Category: Thoughts

  • Comments on Steve Keen with Lex Fridman

    Steve is always right, but I want to propose an additional sequence through which to view the history of economics: the problems each generation was trying to solve as we passed through the sequential revolutions in sail, agrarian production, commerce, finance, industrial, and technological: So Economic Schools = Social Science and rule of law, vs…

  • To Sarah Dawn Moore on the Male Nothing Box and Some Suggestions for Women

    Sarah Dawn Moore: Questions: 1) I’m a typical competitive serial CEO male. I’ve noticed that my wives and girlfriends develop an intuition that if they sit next to me, touch me, and speak gently, they get whatever they want. Because it breaks the boundary between “person and mate”. I ‘feel’ touch and femininity as ‘respect’.…

  • A Lesson In Civilizational Capital

    Look. This guy [Harry] had mental health issues. He married a woman [Meghan] that would dominate him, and take charge of the social and political atmosphere around him. She captured, contained, and manipulated him. And for him she’s a debilitating drug instead of therapy. #PrinceHarryhasgonemad Dr Benjamin Janaway @drjanaway Replying to@curtdoolittle These are astonishingly specific…

  • The reason for the Rule of Lenity

    The reason for the Rule of Lenity is partly to enforce the separation of powers, and partly to protect defendants from activism by requiring courts interpret the law using strict construction, and in cases of ambiguity, ruling in favor of the defendant. However, this explanation ignores the reason for the separation of powers, which is…

  • Response to Nathan Confas’ Repeat of Previous Non-Arguments Against MacDonald

    … This is my magnum opus on the Jewish question and my final reply to @TOOEdit . I respond to every important objection raised over the past 5 years. – is it just IQ? – role in open borders – why Jews avoid white nationalism – reasons for anti-Semitism etc.” — Nathan Cofnas @nathancofnas Still…

  • James Lindsay and the Third Rail

    1. All: James’ Utility vs Truth (a) James avoids the third rail & canceling by claiming ideology causes vs reflects. (b) His work just explains female and Jewish cognition, bias, method of argument, social construction, and social warfare against responsibility for the commons. 2. All: (c) Western civ(“Whiteness”) evolves faster and more prosperously than all…

  • The Universal Answer To “White Privilege”

    This parody account gave me an opportunity to riff off the humor with something serious: –“Name a favorite childhood memory and I will tell you why it is rooted in your ignorant white privilege.”– @AnnLesbyPhD, Ann Lesby, PhD (she/her) Ignorant? Whiteness consists of (a) the informal and formal institutional means of maximizing individual responsibility(maturity) for…

  • Cognition: Why We Have Trouble With Probabilities. 😉

    Constantly astounded by how few seem to think in probabilities, and therefore tend to perceive even the mere entertainment of low probability ideas as akin to ideological infections that must be purged from one’s phenomenological ambience… –Matthew Pirkowski @MattPirkowski Matthew,The more I understand about cognitive differences and worse, differences in ability, the more I understand…

  • . . .

    Askenazi have narrowed or reversed cognitive sexual dimorphism, thinking and valuing in lower cost empathy, pictures, and words Compared to europeans who are dimorphic and our males think in costly systems and simulations. Europeans specialized in arts, production, invention, trade, statehood and war, and civilizational development. So while Europeans have invented nearly everything of consequence…

  • Race Differences are Substantial

    Ok, I’ll be the one to say it: doesn’t this have frankly harrowing racial implications? A) Race differences are existential and substantive – at least at scale – given they’re caused by 1) continental variation in neotenic evolution (domestication syndrome) during periods of geographic isolation. 2) variation in sexual dimorphism 3) variation in class size…

  • Sciencing Christianity into The US Constitution

    Dr Taylor Marshall @TaylorRMarshallReplying to @RealBrysonGray· One issue is how the Law of Moses relates to the Natural Law. Natural Law being the Law given to Adam and Eve and written on heart of all humans. Almost everyone agrees that 10 Commandments are in Natural Law. But is “Don’t eat shrimp ?” in the natural…

  • Study Law not Philosophy

    There’s a huge difference between1) people going to school and receiving other voluntary credentials with which to appeal to the public, and2) the gov’t making it illegal for people to sell their services unless they have the required credentials Robert P. Murphy @BobMurphyEcon REASON:The state acts as the insurer of last resort. The mechanism of…

  • Answer to: “But.. But .. European Colonialism!!!!”

    And not a single mention of centuries of colonialism, as just mayhap a contributing factor to European economic growth (a) compare colonies to non colonies and what is the difference in present condition? (b) there is a difference between perfect and best. Neither the indo european, the greek, roman, germanic, or atlantic expansion was perfect…

  • What Is The Most Essential Economic Principle?

    RE: Economics Essentials Explained – Why Some Countries are Richer than Others Me: Waiting for EEE to state or avoid stating: (a) Traditions, Values, Norms, maximizing individual responsibility producing individual agency (b) natural law + common law that prohibit authority and force secularization, rationalization, and empiricism ( c) demographic composition – meaning the distribution of…

  • Liberals try to force retraction of a truth on tepid gounds.

    ORIGINAL PAPER: MY COMMENT: I specialize in sex, class, cultural, and civilizational differences in strategy, institutions, argument and lying. The bit about lying in particular is an even more taboo subject that sex, class, and race differences in phenotype, personality and intelligence. And no I didn’t choose this specialization. I chose logic, economics, and…

  • Yes, the Marxist Category includes Marxist Spectrum of Sophistries, Pseudosciences, and Frauds.

    Yes, it’s all “Marxism” where “Marxism” as we use it, refers to the reformation of abrahamic supernatural religions of false promise in excahgne for social construction of an oppression narrative, into marxist pseudoscientific religions of false promise in exchange for social construction of an oppression narrative. –“So-called “Cultural Marxism” is not Marxist. To Marx our…

  • Jewish Differences

    This is an area I’ve done a great deal of work in, and while you’re on the right track, the answer is rather simple – more so than you’d imagine. Here’s a hint: a) Jewish exceptionalism (verbal, pictorial), b) work capacity. c) and jewish mental illness, d) and jewish anti-social behavior share a common origin:…

  • Intersexual Relations: It’s not “malleable” it’s “adaptable”.

    RE: PEARL (ALL): I’d like to ‘correct’ or ‘reframe’ this discussion. 1) female empathizing and it’s exaggeration in puberty is so that she can extend her nervous system to manage a number of rug rats by pure intuition. 2) both sexes are maximally reciprocally adaptive to each other during their teens thru about 23…

  • Sex Differences in Intelligence Manifesting as European vs Ashkenazi Intelligence

    Females demonstrate superior verbal and picture IQ, and males demonstrate superior systematizing and spatial IQ. Jewish IQ is identical to Arab at 85. Ashkenazi IQ is an expression of admixture of female Europeans and male Jews. Their IQ distribution is as expected in hybrids. The sex difference in intelligence is manifest as sex differences genetics…

  • . . .

    “Reminder: police in US consistently kill around 110 people during traffic stops each year (~10% of all police killings) Roughly one in three people killed by police each yr are fleeing, some fleeing from stops.” PREMISE: racism among police. Incorrect framing. Correct framing: Departments spend 80-90% of patrol time on revenue generation by accumulating fees…

  • Women vs Men. No, We Aren’t Intimidated.

    [W]hy do women think we feel fear rather than annoyance or disappointment? The iron law of female projection. That’s why. Men’s minds are inconceivable to women. We aren’t afraid. We aren’t intimidated. If we discover that you don’t need us, that we don’t have value to you, that every choice and decision favors you, that…

  • Can Races Fix Differences By Controlling their Reproduction?

    Yes. That’s Half True. The half that’s true, is that the primary difference between the races is the size of the underclass, because northward migration puts stress on underclass and underclass behavior. This means that imitating selective reproduction as the author of the above post suggests, should produce relative equality between the races – at…

  • Testimony: Truth and Lying

    “Truth is the hard problem of both philosophy and science. And Religion is the hard problem of social science. Both were hare to solve largely because we so desperately want to find what isn’t there, and so habituated that preoccupation, that we did not know how to look at the questions without it presuming it…

  • Response to Richard Hannia’s “Why is everything liberal?” (but isn’t)

    I understand RIchard’s attempt to exaggerate in order to make his point, in order to counter the exaggeration of Fukuyama in order to undermine his points. 1) Democracy is irrelevant, but rule of law that approximates natural law is not. We use democracy to limit as we use rule of law of natural law to…

  • Loosing Natural Female Behavior – and The End Of Marriage

    COURTNEY (ALL) (Important); In Response to “The Rise Of Lonely, Single & Sexless Men” Another way of interpreting the present is that there is no ‘rise’ in lonely single men. Instead, there is a restoration of the long history of lonely single men seeking alliances, and social and economic and political organization with other men…