects of such bipoles.
  7. And we aren’t quite sure what these bipoles form from. And so, for all intents and purposes the space in the universe that we experience is constructed out of these bipoles – some of which ‘survive’ competition by the continuous capture and transportation of energy, creating polarization and electrical charge, and rotation and magnetic force, and almost all of these energetic emergences die.


  1. Elementary Particles displace enough of the quantum field to produce a ‘shell’ of displacement. These shells are permeable but still displace the quantum field.
  2. This displacement of the quantum field creates what we measure as mass.
  3. The more displacement of the quantum field, the more mass.
  4. More displacement can be produced slightly by size, and largely by velocity.
  5. The most common particles with mass are protons and electrons.


  1. As stated above, gravity is caused by the ‘push’ created by a displacement of the quantum field by mass.
  2. Gravity as we experience it is the push of the quantum field against us and against the planet, whose mass is a measure of its displacement of the quantum field. Hence more mass more gravity.

Motion (inertia)

  1. All particles whether force-carrying alone( Fundamental Particles, dipoles, or virtual particles), or force-and-mass-carrying (elementary particles), displace the quantum fluctuations in the quantum field.
  2. The pressure ahead of their motion is matched by the pressure behind their direction of motion maintaining the velocity of the particle through space, without variation in velocity.
  3. In other words, there is no ‘drag’ – because as in everything at this scale, equilibrium must be maintained (conservation of energy.)

“Our result is in fact that a linear current is a vortex ring in the fluid aether, that electric current is represented by vorticity in the medium, and magnetic force by the velocity of the medium. The current being carried by a perfect conductor, the corresponding vortex is (as yet) without a core, i.e., it circulates round a vacuous space.” – Joseph Larmor 


  1. Energy regardless of composition, whether: fluctuation, fundamental particle, or elementary particle, moves through this field creating waves and wakes.
  2. Because moving through the quantum field (aether) can only occur by the reorganization of quantum fluctuations, returning to stable state then, there is no ‘drag’ on the movement of particles unless there is in fact, … (then there is no drag?) only reorganization.
  3. Each of these waves consists of one or more high points (positives) and a low point (negatives). And these waves may exist in any radial direction  – in other words, these waves can form in an infinite number of directions around the movement of the particle, and because of this, moving through these infinite waves, the particle itself may be in a distribution along the net combination of those waves at any time.  The convention is to represent these waves like water, but it’s more intuitive to imagine them as tiny fast-moving electric arcs or lightning storms appearing in space and if they have momentum, moving as a wave through space.

The Aether

  1. ( … call this the ) the quantum field.  (quanta…as ratios) (the universe has it’s own counting or number system so to speak).
  2. Physicists have chosen to avoid the historical term Aether for this field to disambiguate historical theories of the Aether from quantum theories of the Aether, But, conversely, they maintain the use of gravity despite historical theories of gravity, so we will maintain the use of Aether here, correctly defined as the quantum field.
  3. As of this writing, we do not yet know the constitution of and organization of the first (fine) medium, the behavior of which, causes the quantum field, and therefore causes quantum fluctuations that together produce the Aether. Possibilities for the first (fine) medium are (a) Pressure inward on a medium forcing organization, reorganization, or disorganization (b) pressure outward from the medium in an attempt to organize, reorganize, or disorganize (c) internal pressure to organize, reorganize, or disorganize the medium. But there must be a geometry to this underlying medium that causes demand for reorganization that cannot be completed. The most likely answer is “c”, because there is no means by which the universe can produce local organization in competition a field of competing local organization – except what we consider ‘matter’. And there are no conditions under where there is sufficient energy available to organize the fine medium. (though if the big bang is true, then we must discover what made that organization of energy possible).
  4. In other words, the universe we experience is a byproduct (accident) of the inability of the fine medium (first cause) to organize into a single geometry. Or stated differently, the only way for the universe to organize, and relieve stress of local pressure to organize, is to increase the capture of energy through a hierarchical organization, not distribute it into an equal organization. We will see this expression throughout our journey. What we will find is that time as we understand it can only exist within this hierarchical structure. For the universe as a whole and at the local level of the fine medium, time is eternally stuck at zero “the beginning”. In this sense, entropy, which convention means ‘a tendency to disorder’ is probably incorrect. Instead, the universe tends to organize as a whole, but the only means of organizing is the production of what we think of as existence, or matter.
  5. This inability to locally organize produces what we see as quantum fluctuations or “boiling” in space, as local pressure to organize, in competition with neighboring pressure to organize, rapidly comes into being and then rapidly dissipates and collapses as the positive and negative pressures from neighbors cancel one another out.
  6. This rapid ‘boiling’ of the quantum field produces the medium that fills what we call ‘space’ the same way water molecules produce the medium we call water, or oxygen a medium we call a gas, or hot gases we call plasma.
  7. A the rate the quantum field is ‘boiling’ (unimaginably fast) anything moving through the quantum field even at the speed of light, perceives, and behaves as if the quantum field is a continuous stable medium (law of averages so to speak).


  1. So, all space is filled with a medium. That medium consists of the quantum field. The quantum field consists of quantum fluctuations, these quantum fluctuations consist of dipoles. Dipoles emerge from pressure to organize in a higher state rather than a lower state.
  2. We do not know the constitution of the fine medium out of which the Dipoles emerge.
  3. The cumulative effect of this chaos is a medium we perceive as a constant background, that forms an Aether through which fundamental particles (dipoles), waves, elementary particles, everything constructed of such particles and waves can travel.


  1. The rate of change of virtual, fundamental, and elemental particles and organizations of elemental particles, is determined by the velocity through which they pass through the local density of the quantum field (Aether).

Elements (Atoms)

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