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Influence is amoral: it is a resource that man uses to organize or undermine organization. That resource can be put to positive or negative ends.
1. “To Organize, Man Influences”
Geneology: Entropy > Acquisition > Cooperation(productivity) > Compatibility(commensurability) > Organization(computation) > Influence(operation(negotiation)) > Consent (agreement)
2. “Man is Capable of Three Means of Influence”
|INFLUENCE| Ignorance > Awareness(tipping point) > Influence (Speech) or Undermine (speech) > Incentive (Exchange) or Extract ( Racket, Tax) > Coercion (Force or Defense) > Enserfment (Institutional Power) > Enslavement (Military Power) >
3. “Sex Differences in Influence and coercion”
There are only three means of human influence: ( CD: ( … )Reorganize as proper series)
- Masculine Force: Political and Military Superpredators
- –Male advocacy strategy: Compliment, Loyalty, loyalty demonstrations, giving false insults.
- –Male Conflict Strategy: Argument, Threat, Violence, Conspiracy, ending with sortition (knowing one’s place) (oddly, males are actually closer and more loyal after fighting if ending in submission not ‘beating’.)
- –Male anti-social behavior: anger, rage, impulsivity, violence, drugs, alcohol, petty crime.
- Neutral Exchange: Voluntary Cooperation, production and exchange.
- –Bribery on one hand extreme. Exclusion on the other extreme.
- –Conflict strategy – withdrawal, avoidance, ignoring, moving on.
- Feminine Undermining: Interpersonal and Social Superpredators
- –Female advocacy strategy: “heaping undue praise”, give everyone a prize, giving false compliments.
- –Female Conflict Strategy: disapproval, shaming, ridicule, rallying, gossiping, straw manning, and reputation destruction without end (destruction).
- –Female anti-social behavior: promiscuity, impulsivity, drugs, alcohol, lying, needling, conflict generation, attention seeking, shrilling, outraging.
- In general, females never stop (destroying) and males stop (positioning).
–Violence | +Defense | vs. | -Force | – Dominant Male |
–Remuneration: | +Trade | vs. | –Boycott | – Ascendant Male |
–Seduction: | +Inclusion | vs. | -Ostracization | – Female |
…(insurance) | …(cancelling) | |||
Definition of the spectrum of influence.
(Examples under each) (NOTE: Positive Influences, Negative Influences, Answer who, what, where, why, when, how. USE EXAMPLES FOR EACH STEP OF: |INFLUENCE| Ignorance > Awareness > +Influence (Speech) or -Undermine (speech) > +Incentive (Exchange) or -Extract ( Racket, Tax) > Coercion (Force or Defense) > Enserfment (Institutional Power) > Enslavement (Military Power) >_
- One can Influence
Alter the probability of an individual or group’s decisions while preserving choice. - One Can Persuade
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- One can Incentivize
Alter the probability of an individual or group’s decisions while preserving some choice - One can Coerce
Alter the probability of an individual or group’s decisions while limiting choice. - One can Exercise Power
Power is defined as possessing any of the various means by which to influence the probability of outcomes in a group or polity while eliminating choice.
There are only three corresponding methods of influence, persuasion, and coercion available to man, by rate of effect:
1. Force or Defense (imposition of harm, defense from harm)
… 2. Remuneration (deprivation of trade, or benefit from trade), and;
… … 3. Ostracization from and Insurance for membership: opportunity or loss of opportunity for cooperation, and the discounts on the opportunities that arise from membership.
We can Scale each of the three-axis of coercion by the three degrees of coercion:
1. Influence – informing others in their interests
… 2. Coercion – coercing others to follow your interests
… … 3. Power – organized coercion of others for your or collective interests
We can scale each axis of coercion by dree of certainty:
1. Undecidability – (cd: (…) add definitions)
… 2. Possibility
… … 3. Potential
… … … 4. Probability
… … … … 5. Likelihood
… … … … … 6. Certainty
Giving us:
Axis(Force, Remuneration, Undermining) >
… Coerciveness >
… … Certainty (potential).
These reflect human specialization in the evolutionary sexual division of labor:
1. Force and Political Construction by the Dominant Males that hold territory using physical super predation
… … 2. Trade and Productive Construction by the ascendant males that use cunning and opportunity and economic super-predation
3. Undermining and Social Construction by females that raise children using social super predation.
These reflect Reproductive biases (see…)
These reflect Personality biases (see…)
These reflect Moral biases (see…)
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