Summary: How The Universe Computes – but it does not Calculate
- There are no phenomena in the universe we cannot explain in classical terms – meaning operational terms – where operational means analogous to human experience but at very large or very small scale – because the behavior of the universe is consistent at all scales, because the rules of behavior the universe demonstrates at all scales are simple and consistent at all scales. We just must discover how those simple rules apply at all scales – and we (finally) can describe how they apply at all scales.
- The paradigm, logic, vocabulary, and grammar we can describe the first causes of the universe is consistent with the paradigm, logic, vocabulary, and grammar of the first causes of every scale at which we describe all phenomena that emerge in the universe.
- Because all phenomena that emerge in the universe are constructed (evolved from) the first causes of the universe.
- And because our physical, intuitive, cognitive, and verbal abilities evolve from the first cause of the universe, we can test all paradigms and their logic, vocabulary, and grammar against consistency, constructability, correspondence from those first causes of the universe.
- And therefore we can test the constructability of all human claims about the universe and all within it, just as we can test the constructability of all geometric claims of geometric descriptions.
- And all of our tests will result in one of three conditions: undecidable: meaning we don’t have sufficient information to decide; constructible: meaning potentially true; or not constructible: meaning false.
- |Decidability|: Undecidable > Truth Candidate (Contingent, Constructable) > False (Certainty, Survivable)
- And if we cannot test our claims by reduction to an analogy to experience, testable by sense, perception, reason, and action then we cannot claim it is a truth candidate sufficient to meed demand for infallibility in the context, because we cannot claim that we can subjectively test its identity, consistency, possibility, or correspondence.
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